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Democratic leader also wouldnt accept the 1.9 trillion deal cus she rather make the Donald Dump look bad and the people wait.

"All (2.4 trillion) or nothing" she said.

**** them all.
I’ll need you to inform yourself my dude. Not saying this to be disrespectful either. What you just said is simply untrue
She was not stuck on the 2.4

We can keep ignoring Mitch never wanted to pass anything and Senate R's wanted no parts of the WH deal either. Given how fast he moved with SCOTUS and kept peddling that bull**** 500b plan and then closed up shop once he got what he wanted

I find it funny the angle is to make Trump look bad when if he passed any number of the bills in the house, Trump would benefit GREATLY politically from it. Putting money in ppl's pockets...yeah quite the bad look

My point was she wouldnt agree to make Donald look bad. So, I dont get what you are sayin in your last paragraph.
And Im not ignoring the cheap *** GOP, hence, "**** them (government reps) all"
I’ll need you to inform yourself my dude. Not saying this to be disrespectful either. What you just said is simply untrue
It was true up to a point. WHile another sticking point was money for states. Shes on record of saying she can deal with that in the next administration. They doubled back and that became an issue again now. As well as a national plan on testing and tracing. And TIN holders getting stimulus. I'm pretty informed. People up there playing politics instead of working in the best interest of the people. Thankfully Im not in need, but i know many people who are. They could have been reached a deal. Or even just ran back the Cares act provisions roughly ( like they ran back the gov budget to avoid a shutdown). But GOPS are cheap ****s and Nancy wants a perfect bill. **** them all.
My point was she wouldnt agree to make Donald look bad. So, I dont get what you are sayin in your last paragraph.
And Im not ignoring the cheap *** GOP, hence, "**** them (government reps) all"
You are saying Nancy's big plot is to make Da Donald look bad. Know what could have easily erased that? Accepting the two previous bills that were passed, you know since he wanted a stimulus package even "bigger" allegedly

Rejecting offers for wanting sufficient state and local aid and getting rid of liability protection to actually protect workers in a pandemic is a weird plot to make Donald look bad

Also saying Nancy wants a perfect bill is a cop out. You think the bills she put her name on are perfect? I doubt anyone would think that including her

Once again, we will sit here and blame Nancy when the ppl with power to put it on the Senate floor and vote for it did not want to touch that 1.8t bill. The plan is clear a day is to get ready to be obstructionist if Biden wins

I bet money if she went along with their ******** skinny bill ppl would be crying how Dems folded and they didn't do enough. Rinse and repeat
It was true up to a point. WHile another sticking point was money for states. Shes on record of saying she can deal with that in the next administration. They doubled back and that became an issue again now. As well as a national plan on testing and tracing. And TIN holders getting stimulus. I'm pretty informed. People up there playing politics instead of working in the best interest of the people. Thankfully Im not in need, but i know many people who are. They could have been reached a deal. Or even just ran back the Cares act provisions roughly ( like they ran back the gov budget to avoid a shutdown). But GOPS are cheap ****s and Nancy wants a perfect bill. **** them all.
Bro, nobody on earth is bending over backwards to make Trump look bad. He does that himself on an hourly basis. Throwing bad faith bills over and refusing to compromise is what the republican majority is doing. The US has billions for a wall that fell over, billions for military weapons to fight nobody, billions to bail out big business, but NOTHING for the American people who provide those billions.
Knew you were on your way, before I hit "POST REPLY"
Never change bro. Never change.
Don't worry, I won't

But you should

You are basically erasing the Senate from the conversation to make your argument work.

Secondly, we forgetting that Trump walked away from the table months ago on the advice of Mitch McConnell.

And you're whole "best interest of the people" makes little sense, when what would be in the best interest of the people would be passing the Dems' 3 trillion dollar bill.

But uhhhhh "both sides" :rolleyes
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You are saying Nancy's big plot is to make Da Donald look bad. Know what could have easily erased that? Accepting the two previous bills that were passed, you know since he wanted a stimulus package even "bigger" allegedly

Rejecting offers for wanting sufficient state and local aid and getting rid of liability protection to actually protect workers in a pandemic is a weird plot to make Donald look bad

Also saying Nancy wants a perfect bill is a cop out. You think the bills she put her name on are perfect? I doubt anyone would think that including her

Once again, we will sit here and blame Nancy when the ppl with power to put it on the Senate floor and vote for it did not want to touch that 1.8t bill. The plan is clear a day is to get ready to be obstructionist if Biden wins

I bet money if she went along with their bull**** skinny bill ppl would be crying how Dems folded and they didn't do enough. Rinse and repeat
Truth to what you said. Again, bad faith bills gets nobody anything. 600 a week wasn’t enough but now 400< will be? You accept that and people are screwed worse than they already are.

before we hear “something is better than nothing”, NO.We shouldn’t just get “something”. That’s the problem. Republican senate is willing to doom us for nothing. That’s OUR money we put into it
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tf is wrong with this fool?

not only are you a practice squad player--aka one roster move from being a gym teacher--this **** gets games canceled and we JUST saw a dude get put out for the season with COVID complications...was it really worth it?

