Help me lose 12lbs in 5 weeks.

with the diet i just explained i went from 225lbs to 207 in roughly 2.5weeks, with minimal exercise each day
Originally Posted by s0313939

with the diet i just explained i went from 225lbs to 207 in roughly 2.5weeks, with minimal exercise each day

Hope you know this is not a healthy way to drop weight
Originally Posted by s0313939

with the diet i just explained i went from 225lbs to 207 in roughly 2.5weeks, with minimal exercise each day

Hope you know this is not a healthy way to drop weight
Originally Posted by Mogulson

Originally Posted by s0313939

with the diet i just explained i went from 225lbs to 207 in roughly 2.5weeks, with minimal exercise each day
Hope you know this is not a healthy way to drop weight
How tall is he though? That should be a factor, shouldn't it?
Originally Posted by Mogulson

Originally Posted by s0313939

with the diet i just explained i went from 225lbs to 207 in roughly 2.5weeks, with minimal exercise each day
Hope you know this is not a healthy way to drop weight
How tall is he though? That should be a factor, shouldn't it?
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Originally Posted by Mogulson

Originally Posted by s0313939

with the diet i just explained i went from 225lbs to 207 in roughly 2.5weeks, with minimal exercise each day
Hope you know this is not a healthy way to drop weight
How tall is he though? That should be a factor, shouldn't it?
1,071 calories a day for an active male is starving yourself. He had zero carbs in your diet. You're completely slowing your metabolism down eating like that so when you actually eat normally your weight will increase. Not to mention you're burning more muscle than you normally would. Just take out 450 calories a day off the diet you have now and regularly exercise and you'll be fine. Furthermore there's a HUGE thread on staying/getting in shape in general. Just read through this:

Most of the basic stuff are in the earlier pages of that thread.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Originally Posted by Mogulson

Originally Posted by s0313939

with the diet i just explained i went from 225lbs to 207 in roughly 2.5weeks, with minimal exercise each day
Hope you know this is not a healthy way to drop weight
How tall is he though? That should be a factor, shouldn't it?
1,071 calories a day for an active male is starving yourself. He had zero carbs in your diet. You're completely slowing your metabolism down eating like that so when you actually eat normally your weight will increase. Not to mention you're burning more muscle than you normally would. Just take out 450 calories a day off the diet you have now and regularly exercise and you'll be fine. Furthermore there's a HUGE thread on staying/getting in shape in general. Just read through this:

Most of the basic stuff are in the earlier pages of that thread.
serious question for your girlfriend withholding oral in the meantime?
serious question for your girlfriend withholding oral in the meantime?
Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

Your girl low key called you fat. 


But on a real note.

You need to cut as many calories as possible but maintain enough to feed your body, I would recommend salads to replace full meals
Also, you can lose about 3-4 lbs in water weight at the gym.  Wear a hoodie and sweat pants and hit the treadmill till you can't any longer.
As a wrestler in high school I had to lose weight quickly and what I did was replace all my meals with salads and popcorn to lose weight
Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

Your girl low key called you fat. 


But on a real note.

You need to cut as many calories as possible but maintain enough to feed your body, I would recommend salads to replace full meals
Also, you can lose about 3-4 lbs in water weight at the gym.  Wear a hoodie and sweat pants and hit the treadmill till you can't any longer.
As a wrestler in high school I had to lose weight quickly and what I did was replace all my meals with salads and popcorn to lose weight
Originally Posted by K Town Trash

Originally Posted by s0313939

losing weight is 80% what you eat, and 20%'s all about diet...i suggest nothing but water and counting your calories...if you want to maintain your weight you take 185x15=2,775. This means that if you wanted to stay at 185lbs you can eat 2,775 calories and you will stay at that weight but you want to lose weight. Your target weight is 173lbs so to get down to that weight you have to drastically cut your calories to possibly 1,500 but no more than 2,000 calories a day and with exercise the pounds will shed off. A strict diet of three meals a day of high protein foods, vegatables, and fruits and you will lose more than 12lbs. If you stick to that diet and you will have no problems losing the weight and once you get to you target weight of 173lbs, don't eat more that 2,595 (173x15) roughly a day to stay at that weight. If you do not stick to the diet and eat greasy, fatty foods and drink anything but water (i e soda) this will not work. Hope this helps

How do You keep track of how many calories you eat? What about like home made food?

there are books and probably can find it online to give you an idea of the calories you are consuming with the ingredients you are using etc.
Originally Posted by K Town Trash

