Help: Charcoal Gray Shoes Needed for Groomsmen Gift

Jul 15, 2002
I'm a groomsmen and my friend is planning on giving sneakers as his gift to the groomsmen. He needs help picking out shoes that are charcoal gray in color. He found one, but would like to have a lot of options. I've been out of the shoe game for minute and thought I would turn to NT for help.

So far he wants something along the lines of this^12001^4294961598^4294965496^4294965514^4294967157&p=PWP&t=Men%27s%20Nike%20Dunk%20Shoes#?ll=en_US&ct=US&pid=300764&cid=101601&pgid=334895&p=PDP

Thanks for any input you can give.
Your link isn't working when I cut and paste, but have you tossed out the idea of getting some All Court highs?
Try Nike ID, lots of options there and I think a grey base is an option for most of the shoes. You could put their names on the back or something. But I gave lame golf balls for my grooms gift so what do I know?
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