just a complete lack of faculties.
You are saying Nancy's big plot is to make Da Donald look bad. Know what could have easily erased that? Accepting the two previous bills that were passed, you know since he wanted a stimulus package even "bigger" allegedly

Rejecting offers for wanting sufficient state and local aid and getting rid of liability protection to actually protect workers in a pandemic is a weird plot to make Donald look bad

Also saying Nancy wants a perfect bill is a cop out. You think the bills she put her name on are perfect? I doubt anyone would think that including her

Once again, we will sit here and blame Nancy when the ppl with power to put it on the Senate floor and vote for it did not want to touch that 1.8t bill. The plan is clear a day is to get ready to be obstructionist if Biden wins

I bet money if she went along with their bull**** skinny bill ppl would be crying how Dems folded and they didn't do enough. Rinse and repeat
Skinny bill was a joke attempt to say they tried. GOP only care about stock holders.
Bro, nobody on earth is bending over backwards to make Trump look bad. He does that himself on an hourly basis. Throwing bad faith bills over and refusing to compromise is what the republican majority is doing. The US has billions for a wall that fell over, billions for military weapons to fight nobody, billions to bail out big business, but NOTHING for the American people who provide those billions.
The point I was making. Those representing the US are failing.
Don't worry, I won't

But you should

You are basically erasing the Senate from the conversation to make your argument work.

Secondly, we forgetting that Trump walked away from the table months ago on the advice of Mitch McConnell.

And you're whole "best interest of the people" makes little sense, when what would be in the best interest of the people would be passing the Dems' 3 trillion bill.

But uhhhhh "both sides" :rolleyes
I should and I do change. Just a sign a healthy growth and developement.
Proposing a deal (3.4 trill Heroes Act) that you (Nancy/Chuck) KNOW is not gonna never is ever gonna pass (cus its bloated with mj, and a buncha other lobbyist ****) is the same and the GOP and their cheap *** 500 billy skinny bill that dont address anything and is jut being offered to front like they tried.

Goddam. It must be two sides!
I should and I do change. Just a sign a healthy growth and developement.
Proposing a deal (3.4 trill Heroes Act) that you (Nancy/Chuck) KNOW is not gonna never is ever gonna pass (cus its bloated with mj, and a buncha other lobbyist ****) is the same and the GOP and their cheap *** 500 billy skinny bill that dont address anything and is jut being offered to front like they tried.

Goddam. It must be two sides!

First, please tell me what lobbyist **** bloated up the bill. Because it first off it is hilarious you make it seem like the GOP is generally cheap when they happily passed a corporate tax cut, and increased military spending which blew up the deficit before Covid hit. The GOP spends as much as the Dems, just on different ****. Different **** their lobbyists want.

But here, enlighten me...


Because economists all over the ideological spectrum, even people like Greenspan and Powell, were saying Congress should go big with the fiscal help. So again, point out to me where the unnecessary lobbyist **** is that was holding this up. Even if the Dems asked for everything with the bill, with Trump the major sticking point for the longest seems to be state aid, which is hardly lobbyist ****.

You said they don't care about regular people. When they passed the best bill for regular people out of the bunch.

Secondly, now you throw in the Senate's bill but erase Trump. :lol:

The House passed a 3 trillion dollar bill, Trump wanted something around 1.2. Pelosi took a trillion off of her number and came down to around 2.2. So Nancy already compromised to close the gap. The Senate was never unified like the Dems, Mitch told Trump not to compromise with Pelosi. On his advice, Trump walked away from the table a while back.

If Trump wanted to look good, all he had to do is agree to the bill that would stimulate the economy most and provide the most help. That would be the Dems bill. Either one. Instead, he made up with a ******** complaint about a "liberal state bailout". If Trump wanted to look good. He could have just taken Pelosi's offer because from my understanding it was cheaper than 2.2 trillion because it includes unspent money from CARES Act (could be wrong on this though)

That the elephant in the room you keep ignoring. THE SENATE WOULD PROBABLY NOT HAVE PASSED THE COMPROMISE BILL. Even if Pelosi agreed to Trump's number. McConnell was making it clear he wasn't with it. While Trump is outchea saying he will do 1.2 or 1.8-1.9 trillion, the Senate Republicans are passing 500 billion dollar skinny bills.

So yes, you are pushing a bad false equivalency because you refuse to acknowledge that the GOP had two elements both acting in bad faith at times and with one undercutting the other. The deal was not done not because Pelosi prioritized hurting Trump (which is laughable given how much he has hurt his own electoral chances), it is because the GOP couldn't get their **** together. Trump couldn't get his party in line like Pelosi did.

Lo rolling over in his grave because of this false equivalency :smh:
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This spray tan POS

Your argument makes little sense.

First, please tell me what lobbyist **** bloated up the bill. Because it first off it is hilarious you make it seem like the GOP is generally cheap when they happily passed a corporate tax cut, and increased military spending which blew up the deficit before Covid hit. The GOP spends as much as the Dems, just on different ****. Different **** their lobbyists want.

But here, enlighten me...


