Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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But I've also seen lots of people stop wearing masks these past couple days. Saw some older guy having a heated exchange with an officer, neither of them wearing masks, less than a couple feet apart, and that seemed typical.

I was surprised to drive by a large park over the weekend and see it crowded with hundreds of people hanging out, playing sports, and kids playing together on the playground. Not a single mask in sight. I honestly feel people are misunderstanding that the easing of restrictions means the virus threat is gone. I'm feeling less safe now than ever before.
Really frustrated. Went back to work today and they’re not requiring people wear masks in the offices. They only have to wear them in the hallway. I’m sitting here within feet of people in an enclosed office with no mask and people are sneezing and ****. I really don’t know what to do because none of the big bosses are wearing them so there’s no one to even complain to. HR set the rules so I can’t even go to them.

You can complain to HR about an "unsafe work environment". It's what I'm fearing when I gotta go back to work eventually. I'm staying out a few extra months with a letter from my transplant coordinator that due to my medical history (a transplant patient who is seriously immuno compromised, they recommend I stay home if I can't work from home (and my job is not feasible working from home). I'll stay on furlough for a few more months to see how things transpire.

The thing that scares me, are people eventually coming in that I have NO CLUE where they were at or who they interact with. And the air conditioning that blows around the air inside the building. That's how they saw one infection in an office in China (I believe). One sick person who being in an area where the air is constantly circulated got many others infected. Don't want to risk that.
They're back playing sports here, kids playing soccer and baseball games, dudes playing 3 on 3 at the Court, I think pretty much everything is open and places stopped limiting the amount of shoppers in there based on sq feet. The courthouse and Gov buildings still arent open though
NToweG NToweG Lemme know if it's a hoax or not. So I can call their family and tell them the good news. Their fathers NOT dead, just hiding.
Because I can ask anything I want on a "Message" board and neither do I have to explain my intent. Thanks for answering and Sorry for your lost.
Nope. Stop trying to grab anything to be defensive towards my post. I said that because I'm a weird covid truther..lol
What state are you in? I think it’s important that you raise your concerns with HR and (at minimum) the manager who you report to directly. The benefits of widespread mask wearing indoors are scientifically proven and easily understood. The type of company that would dismiss such concerns is not a place I would want to work RN. We are all wearing masks in my office and eating at our desks rather than congregating in the break room. We do share some contact surfaces, such as copier, fax machine, microwave, refrigerator, but trying to disinfect as much as possible and keep exposure to a minimum. There are some good videos and images that explain the benefits of wearing masks indoors in basic non-scientific terms that you can share with HR and management if they play dumb.

I’m in Florida.
Oh. Great. Governor Cuomo just put in an curfew that starts at 11 pm, tonight.

I'm working until 1130 so I'll be commuting home after hours.

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