Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I fully await the increase in "KAREN (VIOLATION) ACTIVITIES" that will ensue from this coming into place

I’m expecting plenty of Karen and Kevin activities here in Texas.

That mask is messing with my freedoms I tell ya hwhat. I stand for the flag and kneel for the cross, and we back the blue lmao.

yea we’re done.
Yeah, this is another reason why the current Administration is utter trash. Stating BS that the U.S. is doing better is completely false. President still following through with his rally, wtf.

Now he's saying the country won't shut down if another outbreak happens. Of course it wont, why? He wants the economy as good as it can be, so he can use it as a rally point leading up to November. This guy is ridiculous.

None of us here shouldn't be surprised about the increase in cases.

Damn, shame.

Summer is over and more issues are only going to arise come fall/winter.

Speaking of that joke of an Administration............the dumb idiot in-charge opened his mouth again

The fact that a good percentage of Americans (including that POS in-charge of the presidency) think that wearing masks is a political issue..........it kinda shows that this country deserves this sudden surge in virus infections that we are seeing.

US ain't cure of BIG COVID-19 infection spikes until the presidency changes OR a complete shift of the Congress (HOUSE AND SENATE) to put the "Idiot-in-Chief" back in check.

It sorta makes sense, since a new set of lockdowns WILL NOT cure the absolute stupidity of the IDIOTS in the US that still REFUSE "basic social distancing" AND "basic mask guidelines."

Subliminally Fauci is basically saying, "If they die, THEY DIE........'cuz they STUPID for ignoring all health guidelines and warnings"
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