Originally Posted by s0313939

losing weight is 80% what you eat, and 20%'s all about diet...i suggest nothing but water and counting your calories...if you want to maintain your weight you take 185x15=2,775. This means that if you wanted to stay at 185lbs you can eat 2,775 calories and you will stay at that weight but you want to lose weight. Your target weight is 173lbs so to get down to that weight you have to drastically cut your calories to possibly 1,500 but no more than 2,000 calories a day and with exercise the pounds will shed off. A strict diet of three meals a day of high protein foods, vegatables, and fruits and you will lose more than 12lbs. If you stick to that diet and you will have no problems losing the weight and once you get to you target weight of 173lbs, don't eat more that 2,595 (173x15) roughly a day to stay at that weight. If you do not stick to the diet and eat greasy, fatty foods and drink anything but water (i e soda) this will not work. Hope this helps

How do You keep track of how many calories you eat? What about like home made food?

there are books and probably can find it online to give you an idea of the calories you are consuming with the ingredients you are using etc.
Does your girl know how much you weigh?

If not you could easily win this bet. The day before you weigh yourself in front of her just eat a bunch of carbs and drink a ton of water. You'll gain maybe 5 pounds of water weight in 1 day. You'll be 5 pounds "heavier" on the scale but you'll drop the 5 pounds of water weight in 1-2 days. After that you'll only have to lose 7 pounds in 5 weeks to win the bet.
Does your girl know how much you weigh?

If not you could easily win this bet. The day before you weigh yourself in front of her just eat a bunch of carbs and drink a ton of water. You'll gain maybe 5 pounds of water weight in 1 day. You'll be 5 pounds "heavier" on the scale but you'll drop the 5 pounds of water weight in 1-2 days. After that you'll only have to lose 7 pounds in 5 weeks to win the bet.
Originally Posted by MaddenFan04

You can do it the unhealthy way or you can do it the healthy way.

yep. it pretty much comes down to your body losing majority weight from muscle tissue or fat. 12lbs in 5 weeks is not a small amount for anybody. eating less than 2k calories a day and depriving your body of essential carbohydrates is the way to go if you want your body to initiate catabolism which is the breakdown of muscle tissue for energy. not only is muscle heavier than fat, it stores 3 times the energy than fat. therefore it requires many calories to sustain muscle, yet alone grow. consuming <2k calories/day will not sustain a normal male's muscle mass and you will lose it which will significantly decrease your body's metabolism which is the opposite of what you want if you want to rid your body of unwanted excess fat. your body can and will  oxidize excess fat at optimal levels but only when your metabolism is high enough where it requires the extra stored energy in the fat cells to help sustain the body's daily functions. of course this process is slower than just starving your body but you have to think about the consequences in the end: would you rather look like a frail brittle little boy or a lean muscly grown man? if you take the easy way out and starve your body, after your reach your desired weight and are done with that, as soon as you begin to eat normal again you will gain fat, quickly. you will have less muscle mass to absorb the extra calories allowing most of the calories you eat be stored as fat, unfortunately. you would be back where you started. so its up to you..brittle skinny boy or grown man lol....
Originally Posted by MaddenFan04

You can do it the unhealthy way or you can do it the healthy way.

yep. it pretty much comes down to your body losing majority weight from muscle tissue or fat. 12lbs in 5 weeks is not a small amount for anybody. eating less than 2k calories a day and depriving your body of essential carbohydrates is the way to go if you want your body to initiate catabolism which is the breakdown of muscle tissue for energy. not only is muscle heavier than fat, it stores 3 times the energy than fat. therefore it requires many calories to sustain muscle, yet alone grow. consuming <2k calories/day will not sustain a normal male's muscle mass and you will lose it which will significantly decrease your body's metabolism which is the opposite of what you want if you want to rid your body of unwanted excess fat. your body can and will  oxidize excess fat at optimal levels but only when your metabolism is high enough where it requires the extra stored energy in the fat cells to help sustain the body's daily functions. of course this process is slower than just starving your body but you have to think about the consequences in the end: would you rather look like a frail brittle little boy or a lean muscly grown man? if you take the easy way out and starve your body, after your reach your desired weight and are done with that, as soon as you begin to eat normal again you will gain fat, quickly. you will have less muscle mass to absorb the extra calories allowing most of the calories you eat be stored as fat, unfortunately. you would be back where you started. so its up to you..brittle skinny boy or grown man lol....
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