Help! 42 Inch Vizzio or 42 Inch Phillips?

120hz adds an extra frame to reduce lag or shadowing in the picture. On regular cable you will rarely notice this. The only time its really noticable is onBlu-Ray or on video games.
Originally Posted by marcgrat

120hz adds an extra frame to reduce lag or shadowing in the picture. On regular cable you will rarely notice this. The only time its really noticable is on Blu-Ray or on video games.

Ahhhh okay, but is it bad? I mean the tvs that have that are way more expensive and he gonna be using it with his ps3
i will NEVER EVER cop a phillips again..

we had a 42 in..and it broke in 8 months..called phillips and dudes told me that they dont have the parts to fix the product, saying that the tv is no longerbeing manufactured so they dont have the right "tools" to fix it...HORRIBLE customer service..

cop the vizio..i have one now..but make sure its the 08 models..the 08 models are nice
Lol im stuck now.......seems to be about 50/50 they picture on the phillips now that I look at it again is slightttttly better but if its crap then forgetit........I gotta pick one up today so what should I go with?
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Lol im stuck now.......seems to be about 50/50 they picture on the phillips now that I look at it again is slightttttly better but if its crap then forget it........I gotta pick one up today so what should I go with?

if u have some extra money, cop a samsung
Originally Posted by imINchucks5

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Lol im stuck now.......seems to be about 50/50 they picture on the phillips now that I look at it again is slightttttly better but if its crap then forget it........I gotta pick one up today so what should I go with?

if u have some extra money, cop a samsung

that's all he paying more them half already if it was for me id pay the extra money but its not.........all he has is 800.00 to spend
If you have a USB Flash Drive you can upload music, pictures, and video to it and play it on the TV.
yeah i know, thats why i said lcd's might be better..but..which ever one u buy, cop the extended warranty

the only 3 tv's you should consider

scratch that, i forgot to throw in panasonic, pioneer, etc etc... but those are higher in price range...
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