Hey guys we are starting IVF! Trying to join the NT Dads club

Don't judge me on my late night posting 

Good catch though...damn keyboard, lol
Thanks for the concerns guys, wife has healed up, just waiting on her brothers wedding to be done with to resume our transfer!...but everything has gotten back to normal, really blessed.

good to hear... looked for this thread again when i saw you post your BB coasters in the thread :pimp:
Good luck b. My wife could blow at any minute, got my son's first Nike's being made as we speak.
Hey NT fam, been a while since I gave YA an update, well it seems like we are finally about to resume our process...after months of waiting for my wife to heal, having to leave the country and dealing with our BS fertility doctor who I should sue but chose not to in order to not delay our process any more, we are now about to start the trigger shots on the wife to prep her to receive our 2 little embryos, with all the luck in the world we pray that at least one sticks and we come out pregnant!!! The coolest part is that if everything goes according to our schedule, she'll get her first test results for her bday in November and if she ends up pregnant, she'll be due for my bday in August!!!!...trying not to get too excited and set ourselves up for a let down, our embryos are not A grade as we hope, but we still have a shot, gonna need YA to keep us in your thoughts NT, hopefully everything gets rolling within the next 2 weeks!
Thanks bro! We been keeping low about it, been the craziest roller coaster of emotions, but I'm just glad the time has come for us to meet our embryos...anyone that may go throught this, word of advice doooo your deep research on which clinic to go with.
Was just thinking about this thread.

Happy everything is going better. Hopefully you have some great news next month :smokin

Best of luck :smokin
Espero que todo salga bien y que haya mucha suerte! Que Dios te de la bendición de ser padre pronto... :smokin
Thanks bruhs!

She's cramping big time, which in this case appears to be a good sign of the embryo implanting into the uteran wall...we keeping hopeful bros, Wednesday can't come any sooner
Looking forward to hearing great news man. Staying positive for you two.

Steezy gonna be making the "let me introduce NT to _______ Vol. Where can I cop the leopard print Toms in infant sizes" in 2015. :nthat:
Can't wait for you to become part of #teampapi

Best of luck this upcoming week steezy
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