Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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What were you guys test results if you dont mind sharing. How often have/are you being tested as well?
I've been isolating for about 3 months now assuming g everyone has it. I'm not getting tested unless I have a reason to since I havent been interacting with people much and wfh. People want to go to comedy shows and have testing fairs . Testing is the new planking, people just want to do it because others are. Testing is the cure :rofl:
You're right that testing isn't 100%. Sometimes it misses an infection and also someone may not be shedding virus right away.

I didn't mean someone should get a test and then feel invincible. It's just one piece of a larger strategy, which includes social distancing, avoiding crowds, and wearing masks. The optimal strategy depends on many factors, such as the current prevalence of the virus in the population and how much people are adhering to social distancing guidelines. Individual components don't have to be 100% effective. They just have to collectively reduce the R0 below 1.

My hypothetical of 100% testing would also include sheltering at home for that period, for example.

And to answer your question, I have not gotten a test because I have had no indications to get one. But I may get one for surveillance purposes now that you can get tests without any indication for one.

Anyway, since I assume you are interested in the question, you should read this much more detailed and thoughtful thread (as should anyone else interested in the role of testing):


You're right that testing isn't 100%. Sometimes it misses an infection and also someone may not be shedding virus right away.

I didn't mean someone should get a test and then feel invincible. It's just one piece of a larger strategy, which includes social distancing, avoiding crowds, and wearing masks. The optimal strategy depends on many factors, such as the current prevalence of the virus in the population and how much people are adhering to social distancing guidelines. Individual components don't have to be 100% effective. They just have to collectively reduce the R0 below 1.

My hypothetical of 100% testing would also include sheltering at home for that period, for example.

And to answer your question, I have not gotten a test because I have had no indications to get one. But I may get one for surveillance purposes now that you can get tests without any indication for one.

Anyway, since I assume you are interested in the question, you should read this much more detailed and thoughtful thread (as should anyone else interested in the role of testing):

98% tested positive yesterday. 98% (that's an incredible number imo) It seems to me the 3 month shutdown in NYC, which slowed the spread, is the reason the deaths are falling not because more people are getting tested. The tests have been produced and the companies gotta get paid. It just seems like George Bush math to correlate less deaths to more testing disregarding the past 3 months. The places that opened sooner and had lax social distancing are the places where Covid is spiking. They should just do more tests to slow the spread I suppose.
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Idiot Florida alert. Was just on a PACKED Wawa and not a single mask was seen by the customers.

We're screwed.

At my job, 3 different locations in the region had management test positive. And corporate sent out a bogus reminder email about how safe we are if we practice our sanitation and cleaning procedures. At 4pm on a Friday.. Yeah OK
Few observations based on recent discussions on testing. Unless people have a selfish incentive to test, the majority of asymptomatics will not seek out tests. I am taking this more seriously than everyone I know IRL and there’s no chance I’m lining up to get tested unless it’s for antibodies, and I’m not doing that until I can be assured it’s accurate.
And those thinking it’s backwards for “patriotic” Americans not to want to wear masks as a symbol that they care about others must have forgotten how this country was built and came to be a superpower... INDIVIDUAL freedoms and capitalist GREED. Sad but true.
We have two choices:

1. Lock back up(won't happen)
2. Millions of more deaths, no sports, more economic fallout.

Country chose in #1 in 2016. Nothing we can do now.
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