Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Unlike adults, the companies will not be required to prove that the vaccines prevent most infections – which is no longer practical because of low rates of infection in the U.S. and even lower rates among children. Instead, vaccine makers will have to show that their shots produce an equivalent or better immune response than in young people 16 to 25.


aint going to lie, ive been a little more wild the last week since getting full immunity. went to two baseball games, got back to my haircut schedule instead of waiting six months, went to the gym, and even forgot to put my mask on going inside places.

aint going to lie, ive been a little more wild the last week since getting full immunity. went to two baseball games, got back to my haircut schedule instead of waiting six months, went to the gym, and even forgot to put my mask on going inside places.

CA positivity rate is so low now that I wouldn’t worry too much about going back to normal life if you are vaccinated.You probably have greater odds to contract something else at this point.
How's the homeless population vaccination going in SF?

I'm not familiar with seeing much stories about this topic, & the homeless population in general around the country & world for that matter.
CA positivity rate is so low now that I wouldn’t worry too much about going back to normal life if you are vaccinated.You probably have greater odds to contract something else at this point.
Was a little hesitant about going to Dodger Stadium for full capacity but I said screw it.
Was a little hesitant about going to Dodger Stadium for full capacity but I said screw it.

LA county numbers are surprisingly very low. People there embraced vaccines more than other large cities. Plus plenty have natural immunity. I wouldn’t be too scared to go to outside events like that.
I've been living in Chicago for a year now-damn people drive CRAZY out here. Never been to an American city with so many vehicles with missing or destroyed bumpers. I almost get forced off the road on a daily basis by people who speed up from 80 to 100 whenever I try to merge or change lanes. If they're not doing that, they're not signalling at all and changing 2-3 lanes at a time or changing into your lane last second. People start blasting their horn within a second of the light turning green, while I'm trying to avoid one of the thousands of idiots I've seen running red lights out here

I thought driving in downtown SF was awful, but Chicago is 100x more stressful. I'm getting better at recognizing who's going to drive dangerously though; any time I see an early-mid 2000s luxury car/SUV with a dent or ugly paint on it, I assume the driver is going to do something reckless. I'd say I've been right 75% of the time so far :lol:

Sounds like Maryland. Watch out for da Altimas. Worst offenders. :lol:
Only way I see it protecting you is if someone coughs or sneezes so it doesn't actually fly on you but the germs are already airborne and floating around at that point.
It would have to land in your mouth or nose to really get infected that way. Highly unlikely it lands like that. The stuff in the air is what you need to be protected from. I would say 99% of the people had protection that really didn’t do anything.
It would have to land in your mouth or nose to really get infected that way. Highly unlikely it lands like that. The stuff in the air is what you need to be protected from. I would say 99% of the people had protection that really didn’t do anything.
Oh I know and that was the main reason why I complained about my workspace because all they had up was those plastic protectors directly in front of my desk but people could still walk/talk around it. Got lucky and was able to get an office out of all of this bs.

Anyone know where I can get a pack of legit disposable surgical masks that are at least ASTM level 1?

I don't wanna be that guy (again) but I honestly don't see the point of level 1 masks other than to meet the basic requirement of having a face covering. They aren't rated for aerosol or droplet protection, so you might as well be wearing a basic cloth mask, IMO. I can't recommend anything less than KF94 for actual protection.
It just amazes me how these people will spend their days researching garbage just to debunk COVID.

How does 3.75m deaths worldwide not make people realize this was a legit pandemic?

Surprise, surprise... many of these hardcore anti-vax you see testifying and making a big fuss have an agenda that includes selling their garbage books and making paid speeches. They prey on weak minded people who will support their movement for the sole purpose of financial gain.

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