HBO: "Westworld"...Cancelled After 4 Seasons

How can Delores do ANYTHING
in the REAL world???

Knew these cats would stick their heads up their *""""es at some point and they did not disappoint. They literally closed the season finale with what is by far the most confusing thing I've watched in a minute.

I have NO IDEA what to even expect
does not compute AT ALL.
Not enjoyable. it’s the finale and all i got is questions. I am more confused. Now reading online to try to help explain things.

Aaron Paul is such a bad actor and the whole daughter and dad thing was awful.
:lol: I caught bits and pieces since I stopped watching this season.

When I saw that weird split/divide in the dam and it went in to the sky I knew they were on some bull **** :lol:

Should've just brought Hopkins back and revealed the entire last 3 seasons were a simulation.
A little buzzed right now. What do you guys think?

A little buzzed right now. What do you guys think?

This is pretty much what she said to Teddy and her end monologue.

- William ****** up humanity by having everyone kill each other.
- Delores has memories/data of everyone.
- She’s going to recreate everyone in the Sublime (like how she made Teddy and her roommate)

In Hales fight with William, you hear saying that Hosts still chose to hunt humans even when given a chance of freedom in the real world and that they’re probably not doing much better in the Sublime. Delores’ final test is seeing if the world she creates in Sublime will last.
:lol: I caught bits and pieces since I stopped watching this season.

When I saw that weird split/divide in the dam and it went in to the sky I knew they were on some bull **** :lol:

Should've just brought Hopkins back and revealed the entire last 3 seasons were a simulation.

I don't even understand the split in the dam. How does the cloud do that?

It’s the same thing they did in season 2 though.
This got me… so basically one way or the other this was the result.. didn’t matter who tried to control humans… it just didn’t matter…

Episode 1.. first ten seconds there is a fly on her face… obviously she’s not human…

Bernard asks her does she question the nature of her reality. She says no.

he asks wha u think of the world. She says some choose to see the disarray, she chooses to see the beauty.

The sheriff hosts starts acting weird when a fly get on it.

Dolores dad spazzing out front with the obvious pic of NYC

Almost feels like this is all looped in.

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It was in the real world. To the humans it looked like the hosts were jumping off a cliff, but they were walking through the door to the sublime. It’s something the hosts see.
Oh yeah, I forgot there's no more humans in the show.
I cannot say anything positive about that finale, as is. Enjoyed the season up until about halfway thru the finale and then it pulled a LOST and, oops! everybody is dead.

Didnt like the unfolding of the mystery. Didnt find the actors particularly engaging in their dialogue or action, except Clemenbae. Seriously tho, Charlotte took over literally the whole world (except a few holdouts) and William caused them to wipe each other out? They could have advertised that piece of information better.

Next season is just taking place in the fake world with hosts and human memories? I dont think I really give a **** about the "stakes" if there aren't any stakes.
Aren’t there the outliers?
Again didnt really watch this season after ep 3.

The final conflict, from what I saw seemed to be Mib robot vs Tessabae/Delores copy robot. Plus I was mainly referring to how the entrance to the sublime could be seen.
so Dolores is creating a fully digital world that I assume can grow and evolve quickly.

meanwhile the only humans left are two women?

the world's a big place, what happened to the other 7 billion people on the planet?
Again didnt really watch this season after ep 3.

The final conflict, from what I saw seemed to be Mib robot vs Tessabae/Delores copy robot. Plus I was mainly referring to how the entrance to the sublime could be seen.

Oh trust me it’s confusing. But the outliers like Caleb’s daughter live in deserts etc hiding from the tower. It just isn’t explained well.
so Dolores is creating a fully digital world that I assume can grow and evolve quickly.

meanwhile the only humans left are two women?

the world's a big place, what happened to the other 7 billion people on the planet?

Yeah it’s really not explained well at all. Also kinda bull how humanity is so so bad and nothing can save it. Really? Seriously lol. Robots ain’t much better lol.
so Dolores is creating a fully digital world that I assume can grow and evolve quickly.

meanwhile the only humans left are two women?

the world's a big place, what happened to the other 7 billion people on the planet?

Not necessarily just 2 women. Clementine sort of referenced that there are rebels scattered throughout the world. We just saw through the eyes of that one rebel group.
So a few humans left living in an apocalyptic wasteland while Dolores rebuilds humanity and society in the cloud. Why would my flesh and blood *** care? Unless it pulls a Battlestar Galactica which would be weak because it was already done.
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