Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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$40 copay with Insurance
Exactly. I was thinking This thread is the best guidance to follow.
India has gone PARABOLIC in recent weeks.
ALL Flights from India into the US are still allowed.
Wave 2 Confirmed.

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Real talk, it’s been a few months now. Have we made any realistic progress towards the fight against coronavirus??
Yes and no.

We understand a lot more about it (see article below for an example). We have a much better idea of the mechanism of how it infects people, how it causes the health problems we have observed, and how it spreads between people. Often we need to know these things before we can develop good treatments.

We know now about some treatments, both which ones work and which ones don't work, although none that are a cure (not that we would typically expect a cure for a virus). Inpatient management of patients has improved as well. We have vaccine candidates being tested, but that will take time.

Most importantly, we're getting a better idea of how many people have been exposed, how deadly the virus is, and which public health measures are effective. If cases are low, then aggressive contact tracing can almost eliminate the virus. If cases are rising, then masks + social distancing + no crowds can work. If cases are exploding, then we need a lockdown. But this is all under heavy debate still. To complicate matters, we saw with the ongoing George Floyd protests (and even before that with beachgoers) that people will quickly say "**** it" and ignore these measures.

Anyway, here is the article I wanted to post (apologies if it already got posted. It's been a hectic 48 hours):

I've only been closely paying attention to new york

NY doing well numbers wise compared to when the curve peaked


It took a really long time to get numbers down. Numbers can go back up exponentially quicker.

with what happened last night and probably tonight in nyc i would expect that to happen

today i took my first long walk in downtown manhattan in 3 months
it was like a ghost town compared to how it used to be

at the same time i did walk past too many people then i had in the past 3 months
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To complicate matters, we saw with the ongoing George Floyd protests (and even before that with beachgoers) that people will quickly say "**** it" and ignore these measures.

TBH the one advantage of all these BLM/police brutality protests these past few days is that...........they're forcing lockdown to happen again unintentionally (certain businesses having to close down and lock up 'cuz of all the rioting happening as a result of the protests, roads being closed off).

Granted, the "lockdowns" from these protests aren't stopping people to gather together.........BUT I see a MAJORITY of the protesters/demonstrators out with full face protection and masks on their faces, which is something that we could hardly see in most of the "high risk areas" during the large crowds at the "re-openings" anyway.
TBH the one advantage of all these BLM/police brutality protests these past few days is that...........they're forcing lockdown to happen again unintentionally (certain businesses having to close down and lock up 'cuz of all the rioting happening as a result of the protests, roads being closed off).

Granted, the "lockdowns" from these protests aren't stopping people to gather together.........BUT I see a MAJORITY of the protesters/demonstrators out with full face protection and masks on their faces, which is something that we could hardly see in most of the "high risk areas" during the large crowds at the "re-openings" anyway.
Good point.

People will be studying this era for a long, long time. We're seeing all these outlier events lining up, and each is linked and influencing the others. We are seeing the intersection of sociology, medicine, public health, economics, law enforcement, racism, politics, everything.
I've only been closely paying attention to new york

NY doing well numbers wise compared to when the curve peaked


It took a really long time to get numbers down. Numbers can go back up exponentially quicker.

You also have to consider the numbers for NY, are that a large amount of people got out of the city when they could and moved to surrounding states to be safe. Wife has an prior coworker who moved to SC and is working remote from there for the last several months, when NY's numbers of cases were really high. He didn't want to risk getting stuck in his highrise condo so he & his wife got out before they locked down the state they went to to outsiders from NY. A bunch of those people won't come back right away if ever.
curious, where did you find this in your report? I did one a few months ago and would like to see
Did you do the one that has Ancestry + Health? Cause there’s 2 different kits you can purchase.
mine popped up under “health predispositions.” The regular ancestry kit doesn’t have this info I believe.
Did you do the one that has Ancestry + Health? Cause there’s 2 different kits you can purchase.
mine popped up under “health predispositions.” The regular ancestry kit doesn’t have this info I believe.
Thanks. Just checked mine under health predispositions.
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