Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I called it RustyShackleford RustyShackleford . My state appears to be the last to lift any orders. I knew it would happen. We’re 59% vaccinated. Their goal was 60% by today.
They’re still requiring unvaccinated kids to wear masks outdoors in 100 degree heat. Any other places doing this in any regard? I got the vax, so I did my part. I’m not anti vax or anti science. Following science is not their strong suit if now other blue states are wide open, and we’re still sitting at 33% open for many establishments.

for reference

edit: I should add. When you’re one of just 1-3 states not following the overwhelming majority of all political party agendas/science, what’s this really about?
Been saying the same stuff for a year now. I just want one, maybe you are right and I’ll shut up.
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this trippin me out for real. I remember the first day of distancing tripped me out too with the zoomed out stage and the long table/desk. gonna take awhile to get used to this again lol
I think a couple ppl posted about ditching their mask in here

minus no mask around vaxxed friends and fam, nothing really changing here


this trippin me out for real. I remember the first day of distancing tripped me out too with the zoomed out stage and the long table/desk. gonna take awhile to get used to this again lol

NBA On TNT showed an old clip and it was weird af to see how close they used to sit next to each other compared to the big *** desk they have now :lol:
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I think a couple ppl posted about ditching their mask in here

minus no mask around faxed friends and fam, nothing really changing here

NBA On TNT showed an old clip and it was weird af to see how close they used to sit next to each other compared to the big *** desk they have now :lol:





If I was them I wouldn't want to be that close anymore they look crowded here lol
John Stock willingly played in Utah for 2 decades. Not surprised.

I live in a super blue city and it's about 50/50. I'm not wearing in public no more, unless a business still states they want you to wear a mask I happily oblige. Here's the reason:

- Fully vaccinated, got my first dose the day I was eligible and 2nd dose the day I could (Pfizer)
- It's hot as F. I dealt with pimples in my youth whenever I'd sweat a lot and was one of the worst experiences mentally growing up. The mask was not helping
- If I'm vaccinated and I got COVID, the biggest risk would be if I still got it and gave it to someone who refuses to get vaccinated (we all feel the same way about those people). Otherwise, the risk to another vaccinated individual is the same as someone passing on a cold since the vaccine significantly decreases severe effects. The only people I come in close contact with are vaccinated and understand that minor risk.
- At the end of the day I don't want to live in a fully masked society. Absolutely zero problems with people who choose to mask up forever but I do like people watching and seeing human beings out and about. I've been a city person my whole life

With that said, I know there are still going to be people who look down on me and scold me for no longer wearing a mask because in their head they're doing something noble and on the side of justice.

If there's no other variants that completely bypass the vaccines, mask mandates forever just no longer makes sense for people who are vaccinated.
So be real, how many of YOU no longer wear your mask when in public.

I see so many posts about what others are doing, just by the numbers SOMEONE here has to be "one of them."
Don’t wear it outdoors or on walks. Still wear it indoors, including in transit or Ubers.
I still wear one inside public places. Although I did take it off for about 5-10 mins inside a small beer shop while talking to the owner & sampling a beer that isn't distributed here. Other than that, I'm still playing it safe just in case.

Time will tell how this virus gets controlled. Our community has had low numbers for awhile, but I'mma wait for a bit, see how it shakes out.
So be real, how many of YOU no longer wear your mask when in public.

I see so many posts about what others are doing, just by the numbers SOMEONE here has to be "one of them."
In NY I only see a handful of folks outside with a mask. Outdoors it's like 90% to 10% in favor of no mask.
Indoors it's pretty much all masks with a few stubborn people just walking into establishments maskless until they are told to put one on.

He always had THAT vibe to him now that I think about it.
Dude wouldn't give up the 80's era shorts in the 90's. Grandpa lookin' fool at his prime.
My job just announced this morning that if they have on file that you’re fully vaccinated, you don’t have to wear a mask if you don’t want to.
That Inside the NBA desk was always funny to me. Like they space them out so far along with plexi and then I'm almost positive at the end of their shifts they were likely still dapping/hugging it out before leaving lol. I mean optics though right?!? Also, is the NBA going to keep fans from behind the team benches for the rest of the playoffs? Also interesting how they still doing distanced interviews with players/coaches. I get the pandemic is still ongoing and far from contained especially in some places but some things just seem silly at this point.
That Inside the NBA desk was always funny to me. Like they space them out so far along with plexi and then I'm almost positive at the end of their shifts they were likely still dapping/hugging it out before leaving lol. I mean optics though right?!? Also, is the NBA going to keep fans from behind the team benches for the rest of the playoffs? Also interesting how they still doing distanced interviews with players/coaches. I get the pandemic is still ongoing and far from contained especially in some places but some things just seem silly at this point.

I'm guessing it's not just for optics, but rather health and safety policies put in place by the network (and required by OSHA) as best practices. We face the same thing with our employees. We put mask mandates in place and distancing and hygiene protocols that will help keep workers safe, but at the end of the day many of them are riding to work together, living in the same place, hanging out after work, so they look at us like we're crazy when we try to enforce the policies and I totally get it. Now OSHA says that vaccinated employees don't have to wear masks or distance, but that just means we have to be the vaccine police and try to keep track of who is/isn't.
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