Hey Chicago-Heads, Have Any of You Been to the Landmark Theater?

Aug 9, 2008
I just won free tickets to a screening of a new movie, and it's located at the Landmark Theater at 2828 N. Clark St. I'm a suburban boy haha, so I wasjust wondering if it's in a sketchy neighborhood because I plan on walking there from Union Station. Is that a bad idea? (Google Maps says it'll be a1.5 hour walk
) Just wondering if you guys had any info. any help is fine, and thanks in advance!!
It's a nice area man, real nice. It's like a arthouse type theater too doesn't get most mainstream flicks. That will be hell of a walk though youcould walk from Union to Clark St and take the 22 bus, it will probably get you there on time instead of a long *%! walk. But even so walking from Union to thetheater wouldn't be bad.
Hey thanks for the help RiderSB!
I got there just fine, and it was a real nice neighborhood haha
Right on the outskirts of Boy's Town

Very friendly clean place, thanks for the helps.
Oh yeah I looked into taking Bus 22 but it seemed to complicated so I took the Brown Line
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