Help me pick out a senior quote - Serious replies only

"in the end, it will not be the words of your enemies that you remember, but the silence of your friends" - MLK Jr. (maybe too dark?)

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure"

"Be not afraid of greatness; some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them." William Shakespeare
Create a chain of 50 people all saying "Report to this name,________".... Then have the last person say "HI" or some stupid comment/quote
Originally Posted by airblaster503

Nobody posted the kid that has the picture of him quoting the thong song??
Thought that would be the first response, NT is slacking. Would post it myself but I don't have it on this computer I am on.

i got you:

or “I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.
I made a countless decisions but my favorite one is to become the man I envisioned to be.

Hard work? It's one of many factors to success but having the ambition to better yourself is key to many opportunities.

I believe in hell but if I refuse to be engulfed in the flames of a past regret that I tried to forget.

If you were a diamond in the rough, there's always time for you shine over others.

Many stay in the comfort of their own herd but I'm willing to lead myself because I don't choose be in group of followers.

these are made up on the spot but take your time to read them, OP
Use one of these

"Heroes get remembered but legends never die" - Sandlot...../Babe Ruth?

"No sacrifice has no victory!" - Optimus Prime

"I've never been afraid to fail. I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed." - Michael Jordan

“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.
"Haircuts, there are three acceptable haircuts: High and tight, crew cut, buzz cut." - Ron Swanson.
"Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into Swansons." - Ron Swanson
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Don't teach a man to fish, and you feed yourself. He's a grown man. Fishing's not that hard." - Ron Swanson
"The whole point of this country is if you want to eat garbage, balloon up to 600 pounds and die of a heart attack at 43, you can! You are free to do so. To me, that's beautiful." - Ron Swanson
MOney team is a good one, Thought mine was dope so mine was right next to my pic and it said "Take one good look at the bad guy,Cuz this the last time u gonna see a bad guy like me"
"I roll on $*$%%#+ like a skateboard" -Stephen Hawking
"The Underground just don't stop for +$@!" -Harriet Tubman
"The best part about quotes is that you can make up any %#%#@*@% saying, put it in quotation marks, and add any famous persons name behind it and it'll sound real"- Abraham Lincoln
youre asking us to pick your quote?

how about "im too unoriginal to come up with my own quote"

that should suffice.

i would put "eight-oh, colon-hat, nobody touches."

but that's just me.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

youre asking us to pick your quote?

how about "im too unoriginal to come up with my own quote"

that should suffice.

i would put "eight-oh, colon-hat, nobody touches."

but that's just me.

I was just asking for suggestions. I mean if you didn't have a good one to suggest or comment on any of the ones I posted, why even bother coming in here?
"Life ain't about surviving the storm, but how to dance in the rain."
Originally Posted by ayejreeun

"The best part about quotes is that you can make up any %#%#@*@% saying, put it in quotation marks, and add any famous persons name behind it and it'll sound real"- Abraham Lincoln

lmao  I like this one.
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