Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Results Of Trial Of Steroid Dexamethasone In Covid-19 Patients Show It Reduces Deaths By Up To One Third In Hospitalised Patients With Severe Disease - RTRS
- Results ‘Major Breakthrough’ In Treatment
- Only Drug So Far Shown To Reduce Mortality
In lighter news, barbershops reopened for the first time since the shutdown yesterday.

Haven't been to my barber since early March over 3+months so the struggle was beyond real.

Went in the barber chair yesterday like:


Stepped out the chair after my cut like:


Y'all are ****ed.

I said this before, but I think it’s important to remind people to stop using Trump as a scapegoat. He and his followers are complete idiots, but plenty of people in so called educated, liberal areas have had the opportunity to follow guidelines for the past three months. There’s absolutely zero reason why these cities couldn’t have followed the example of other major cities throughout the world that have practically made the virus irrelevant by comparison.

Outside of the non transplant infested parts of the Bay Area, the lack of masks and hygiene I’ve seen has been shocking. I had to come out to Chicago for an emergency; in the past 2 weeks, I’ve seen maybe 10-20% of people wearing masks. Out of that 10-20%, most are minorities. There are guidelines posted everywhere, but Beer gardens and breakfast patios have been packed with people sitting a few feet away from each other, and servers are wearing masks below their faces. Hand sanitizer is non existent at facilities other than stores like Whole Foods.

Back home, I’ve been avoiding SF(I live in the more suburban part of the Bay) due to the number of unmasked people running all over the place as well as trying to cram into mimosa spots. My friends living in LA have mentioned that outside of specific areas, they’re seeing the same things that I am.

I really, really do not understand why it’s so damn difficult and offensive for these usual suspects to wear a mask. I’ve been doing almost everything I do normally while wearing one with barely any discomfort. The only time it’s a bit annoying is when it’s hot out, but the security and peace of mind from having it on outweighs that annoyance.

I know I engaged in risky behavior at a protest few weeks ago, but I felt safer there than just walking through normal city streets. At least at the protest,99.9% of people were wearing masks, and there were people riding around with makeshift hand sanitizer stations.
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Anyone stacking on additional supplements during this time?
I know there's conflicting reports regarding how effective they are, but better safe than sorry.
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