Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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entitlement has been just as harmful as politics in this pandemic. voting out Trump is a necessary step towards a better 2021, but it is not the only step. an entitled 20-something liberal is not necessarily any better than an entitled conservative when it comes to covid.

A grocery store I shop at was cleaned out of paper towels and TP. Whole isle empty. Here we go again :smh:.

I stopped coming in here completely because it was mentally draining and unhealthy. However, I have heard 3 people talking about a X virus.

Anyone heard of this?
just got a email saying amc theaters reopening today
as much as i love the theater experience and am bored af, there's no way i am rushing back regardless of all the deals they are offering :lol:
heart rates going to go up whe the first person coughs/sneezes during the movie. going to get that stink eye from everyone
Don't sweat it. I've been going to the movie for a month now. AMC has been goated in the handling the reopen. At least the one in Florida and michigan. 25% cap. And when you get seats, the block the ones next to you on either side and directly in front of you and behind. I've seen a bunch of movies already. Plus people haven't been going because they feel the same feelings you have...so it's empty af. Now is actually the perfect time.

Go to the show friend
Nothing good sounds right about "The Race" to a vaccine.
Remember the Space Race.....then people started lying about moon landings to be first n ****....

I don't need them kicking out fake vaccines to have one first. Dudes going blind and growing a 2nd nose n ****. Growing bigger nuts and the shaft falls off. No thanks.
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