HBO: † "The Leftovers" Series Discussion...†

Were you satisfied with the ending?

  • Yes, completely. It was perfect.

    Votes: 11 73.3%
  • 50/50, I wanted a little more closure to some loose ends.

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • No, way too much focus on Nora.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • HELL NO! I wanted the mystery of the 2% disappeared to be explained.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
My mans was talking about pb&j sandwiches and senators turning into dogs; I was like alright I'm too drunk to be watching this.
That theory :rofl: :rofl:

His original dog theory was one thing and you can almost see the plausibility in it but this dogs turned in to ppl and asking to check for canine DNA in sandwiches :rofl: INSANE

The gun shots in this so we're QT like.
The dog rolling up on Dean while he was laid out dead after Matt shot him, and taking his PB&J sandwich though had me like 

At first they thought the Dog took a part of his person and then the other cop yells out "The dog took his sandwich".......the camera pans to Kevin's face and you could see him thinking "Holy **** was Dean onto something?" 

Show is madd deliberate yet master troll level.
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There was a song that was played repeatedly throughout the episode, and every it came on, for just a split second, my mind would think it was the opening song from The Lion King.

Also, what are the odds that the opening scene was set in the future? I know the dates written on the board were from the 19th century, but if Kevin is believed to be the new god/second coming, wouldn't his death create a new reference point for time? So maybe that scene was actually 1,844 years after his death.
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The dog rolling up on Dean while he was laid out dead after Matt shot him, and taking his PB&J sandwich though had me like :wow:

At first they thought the Dog took a part of his person and then the other cop yells out "The dog took his sandwich".......the camera pans to Kevin's face and you could see him thinking "Holy **** was Dean onto something?" :lol:  

Show is madd deliberate yet master troll level.0] 8) :smokin

That dog took back what was his in Mapleton :nerd:
Kevin is the highlander. There can be only one. He needs to have someone lop his head off with a katana if he really wants to die. :lol:
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Watching right now ... first 30 min got me like :stoneface: [emoji]129300[/emoji] [emoji]128558[/emoji] :rofl:
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So no one is wondering what happened to Lily? You know, Kevin & Noras adopted daughter lol

That baby was NOWHERE in that episode lol
So no one is wondering what happened to Lily? You know, Kevin & Noras adopted daughter lol

That baby was NOWHERE in that episode lol
You know, I didn't at first :lol: Then I thought the baby Nora was holding was Lily but that's Matt's kid with his once comatose wife.

I didn't give it much thought for w/e reason :lol:

Hope they didn't kill the kid.
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Arent her birth parents the Asian chick & the fake black prophet dude from the first season lol. Asian chick disappeared from what i remembered & black guy dead now
Huh at that ending. Was that Nora in the future or something? Tf lol

They showed in the "coming weeks" trailer Nora said she was packing up for Australia, so im assuming she changed her name to Sarah and the nun asked her about Kevin (maybe) Kevin called ahead or histold his pops about Nora going there n his pops got some connections/intel.

Yeah, I forget her name but I wonder where John's wife is now.

They showed Erica jumping on the trampoline with Nora in the "coming weeks" trailer. She not gone

The scene where dude came with the sandwich to explain his theory had me rolling. Didn't know whether or not to take it seriously. Then the music starts manipulating me, and makes me lean in and pay closes attention. This might be legit.

Then the music drops, and Kevin just looks dumbfounded. The music dropping killed me.:lol:

So well done.

Man i still thougjt dude was in kevins imagination, til one of the officers just now said someone was there for Kevin. Idk whether to takethat guy serious or not but then the dog comes out of nowhere and steals the sandwich :lol:

There was a song that was played repeatedly throughout the episode, and every it came on, for just a split second, my mind would think it was the opening song from The Lion King.

Also, what are the odds that the opening scene was set in the future? I know the dates written on the board were from the 19th century, but if Kevin is believed to be the new god/second coming, wouldn't his death create a new reference point for time? So maybe that scene was actually 1,844 years after his death.

Yooo lion king popped in my head every damn time :lol:

Idk about the future, why would times revert back to horse and carriage days? That looked more like olden days Jarden, TX where they had a false prophet or something

So no one is wondering what happened to Lily? You know, Kevin & Noras adopted daughter lol

That baby was NOWHERE in that episode lol

She got that quick reference when Jill was talking towards the end. I bet they gave the baby to Laurie and John
Well the baby was that Asian girl that banged the black magic guy Tom saved right?

Did she die? I think she did. Maybe her parents showed up and took their granddaughter?

They showed Erica jumping on the trampoline with Nora in the "coming weeks" trailer. She not gone
I must've missed that.

She got that quick reference when Jill was talking towards the end. I bet they gave the baby to Laurie and John
Or maybe they gave it to Erica :lol: To replace Evie.
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Man just when you think Kevins life is back to normal, somethinf just has to F it up.

Mary looks just like someone i know, except with blonde hair :evil:

Nore with the bitties out in the first episode :smokin

:rofl: at John running the Isaac scam, with Laurie using Facebook to dig up the dirt. Wonder what theyll do when someone without a social media acct comes in

So they nuked the GR :smokin ... what took so long
Well the baby was that Asian girl that banged the black magic guy Tom saved right?

Did she die? I think she did. Maybe her parents showed up and took their granddaughter?

For some reason i was thought she died, but i cant remember when in season 1. It was the whole reason Tom even had the baby to begin with .... but now thinkin about it more, did she just up and leave?
Yeah I'm thinking and I don't recall her death. She gave birth and then just got overwhelmed and dipped in dude with the baby.
Did a quick rewatch.

Matt thinks Kevin has only died and come back 3 times in Jarden. The scene before the protesters show up about the lake/river we see Kevin tape plastic around his head and breathe in that carbon dioxide deep after Nora left.

What if every morning or every now and then dude is killing himself and visiting that other place choosing different roles like the other times? Chose to be a priest this go around or be the international assassin again? Or went back to that well?
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What a special show, went from watch as background noise, to becoming one of the best shows on TV imo, will be missed....

Matt is the goat character, ever since the episode with him at the casino I've been a fan.

Laurie still annoys me.
This show was always high quality.

How you got wild **** like Kev hunting dogs or GR members getting run over or Kev doing wild **** when he blacks out as background noise? :lol:
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