Hey guys, ive been looking at this new motorcycle...

Nothing wrong with a 250 as your first bike - but I wouldn't buy a new one for a couple of reasons.

1. You'll probably scratch it.

2. You'll grow out of it pretty quickly and you'll take a hit when you try to sell it. I think you would be better getting something used (which there are loads of) then you can ride it for 6 months and then when you want to get rid of it you'll not lose much and can get something bigger/better/newer.
Originally Posted by dunksnjordans1992

I know its a 250, but it would be my VERY FIRST bike. ive never ridden anything like a bike with a motor on it... im very new! i was just wondering whats your feedback on a bike this cheap and off this website. Do you guys think this sites a scam, or a waste of my money to get into this particular bike??
I learned on a 1000, that was my first bike. Everyone I know that has a 600 enjoys it for a month or two but then wants a 750 or 1000. So I wouldn't, just gonna outgrow it within a few weeks and you won't be able to sell it like you could do with a 600
My first bike was a 600 and I didn't ride before that. Like ^ said buy a used bike and when ur ready get something new. I have friends who upgraded but I was happy with my 600 and didnt need more power. You will def get tired of the 250 quick. Start with the 600 bro
if you have never ridden before, TAKE THE MSF COURSE! cannot stress that enough, it will help you assess what you can realistically handle...and you are definitely better off trying the used market, good luck
Originally Posted by Angryostrich

That website is the motorcycle equivalent of jordan variants .

this...for 2000 get yourself on a used 600, you ain't bout that life tho, so you won't do it...
Also like someone else said you will probably drop or scratch it while learning. I dropped mine twice luckily no serious injuries
Not only that, if you needed replacement parts I'm sure it'd be a hassle seeing that it's cheap chinese items. Look into a used Kawasaki ninja 250r for that kind of money, lots of parts available for that bike 
I don't know how other people learned but The way I learned was the my uncle taught me how to start it then he just handed it over to me and i learned on my own.. with that being said, i suggest you start low learn your fundamentals because you might kill yourself if you start high. I learned in a suzuki ax 100. loved that bike.
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