Hey NT, I Need Your Help

Jan 21, 2007
Hey NT wassup. I've been on this site for years and have seen some of the amazing things you guys have done for each other. Yall are definitely like fam here. Now I don't ask for much, but I do need a huge favor. My mans is an up-and-coming dmv artist looking to get on the Unsigned Tour which gives s[color= rgb(73, 73, 73)]ingers, rappers, songwriters, bands, and other musicians a chance to get their music out there and heard by the right people. [/color][color= rgb(60, 60, 60)]I was wondering if you guys could help out by voting for JUSTIN CASH on http://www.theunsignedtour.com/vote . Its simple and takes less than a minute. Any help you guys can give would be greatly appreciated, for real. Thanks in advance NT fam and God bless.[/color]

Also here's some stuff to check out so you'll know why you're voting.

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