Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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I just read about the nurse that unknowingly contracted covid prior to getting his first vaccination shot.

This is why I don't want to put it off anymore. Vaccine's pointless once you get the real thing, right?

Just surprised by the amount of healthcare professionals that said no to the survey at my hospital. But whatever. They'll come around eventually
Don’t get it

nyc is having New Year’s Eve events with road closures but it’s off limits? Can’t offices and hotels rent out space and pack people in? Wouldn’t it have been better to just not have it?

they can’t have it both way. So many hypocrites out there.
Don’t get it

nyc is having New Year’s Eve events with road closures but it’s off limits? Can’t offices and hotels rent out space and pack people in? Wouldn’t it have been better to just not have it?

they can’t have it both way. So many hypocrites out there.

Spot in Beverly Hills got caught trying to have a secret NYE dinner by placing flyers/invitations in all their takeout orders stating “‘Please keep this discreet, but tell all your friends," the invitation read.” :lol: :stoneface:

someone posted it on Twitter to call them out, authorities got wind of it, blew up in the news, today they backpedaled hard with the usual that’s not what we meant and non-apology apology. These people man :smh:
Don’t get it

nyc is having New Year’s Eve events with road closures but it’s off limits? Can’t offices and hotels rent out space and pack people in? Wouldn’t it have been better to just not have it?

they can’t have it both way. So many hypocrites out there.
And dare I say, the promotion of dancing and songs and a real rockin Eve advocates for get together and parties. If the world could just agree to shut it all down, why not do it? They want their cake and to eat it too, as they surge and have immense lockdowns. $$$$ comes into play always though

just make it like a typical Friday and move onto Saturday.

Media stations don’t want any of that though.

nyc is so locked down but feel they must entertain the masses to keep tradition. Lots of traditions have been lost this year. Citizens and residents have to be confused by these actions.

And if it’s not New York, then texas or Florida steps in, and we get entertained elsewhere. It’s a sad cycle.
Just surprised by the amount of healthcare professionals that said no to the survey at my hospital. But whatever. They'll come around eventually
less than half at my job signed up. today, i get bombarded with people that “changed my mind can i sign up now?”. it’s like bro, i’m not gonna beg people to get something that’s a blessing. now people gotta wait until we get offered the vaccine again - who knows when that’ll be 🤷🏻‍♂️
less than half at my job signed up. today, i get bombarded with people that “changed my mind can i sign up now?”. it’s like bro, i’m not gonna beg people to get something that’s a blessing. now people gotta wait until we get offered the vaccine again - who knows when that’ll be 🤷🏻‍♂️
it's like that new iphone new ps5 phenomenon

early adopters get the items first

and ppl who said no at first will buy into the hype once the supply is low
I just read about the nurse that unknowingly contracted covid prior to getting his first vaccination shot.

This is why I don't want to put it off anymore. Vaccine's pointless once you get the real thing, right?

Just surprised by the amount of healthcare professionals that said no to the survey at my hospital. But whatever. They'll come around eventually
I've battled some mental stuff and one of the things, that surprised me the most, is how much creatures of habits we can be, even to our own detriment. If something goes against our habits and believes, we can intellectualize, why we should go against our own best interest, just out of habit. People will convince themselves, that getting vaccinated is to actively seek out all kinds of side effects, but they will gladly cram themselves into airplane cabins and crowded airports, where proximity to infected is almost given, just because they believe spending a holiday apart and breaking tradition, brings down all kinds of loneliness and misery.

Dat Nussy huh
wtf (1).png
less than half at my job signed up. today, i get bombarded with people that “changed my mind can i sign up now?”. it’s like bro, i’m not gonna beg people to get something that’s a blessing. now people gotta wait until we get offered the vaccine again - who knows when that’ll be 🤷🏻‍♂️

I gotta admit, my first thought was "Let'em die" but that sounded so tone deaf given that man y'all frontliners wtf with people
And dare I say, the promotion of dancing and songs and a real rockin Eve advocates for get together and parties. If the world could just agree to shut it all down, why not do it? They want their cake and to eat it too, as they surge and have immense lockdowns. $$$$ comes into play always though

just make it like a typical Friday and move onto Saturday.

Media stations don’t want any of that though.

nyc is so locked down but feel they must entertain the masses to keep tradition. Lots of traditions have been lost this year. Citizens and residents have to be confused by these actions.

And if it’s not New York, then texas or Florida steps in, and we get entertained elsewhere. It’s a sad cycle.

That’s why the unfortunate and sad truth is that we’re not going to beat this virus and it’s going to be here for many years to come

This country refuses to shut down for the own selfish reasons
That’s why the unfortunate and sad truth is that we’re not going to beat this virus and it’s going to be here for many years to come

This country refuses to shut down for the own selfish reasons

What do you guys have on reliable studies about how long does the immunity from getting it should last?
That’s why the unfortunate and sad truth is that we’re not going to beat this virus and it’s going to be here for many years to come

This country refuses to shut down for the own selfish reasons
I get having some economy flowing but it gets confusing. My governor says to stay home and lock down and only go out for essential purchases..... but please support local restaurants and businesses. And my mayor is allowing drive through light displays, yet the governor says to bunker down and don’t leave for random events.
So many half measures. It’s crazy out there.
What do you guys have on reliable studies about how long does the immunity from getting it should last?

i took an antibody test. the nurse that was administrating the test said she saw antibodies lasting for about 6 months from when the person tested positive. i tested positive in june, i had a very light line on antibodies on my test.
Not sure I don’t want to give you wrong info

I would ask Blake P Blake P
i took an antibody test. the nurse that was administrating the test said she saw antibodies lasting for about 6 months from when the person tested positive. i tested positive in june, i had a very light line on antibodies on my test.
Just to be clear, antibodies are only a part of the immune response. B cells will make more antibodies very rapidly once the virus is detected again, assuming your immune system is working at optimal levels. B and T cells have still shown strong immune reaction in people who had the virus at the beginning of the pandemic. There is a small percentage of people who will be prone to reinfection, but the vast majority should remain immune for a year or more after they recover. Nobody can say for sure how long because it hasn’t even been a year yet. Be very suspicious of anyone who pretends to know exactly how long.
Am I the only one who thinks the recent surge is related to the new more easily transmissible strain making headlines? Like the original Cov2 virus was most likely in the US well before 1/19. Im not a scientist :lol:
I just read about the nurse that unknowingly contracted covid prior to getting his first vaccination shot.

This is why I don't want to put it off anymore. Vaccine's pointless once you get the real thing, right?

Just surprised by the amount of healthcare professionals that said no to the survey at my hospital. But whatever. They'll come around eventually

Just saw on IG a nurse friend of mine got covid (mild case) a week to the vaccine being available. She did also just take the vaccine as well so, I guess theres a point in taking it even if you had it?
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