Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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has anyone been to the doctor for a routine checkup, non covid related issue?
are they limiting how many people in the office, performing temp checks, etc

Do not be scared to still do regular health prevention. Just take precautions like everything else. Good luck, Stay safe.

Man, I’ve had my doctor call me for months now and I’ve avoided stepping foot in one due to the virus. I should go but I know he wants me to get blood drawn :lol: :lol::blush:
has anyone been to the doctor for a routine checkup, non covid related issue?
are they limiting how many people in the office, performing temp checks, etc

I’ve had two routine doc appointments since March and both were via video chat/FaceTime
has anyone been to the doctor for a routine checkup, non covid related issue?
are they limiting how many people in the office, performing temp checks, etc

I have to get bloodwork done every 90 days. Temperature check with questions to ask if I feel any sort of illness before I can pass the entrance. Lobby has half the chairs removed with adequate spacing. Each time I’ve been there I've only been in the lobby with 1 other person.
They just opened up gyms out by me on Monday and I'm still incredibly apprehensive about going back. I know two people who have and they're saying it's set up pretty well. Masks at all times, everyone gets a disinfectant spray bottle and wipes, and 30% capacity has been strictly enforced with temperature checks and COVID screening questions.

I'm gonna wait 3 weeks or so and see if cases start to spike again before I make a final decision.
There is a private school just got approval from local judge to stay open even when our county is still in watch list. I am sure more schools will follow if one can stay open.
Doesnt Trump executive order for Unemployment boost of $300 use FEMA money? Now with the threat of a devastating Hurricane, I wonder what will be the outcome of the relief response (if needed)....
Doesnt Trump executive order for Unemployment boost of $300 use FEMA money? Now with the threat of a devastating Hurricane, I wonder what will be the outcome of the relief response (if needed)....

well just like Ted Cruz didn’t want to help the northeast after Sandy. Well my take now is **** Texas and Louisiana. You get what you sow.
Denmark shut down March 11 and started reopening in April. There's been a few spikes and the most recent in my city Aarhus.

Seems like vigilance and actually reacting to the situation works. It's not fair to compare a tiny pedestrian country to a giant like US. Still it's mind boggling, that Trump haven't been escorted out of the White House in shackles for criminal negligence.
Doesnt Trump executive order for Unemployment boost of $300 use FEMA money? Now with the threat of a devastating Hurricane, I wonder what will be the outcome of the relief response (if needed)....

Considering the geographical area it's about to hit and the socioeconomic classes that will be impacted the most.....they wasn't planning on helping anyways. (see Katrina).
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