Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Delta variant has been detected in my county. It'll be interesting to see in the next couple weeks since we are not even reaching 40% fully vaccinated goal, and nobody is wearing mask anymore and everything is fully opened with no restriction (mostly).

My son is turning 12 this weekend and we are planning on getting him his first dose the day after. Now I am kind of hesitant. It's rare, contracting COVID is probably scarier and getting vaccinated still outweighs not getting the shot but I'm still kind of nervous. Can anyone shed some light on this???? Is myocarditis super serious?
You can get myocarditis from covid too. Just letting you know.
Based on what’s going on in England, I’m curious how this delta variant does. Because it does look like a bad strain.

Missing out on a College World Series title because players and coaches were more concerned with maintaining solidarity with their white trash friends and family than getting vaccinated. Literally the most ncstate thing ever :lol:
Apparently 80 percent of adults are vaxxed in UK

Seems like the delta strain is becoming the dominant strain in the UK quickly, but doesn't seem like hospitalizations are spiking over there

They sound confident that the mrna vaccines will work well against hospitalizations, and that we won't need a booster shot for the delta

Delta variant did a number on India - it was getting wild with hospitals running out of bed and number of people dying (can't say how many did die cuz the thinking is the numbers are undercounted) but afaik their vaccination percentage was bad and not only that, the ones who were getting vaxxed weren't using the mrna vaccines
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This thread is going to be on fire this coming fall
Whats the percentage of vaccinated people in the UK?
Is there an anti vaxx/anti mask movement over there as well?

There is a vocal minority - but it’s not as mixed in with politics as in the US - it’s more like conspiracy theorists and he ignorant who. The main problem I come across in the vaccine clinics is because now we give AstraZeneca to over 40s and younger people get Pfizer or Moderna. A lot of people know better than the experts advising the programme and want Pfizer because someone they know got a blood clot etc - but the choice is yes or no. This morning’s complainer said we were forcing her to get it against her will because her job required it - when obviously that’s not true. If you develop an infection you don’t get a choice of drug - your doctor gives you the appropriate one taking into account you and sometimes factors like cost - you don’t get to choose what brand and this is the same. We’ve got really clear information about the risks but heir friend on Facebook knows better apparently.

Apparently 80 percent of adults are vaxxed in UK

Seems like the delta strain is becoming the dominant strain in the UK quickly, but doesn't seem like hospitalizations are spiking over there

They sound confident that the mrna vaccines will work well against hospitalizations, and that we won't need a booster shot for the delta

Yeah, the stats I saw recently said that - it was the dominant strain and it had led to an increase in infections and hospitalisations. I can’t remember the total number but the one that jumped out was that out of all those seriously ill only 19 were fully vaccinated. As bad as that is for them that’s obviously great and good evidence that they’re effective.

Older age groups are nearly 100% vaccinated, over 40s are close and in the next month that will jump up. 18-30 is the problem - we’ve been doing first doses for a few months now but the non attendance rate is ridiculous - it’s always worse in this age group but today our clinic had less than half actually show up. I’m suspicious there’s an admin issue because that’s even more than I expected - you expect some because of disorganised lifestyles and thinking that they’re young and healthy - but not that many.

My son is 18 next week and has his first dose arranged for right then which is great because he’s going to college in September - should manage both doses by then and that will help - student dorms were a hotspot last year.
Pickering said the data highlighted that this wave of infections was unlike previous ones with the number of recorded infections rising at a slower pace than during the previous wave, and that there had been no clear rise in deaths despite the rise in cases.

From this article https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/25/uk-closely-watched-with-its-vaccine-program-and-surge-in-cases.html

So no, not a plateau. But no reason to sound the alarm in the UK either. Sounds like the mrna vaccines are working.

I think the only reason to be concerned as an american is that our percentage vaxxed < UK, right now
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Only about half of Americans are vaxxed? Wow. Good thing NY is vaxx percentage is higher than the national numbers. That is what matters, as long as I don't plan to travel.


Oh apparently 65 percent has at least one shot. That's better numbers to hear. Hopefully they will go for their second shot.
Only 5%? Wow! Practically nobody.

Yes, they have had so few cases and deaths it’s been reported that many people are unwilling to take the “risk” of vaccination because they haven’t experienced the pandemic like most of us who have actually lost loved ones and seen the devastation first hand. It’s obviously a short sighted view because they can’t live isolated forever and go through constant lock downs when clusters inevitably happen.
WHO has strongly recommend to keep wearing mask even for full vaccinated people because of this Delta variant. CDC hasn't responded yet.
Some of my wife's friends and family are in Australia and SE Asia and they are currently in lockdown. Delta variant has been the cause of the spike of new cases.
Some part of US are seeing spikes too. I just hope that's not the case for California. Well, maybe since the governor still facing election recall even after reopening the state, maybe he'll end up closing up again.
If US wants to be protected in some degree, we need to restrict any international travel coming into US.
WHO has strongly recommend to keep wearing mask even for full vaccinated people because of this Delta variant. CDC hasn't responded yet.
Some of my wife's friends and family are in Australia and SE Asia and they are currently in lockdown. Delta variant has been the cause of the spike of new cases.
Some part of US are seeing spikes too. I just hope that's not the case for California. Well, maybe since the governor still facing election recall even after reopening the state, maybe he'll end up closing up again.
If US wants to be protected in some degree, we need to restrict any international travel coming into US.

He was going to face recall no matter what. There were enough signatures. I don’t see further shutdowns in states like CA. Data shows the mRNA vaccines are effective against the delta variant. Variants and this virus are going to be part of life. You can’t really expect risk to just disappear and it likely will never go away. People will just have to accept it
Still going to play it safe. My daughter started summer pre-school and already caught a cold because one of the parents brought their sick kids to school. That led to her missing all of last week to recover.

You would think people would understand and be smart not to send their kids to school sick during a pandemic. Smh.
Still going to play it safe. My daughter started summer pre-school and already caught a cold because one of the parents brought their sick kids to school. That led to her missing all of last week to recover.

You would think people would understand and be smart not to send their kids to school sick during a pandemic. Smh.

Had this happen multiple times this year at my son’s school. Some parents were just content to lie about exposure/symptoms and then everyone is surprised when 1/2 the people on the school bus end up testing positive.
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