Because economists all over the ideological spectrum, even people like Greenspan and Powell, were saying Congress should go big with the fiscal help. So again, point out to me where the unnecessary lobbyist **** is that was holding this up. With Trump, the major sticking point for the longest seems to be state aid, which is hardly lobbyist ****.

You said they don't care about regular people. When they passed the best bill for regular people out of the bunch.

Secondly, now you throw in the Senate's bill but erase Trump. :lol:

The House passed a 3 trillion dollar bill, Trump wanted something around 1.2. Pelosi took a trillion off of her number and came down to around 2.2. So Nancy already compromised to close the gap. The Senate was never unified like the Dems, Mitch told Trump not to compromise with Pelosi. On his advice, Trump walked away from the table a while back.

If Trump wanted to look good, all he had to do is agree to the bill that would stimulate the economy most and provide the most help. That would be the Dems bill. Either one. Instead, he made up with a bull**** complaint about a "liberal state bailout".

That the elephant in the room you keep ignoring. THE SENATE WOULD PROBABLY NOT HAVE PASSED THE COMPROMISE BILL. Even if Pelosi agreed to Trump's number. McConnell was making it clear he wasn't with it. While Trump is outchea saying he will do 1.8-1.9 trillion, the Senate Republicans are passing 500 billion dollar bills.

So yes, you are pushing a bad false equivalency because you refuse to acknowledge that the GOP had two elements both acting in bad faith at times and with one undercutting the other. The deal was not done not because Pelosi prioritized hurting Trump (which is laughable given how much he has hurt his own electoral chances), it is because the GOP couldn't get their **** together.

Lo rolling over in his grave because of this false equivalency
Read the Heroes act for yourself, and you will be able to spot the stuff completely unrelated. Its pretty easy.

-Never said that was the hold up. ITs been trimmed. Currrently its( National testing/ tracing, state aid, and Liability protections~ they got employees agreed, stuck on customers)
--Nancy went to 2.4 from 3.4
-I called GOP cheap when discussing this subject, not in general
-Yes everyone wanted a bigger bill, word to Jerome Powell's weekly warnings.
-McConnell said he would bring compromise to the floor for a vote on Sundays recent interview. ( He actually slipped and said he would bring it and they would pass it)

The goal, the most recent anyway was for Nancy and Donald via Mnuchin to agree then bring it to the Senate and DOnny supposed to get at least 13 of them on board. It never even got that far due to language of tracing. They cant agree.

Yes Donald Duck makes himself look bad. Thats why Pelosi feel she has all the leverage because Don needs this more than she does politically.

No deal so, we Dunn dunn.
Read the Heroes act for yourself, and you will be able to spot the stuff completely unrelated. Its pretty easy.

-Never said that was the hold up. ITs been trimmed. Currrently its( National testing/ tracing, state aid, and Liability protections~ they got employees agreed, stuck on customers)
--Nancy went to 2.4 from 3.4
-I called GOP cheap when discussing this subject, not in general
-Yes everyone wanted a bigger bill, word to Jerome Powell's weekly warnings.
-McConnell said he would bring compromise to the floor for a vote on Sundays recent interview. ( He actually slipped and said he would bring it and they would pass it)

The goal, the most recent anyway was for Nancy and Donald via Mnuchin to agree then bring it to the Senate to get them on board. It never even got that far due to language of tracing. They cant agree.

Yes Donald Duck makes himself look bad. Thats why Pelosi feel she has all the leverage because Don needs this more than she does politically.

No deal so, we Dunn dunn.
If it is pretty easy, then the person that made the claim should be able to point them out.

And if Donald needs it more politically. And you focus so much on that, then why isn't the onus on him on agreeing to Pelosi's plan instead of the other way around.

Nancy already for a robust bailout passed twice. And got Senate Dems on board. Trump and the GOP didn't even get that far.
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Skinny bill was a joke attempt to say they tried. GOP only care about stock holders.

The point I was making. Those representing the US are failing.

I should and I do change. Just a sign a healthy growth and developement.
Proposing a deal (3.4 trill Heroes Act) that you (Nancy/Chuck) KNOW is not gonna never is ever gonna pass (cus its bloated with mj, and a buncha other lobbyist ****) is the same and the GOP and their cheap *** 500 billy skinny bill that dont address anything and is jut being offered to front like they tried.

Goddam. It must be two sides!
Your conclusion isn’t fitting what you’re saying you understand. There is ONE side in charge. There is ONE side with control. There is ONE side with majority.
If it is pretty easy, then the person that made the claim should be able to point them out.

And if Donald needs it more politically. And you focus so much on that, then why isn't the onus on him on agreeing to Pelosi's plan instead of the other way around.

Nancy already for a robust bailout passed twice. And got Senate Dems on board. Trump and the GOP didn't even get that far.
If Nancy said yes, we'd have a deal. If Donald said yes, we'd have a deal. They didnt. So we dont. So **** them. **** Mitch McConnell, only care about the supreme court. And **** that piece of garbage Larry Kudlow talkin bout, we dont need a stimulus. V shaped recovery. No *****. Its a k. Rich get richer and the poor die quicker.

My thesis remains.
**** all of them.

Yall can have yall thread back.
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