hidden message in AJ XXI

Originally Posted by aJ232Kb8

Originally Posted by mike2389

thats cool. never knew that before

me too
this is from jordanextreme.com:"But still, it's a nice touch to the otherwise bland AJ 21. The secret message idea was from the movie, NationalTreasure, where treasure-hunter Nicholas Cage discovers a secret treasure map behind the "Declaration of Independence."
wow, this is ooo old lol....another way to reveal it is if you wear jeans with your XXI's the denim will stain it and you can see the message---for all younoobs out there
jp jp
Originally Posted by p charm

its probably something along the lines of ...i cant believe you would actually spend 175 dollars on this shoe
LOL. That would be hilarious, kinda like those tees people where that say your dumb after youre done reading them haha
interesting concept, I wish they would put it on a nice shoe... not a piece of garbage with a tag of $175
Originally Posted by acekilla408

so i guess just like the XX2 the XXI has something that makes it easily to see if they're legit
wait, what!? I'm not a Jordan kinda dude, so maybe I probably missed something....what does the XX2 have to prove their authenticity!?
wow...i never knew there was a hidden message...stuff like this makes me appreciate my Jays even more
Originally Posted by s dubl

It used to reveal it also on Jumpman23.com if on the very first screen that shows up on the site if you just keep typing XIXIXIXIXIXIXI until it shows up.

i thought you just hold down 23?
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