Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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“There’s a lot of I think details that we work through, but it’s at least an option for hospitals to begin to be able to be able to add in as we look at surge planning,”

"a lot of details" is quite the understatement. How do you effectively protect the other employees that don't have COVID? Full PPE and N95s on at all times throughout the unit? Recklessness aside, that sounds pretty miserable. Also where do these employees go to eat their lunches and take breaks? They need food and water throughout their shift, which means their mask is coming off at some point in time.

Sounds like a really bad solution to deal with staffing issues. Rather than increasing the risk for everyone, maybe the nurses who work in administration and management need to swap out the suits and dresses for some scrubs and go work on the unit and actually start helping out.
Saw Dr Gottlieb mention the other day that the ~100k is actually closer to 500k with the asymptotic and mild cases not being diagnosed. Winter is about to be insane. Trust nobody who tells you they’ve just got a little cold or allergies because it’s more likely to be COVID. I honestly just assume everyone has it and every surface and door handle is contaminated.
In theory doesn’t this make deaths 5 times less deadly too, which would put it at or near flu levels? Is that reasoning wrong?
Even the states that did restrictions well and are Democrat driven are seeing surges. Maybe virus’ just happen no matter what? My states done well. We had economic ruin and slowly reopened and now it’s surging like others. Maybe there’s no stopping this sort of thing. Maybe what Europe is doing with straight up prison like lockdowns works. But then they’re all also being paid and having their rent withheld. You pay Americans to stay home and I think we’d do it.

most folks are out out of necessity. This point can’t be understated. Many work at home folks or retired folks thinks bills stop suddenly. Most are out grinding trying to keep their home
My girlfriend works in the food industry.

Her boss got infected at one of the food plants and gave a ride to two other people (who weren’t wearing masks).They came back to the main office and stayed in close proximity to my girlfriend (who was wearing a mask) the entire day.

All three of the people in the car tested positive for COVID while my girlfriend and I have tested negative twice in the past 2 weeks of quarantine. I know this is stating the obvious but masks WORK. Imagine how many fewer cases/deaths we’d have if people just $@$@$& wore them

it frustrates me to no end that it’s been 8+ months and Americans continue to refuse wearing masks. I’m not even talking about idiotic Trump supporters; I’m currently in a part of Chicago that is 75% minority/Biden supporters yet my girlfriend and I seem to be two of the only people in my neighborhood that wear masks. And no, I’m not talking about people who are walking around at a distance; we never see anyone in our apartment building wearing masks when we’re going up/down or doing laundry. The only places we see people wear masks are stores, which is helpful, but I’m sure these idiots are out spreading covid due to their recklessness everywhere else
My girlfriend works in the food industry.

Her boss got infected at one of the food plants and gave a ride to two other people (who weren’t wearing masks).They came back to the main office and stayed in close proximity to my girlfriend (who was wearing a mask) the entire day.

All three of the people in the car tested positive for COVID while my girlfriend and I have tested negative twice in the past 2 weeks of quarantine. I know this is stating the obvious but masks WORK. Imagine how many fewer cases/deaths we’d have if people just $@$@$& wore them
I wear mask everywhere. **** isn't a game but some folks are acting like it is.

Hate to say this but I wish this **** was deadlier so people will take it serious. I've lost friends and family who were doing their damnest not to catch it but these idiots get to do the most and LIVE!
Oklahoma's dumbass Governor continues to refuse a statewide mask mandate even though he caught the **** himself. The city has one, but it;'s lightly if at all enforced. Most people do the right thing and a lot of businesses are too, but then many aren't as well. Most people, if they're semi-decent, in offices will be like, "we're supposed to wear masks in here but I don't and you don't have to, but if you want me to I'll put it on," then they look at you crazy when you be like yes. Luckily I am working fully from home now
Oklahoma's dumbass Governor continues to refuse a statewide mask mandate even though he caught the **** himself. The city has one, but it;'s lightly if at all enforced. Most people do the right thing and a lot of businesses are too, but then many aren't as well. Most people, if they're semi-decent, in offices will be like, "we're supposed to wear masks in here but I don't and you don't have to, but if you want me to I'll put it on," then they look at you crazy when you be like yes. Luckily I am working fully from home now
Oklahoma is ready to collapse in the name of trump. Chesapeake is already in shambles and other oil companies are next. Instead of moving forward they’d fight for trumpism. Once I finish my PhD here I’m getting up outta here for good.
Oklahoma is ready to collapse in the name of trump. Chesapeake is already in shambles and other oil companies are next. Instead of moving forward they’d fight for trumpism. Once I finish my PhD here I’m getting up outta here for good.
When Trump won 4 years ago, I knew it would be bad because of the seed he kept planting. But I will be honest, I thought America was better than this. That seed bloomed like crazy. The Divided States is here to stay.
Oklahoma is ready to collapse in the name of trump. Chesapeake is already in shambles and other oil companies are next. Instead of moving forward they’d fight for trumpism. Once I finish my PhD here I’m getting up outta here for good.
You still here? I had saw you mention in another post and I meant to ask you, but I thought you were back and forth between the NE as well. I live in the city, it's fine to me, not nearly as inbred as say FB comments on KFOR and KOCO. I spend most of my time on the NE side, Downtown, Paseo, Asian District, Plaza, Midtown, Uptown 23rd, and MWC. I guarantee if you extracted just those areas, it'd come out pretty blue and highly educated and higher than average income.
You still here? I had saw you mention in another post and I meant to ask you, but I thought you were back and forth between the NE as well. I live in the city, it's fine to me, not nearly as inbred as say FB comments on KFOR and KOCO. I spend most of my time on the NE side, Downtown, Paseo, Asian District, Plaza, Midtown, Uptown 23rd, and MWC. I guarantee if you extracted just those areas, it'd come out pretty blue and highly educated and higher than average income.
I’m back and forth between here and DC/MD. Man I don’t know about that. I think you’ll get the most diverse crowed in those areas but their ideals usually end with “but I’m a republican”. With that said it’s diverse to an OK standard but once I got back east I see that standard is very low. I’m in Edmond so that diversity runs out this area as well. It’s funny to hear the ideals they have and how they still side against their own self interest
Masks aren't an all-or-none thing. They are not 100% effective and nobody ever claimed they were. Staying home away from other people is the only 100% effective solution.

Universal masking helps slow the spread. But it can only help in situations where people wear masks. A lot of the current spread we're seeing is from people congregating in enclosed spaces without masks, like family get-togethers or meeting up with friends.

While NYC is seeing the virus spread again, it is a much slower spread than it was in March. How much of that is due to people staying home versus wearing masks, it's hard to say, but I'm sure both are helping. But yes, even with universal masking in public spaces, it's still possible for the virus to spread in the community.

edit: On top of that, there is a lot of heterogeneity in masking. A group of people wearing good masks properly would have a lower rate of spread than a group of people wearing poor masks (bandanas, etc.) improperly.
Oh ok, we out here, you and storm2006 storm2006 the same then but son realized I'm a family man and can't be out in the nightlife with him plus I don't pull bunnies so he ghostin me now :lol:
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