Hey NT, I Got a Question: If You Could Live Anywhere You Wanted, Where Would You Live?

Originally Posted by I3

Monaco or France.

Yup. Toulon or Marseille at the mouth of the Mediterranean.

Would love to visit Monte Carlo also.
if moneys no object ill stay in NY,

its gettin too expensive.

Otherwise i'd go to LONDON
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

i'd say italy, but i never been there. so out of the places i've been it's between so cal and ny
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Man i love it where i am now....got my fam and friends here so i'm good. I rather live here andvisit other places, nothing fun about being able to do the same things all the time[/color]
If money was absolutely no problem and I didn't have to work another day in my life..

Bora Bora
or on a BIGGGG ranch out in the midwest.
If I could be fluent in any language I would move to Japan.
But the South is doing just fine for me
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