Hey guys we are starting IVF! Trying to join the NT Dads club

Still on that grind boyyyyyy...lol almost forgot about this thread and randomly popped up in my head...lol

We’ll figure I update ya...

Round 4 currently
Retrieval happened 10 days ago, 15 eggs, 5 made it to frozen and biopsy which we are waiting on for genetic testing, hopefully we get a decent embryo for a frozen transfer some time in January ❤️ I’ll keep the NT bros that been following this for almost a decade posted 🤣🤣
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Interesting. I want to look into gender selection. I want 2 daughters and an optional 3rd son. Wish I could just have twins and be done with it. :lol:
I follow the journey here and on IG. Here’s to success this round! You guys deserve a HUGE WIN! Congrats on the crib too btw!
It’s always people who have no kids that say they want twins
lady at work talked so much **** about how rude it was for other people to bring their kids to work. i understood her feelings because she had been trying to have her own kids through ivf but on the 4th try, she had twins and her kids rampage wild through the office at work. she can't afford daycare, spent all her savings trying to have kids, she lets her kids eat whatever, and watch tv all day.

on topic: good luck ksteezy ksteezy may you be blessed with the privilege of parenthood and come join us soon in the nt dad (and mom solewoman solewoman ) club.
Fellas, I started this thread back in 2014, shared with enthusiasm almost every cycle that failed, till tbh I lost the energy to keep on sharing, but today I come to yall with tears in my eyes, wanted to let y’all know, almost 10 years later, we are finally expecting….most NTers that were active back when I made this, are probably long gone, but for those of you that are still here and have kept up, Im finally joint the dads club ❤️

Fellas, I started this thread back in 2014, shared with enthusiasm almost every cycle that failed, till tbh I lost the energy to keep on sharing, but today I come to yall with tears in my eyes, wanted to let y’all know, almost 10 years later, we are finally expecting….most NTers that were active back when I made this, are probably long gone, but for those of you that are still here and have kept up, Im finally joint the dads club ❤️

Congrats man! I can't imagine the ups and downs through it all, had a couple of friends in the same position in recent years and their stories have been heavy. However, the joy they've received when the baby finally comes is amazing to witness. Children are blessings and really shape you as a person, so wishing you and yours the best moving forward.
bout ******* time man!!! I wish you didn't have go through it for this long but I'm so happy for ya man. Congrats!!! :pimp:
I'm so very happy for you guys. I know this journey wasn't an easy ones but you guys will be great parents
Congrats. Ive been "family planning" and considering using some form of reproductive technology to get twins (for an heir and spare) plus sex selection (want girls) and using a surrogate. But procrastination and other life obligations have gotten in the way. Ill start some time next year.
Congrats. Ive been "family planning" and considering using some form of reproductive technology to get twins (for an heir and spare) plus sex selection (want girls) and using a surrogate. But procrastination and other life obligations have gotten in the way. Ill start some time next year.

How are you making this about you man. :lol:

Good work ksteezy ksteezy . I know Mrs. Steely is relieved. Everything will work out.
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