Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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President Trump took a swipe at Dr. Anthony Fauci, his adviser, who said Tuesday that opening schools in the fall would be risky. Trump said: “To me, it’s not an acceptable answer.”

:rofl: :rofl:

“Trapping parents at home with their children is too risky. Many parents and children will die. I should know I hate all of my children, except Ivanka. I really want to make sex with her.”
I work in account management, which essentially requires me to bounce from city to city in the NY/NJ to meet accounts of mine. Once the virus numbers started increasing I knew my job was gonna shutdown then inevitably got the call that we were furloughed for obvious reasons.

Just got the call today that our positions are now officially terminated |l Sucks because it took me a few months to find this job and it's only been a year since I worked for them. Now I'm about to be out with this massive unemployed workforce looking for jobs. Wish me luck bros

think positive if possible man

i know this is not going to be any consolation but it's better to lose your job them someone you love from this plague that didn't need to happen in the first place

i'm sure you have the skills to bounce back in the workforce
think positive if possible man

i know this is not going to be any consolation but it's better to lose your job them someone you love from this plague that didn't need to happen in the first place

i'm sure you have the skills to bounce back in the workforce

thanks my dude. Def would rather lose a job than a person so that's a great point
Big time.

Yet all the spots where locals flock to, will be crowded AF.

I'm yelling at you people in Delores Park!
saw this pic someone posted of the ferry building a couple days ago. place should be packed


An ousted top Health and Human Services official testified before Congress Thursday that the Trump administration's timeline for a coronavirus vaccine is likely too optimistic — and said there's currently "no plan" in place for mass production and distribution of one.

Hopes for a vaccine to be ready within 12-18 months assume "everything goes perfectly," Dr. Rick Bright told a House Energy and Commerce Committee subcommittee, adding, "We've never seen everything go perfectly."

In his testimony, Bright also said he warned the administration about shortfalls in protective equipment and faulted President Donald Trump and senior officials for minimizing the outbreak early on — a problem he said had deadly consequences.

“I believe Americans need to be told the truth," Bright said. "We did not forewarn people. We did not train people. We did not educate them on social distancing and wearing a mask as we should have in January and February. All those forewarnings, all those educational opportunities, for the American public, could have had an impact in further slowing this outbreak and saving more lives."
it's all about testing. Cases alone mean nothing. I hear so many politicians talk about an increase in cases. But dont mention testing numbers. Cases don't tell us much anymore. It's assumed to be out there. Is Texas ready with beds and incoming patients? Sadly hospitalizations and deaths tell a better story than cases alone.

imagine being the richest man in the world due to the hard work of your underpaid employees then choosing to keep them underpaid during this time

most people working 40 hours a week at amazon warehouse could make more sitting home getting unemployment

thats why when i hear wealthy people crying that they might lose their wealth because of the coronavirus or you call them out for it and they give you the excuse
"oh i worked for it"
i don't feel sorry for them but Jeff Bezos wealth is beyond an average millionaire unfortunately

the real people that suffer are NOT the the office suites its the people in the warehouse

Sheesh :ohwell:

Haven't been ordering out as much lately but I try to hit up local spots over chains when I do
our stay at home got extended to june 30. they're slowly expanding permissible activities but i think that for our situation, that extension is too long and they should be focusing more on tourists/visitors coming in.
A massive, colossal and unforgivable failure of the Federal Government. No respect for this administration and anyone who condoned their actions or was more committed to careerism instead of ethics and compassion for the human beings they claim to represent and care about. Nothing less than a scourge of immorality and incompetence at the highest levels of government.

We're all simply part of an experiment going forward. We'll all be playing Russian roulette when we go outside because they had no foresight, plan or true leadership to save citizens or small businesses. They're all beneath contempt. They don't even deserve to be spat on.
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