Help!!!Buy a Fake Jordan XX3 Titanium from ebay, claim paypal, they requst documentation.

Dec 29, 2007
Here is the email form paypal. What can i do??? Where and who should i go to provide this document????Any idea??? Please!!!!Emergency!!!!

We are currently in the process of investigating your claim:

Case Number: PP-439-568-334
Transaction Date: Mar 2, 2008
Transaction Amount: -$729.99 USD
Seller's Email: [email protected]
Seller's Name: Manuel Cuba

To continue with the investigation of your complaint, we must request
documentation to support your claim that the item is not authentic. Please
obtain a document from an unbiased retailer, dealer, appraiser, or
organization that is qualified in the area of the item in question (other
than yourself), which clearly identifies the item as not authentic. The
document must specifically state how the item received differs from an
authentic item and must include a detailed explanation of how the person
evaluating the item determined that it is not authentic. If possible, the
document should include a serial number, and must be on letterhead that
includes the name, address, and phone number of the business or
organization so that PayPal may contact them if necessary.

The documents should be faxed to PayPal at (402) 537-5760 (please note this
is a United States phone number, if you are faxing from outside the United
States, you will generally need to dial 00 1 before the number). Please
include a cover sheet with your fax that includes the email address
registered on your PayPal account and the ID number of your claim
(PP-439-568-334), so we may attach the documents to your claim as quickly
as possible.

We must receive your fax by April 30, 2008 in order to proceed with the
investigation of your claim. If we do not receive your fax by April 30,
2008, your claim will be canceled. We are unable to grant extensions to
this time period. Please note that PayPal is unable to reimburse you for
any costs or fees that may be incurred in obtaining the requested
documents. Any documents you provide may also be supplied to the seller in
your dispute if necessary.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience. We regret any inconvenience
this request may cause.

Protection Services Department
PayPal, an eBay Company this in the general thread and yet who to mr.cuba

Your title is
to understand
Originally Posted by yungpyro07


this shoe goes for $2000.00 good luck on getting your money back by thinking you got a deal
just take it to a footlocker or niketown or something have them get verification that its fake.
The same thing happened to me on some concord XI's. I had D'Wayne at JB write me a letter and STILL got screwed. Good luck, your chances are one in amillion at getting your $ back.
Look in the archives to find the thread that relates to this, I can't find it but I know its in here... To sum up the thread that you need to find- youneed to create a document stating why they are fakes, take that document and the shoes to a store, i.e., Champs or Footlocker, show them the shoes andhopefully you can find someone who knows Jordan's and have the person sign the document. Then you have to fax the said document to PayPal for you refund.This process authenticates your claim that they are fakes and you should not have any problems. A lot of hassle but its worth it. Good luck man
just bring them to the footlocker (anyone?) , ask them to write a verified paper to me??? Do they provide the services like this???? PAYPAL ask me to fax thema verified document, what is the form should be???HELP!!HELP!!......I will take the picture and upload them soon....
how about calling nike inc or footlocker yourself and ask them instead of relying on us all the time ?
if you want to log it in with - they usually deal with large cases, but they will have a record of your issue.

[email protected] Nike security. I spoke with him once(someone on Ebay accused me of selling fakes, which was untrue --- I got them straight from NDC) andhe just told they will keep record that you contacted them.

If all else fails, if you paid with a credit card, call your credit card company and tell them you got scammed. A lot of credit card companies havee-protection. I got scammed a few years ago and VISA reimbursed me the entire $450 I got screwed for.
Just don't anything at all and let paypal do all the work. It happened to me and when the time came paypal ended up giving me the right to the moneyrefund. So I got 600 back. I recommend you do the same and just wait it out although it says to send them document.
Here is what someone else did to get their money back. I suggest you do this immediately. If you let PayPal do their thing, you will never see anything fromthem...
Originally Posted by mcuba817

Just don't anything at all and let paypal do all the work. It happened to me and when the time came paypal ended up giving me the right to the money refund. So I got 600 back. I recommend you do the same and just wait it out although it says to send them document.

OR, you could just refund the dude's money back since YOU sold him a pair of Fake Jordans!
Thats the same thing that happened to me with some RA LASER Vs. I took it to NTLA but the manager said they arent authorised to give me their opinion or anofficial lette rhead. I took it too all other stored like FL,FNL,FA AND CS. I got the same answer they are not authorised to give me a letter head or tell mewhether they were fake or not. Some of the employees never seen the RA Laser Vs before so they didnt know if it was real or not becuase its first time seeingit and they arent sneaker heads, They are just trying to pay their bills.

I got the good people at SLA to write to me up email stating they are fake but becuase it wasnt stamp paypal didnt acccept any of my documentation, they said icould have written the email my self. I gave them the footwear manager at SLA email and # to verify they check out the shoes and wrote the letter but Paypalsaid that were their job. What am telling you is just taking it to a store wouldnt work. If you paid with your credit card file a claim with them, Or make urown official stamped letter head and say they are fake maybe that will work. But that what paypal does they need offical documentation. In the end I lost my$195 from Paypal.

Good Luck,

$700 Titaniums is a red flag though.
This dude wrote this letter himself???or he really brought the shoes to Champs and they help to check????I saw the reply that LA dude, he went around anystore, and nobody help him to write such letter..................Can i just make the letter myself, and paypal will not contact the those store manage??right???
Yes. Type it up on your own, and include all the important info: PayPal claim #, shoe style, fake and real production #s, sellers names, etc.. I would make itlook just like/similar to the one I posted...
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