Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I'm curious what the issue is with gloves?

I wear gloves everywhere. Even to the dentist office. But i wear it for that one time and then toss them in the trash once i leave. Example, going to the market, i wear 2 gloves. Once i leave the store, i take the top pair off and leave the one pair on so that when i get home, i can have them on so i can bring the groceries in.

Just trying to figure out what the issues are with people wearing gloves. Its no different than having bare hands, no?
Impractical with how many times someone would theoretically have to change to avoid cross contamination. If outside of the house, could easily go through 20 pairs a day. Bare hand is better. Just avoid touching your face between hand washes.
I’m watching this all on with a keen eye. increased cases doesn’t mean more deaths automatically. Hospitalizations do matter but we’re hearing cases alone doubling or tripling. We have to look at the big picture. Can we be open 90% and have 15% more cases and survive?

Many states are 100% open now and they are doing okay. We may to balance it all out.
Went out today in Chi for first time since March 13th (Other than groceries every 2-3 weeks) Got together with 4 other friends, I had mask and Sanitizer on deck. We walked along the riverwalk, the. Sat outdoor at a restaurant, table was well spaced out from other tables and at the table I even sat with one chair gap from everyone else.

i am now going to self quarantine for 6 days (i know it should be 14 days but best I can do), even staying 6 ft apart from my wife and sleeping in different rooms. Have some events next week and after those chillout till July 4th.

Here in Chicago, I felt fairly safe, sure lot of others did not have masks on when walking but they are not close to you and at these outdoor restaurants, your table is quite a distance from other tables, risk is just the folks you with.

This still a lot of stress just to link with friends, but roc your mask, keep decent distance, keep hitting yourself with hand sanitizer every few minutes, all you can do in this new normal
Looks like whole Cali is in Vegas this weekend :ohwell:

man. I had a few homies who went out to vegas the minute **** reopened and hopped right on that 15.

I had to fly Back home to LA last week to take care of some family stuff. It disturbed the hell outta me that it was a packed flight. But then I realized the airline intentionally set it to where they only have one flight a day going from Dallas to LA.

this last weekend was crazy though. hit up spots in hermosa and redondo and while the establishment took things serious In terms of capacity and social distancing. Some patrons were acting like corona was over.
I’m watching this all on with a keen eye. increased cases doesn’t mean more deaths automatically. Hospitalizations do matter but we’re hearing cases alone doubling or tripling. We have to look at the big picture. Can we be open 90% and have 15% more cases and survive?

Many states are 100% open now and they are doing okay. We may to balance it all out.
Arizona, Utah, North/South Carolina, and Texas have all seen a recent rise in hospitalizations. I mentioned a couple pages ago -- deaths will lag by a couple weeks, so like you're saying we need to watch to see how number of deaths look in these states later this month.

The key is really that R0 needs to go below 1. If we get 15% more infections every week (taking the worst case scenario), we'll be in a bad spot in the fall, unless we want to go back and forth between opening and closing every few weeks. Some states have plateaued -- that is ok if it's at a low level, but a plateau of a large % of cases isn't great either. Other states (much of the Northeast, for example) are still seeing a decline in numbers. Evidence is pointing towards masks being enough to get the R0 below 1. So it'll be interesting to see if states with stricter adherence to masks will do well even when reopened.

Anyway, just to reiterate your point, we care about # true infections, not necessarily # reported cases. Some states with a plateau in # cases but with a decline in deaths and hospitalizations probably have an R0 below 1 and are doing well.

Also, to clarify, no state is 100% open, afaik. If anyone knows of a state that has lifted all restrictions, please point them out. But I get your point, we need to find that right balance of reopening and vigilant human behavior to keep this under control.
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Went to the beach in Long Island with this girl to catch the sunset. Not too many people, kept our distance and parked as far as possible, but I swear to you we were the only ones with a mask on.

Got weird looks too. People definitely think this over. Sad.
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