Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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anti-vaxx people on my IG losing it over his quote :lol:. I wish they looked up how this covid **** if affecting the rest of the world

anti-vaxx people on my IG losing it over his quote :lol:. I wish they looked up how covid **** if affecting the rest of the world

It seems the hardest thing for people to understand is that the virus won’t simply just go away on its own. Just because infection rates have declined in the US, COVID is not gone and the threat has not magically disappeared. It is still a serious, potentially deadly disease that even if you survive can have long term effects on your quality of life. When deciding whether to get vaccinated (or vaccinate your children) you are not simply making a decision to risk the side effects from the shot, you are weighing the risks of side effects from vaccination against those from being infected with the virus. You may have gotten lucky enough to avoid getting sick this long, but you will eventually catch it at some point. I’m confident that we all will, even those of us who have been vaccinated. By getting vaccinated, you are giving your immune system a chance at quickly recognizing the virus and eliminating it before it causes any serious illness. Chances are your illness will be mild or asymptomatic if you’ve been vaccinated.
My cousin in Poland just recovered from the delta variant. And she said she still refuses to get vaccinated. I told my mom to smack her silly on my behalf when she goes to visit later this month.

Funny thing is she was on the phone with my mom 2 weeks ago when I came by and she said she was feeling sick. I told her to get tested because you shouldn’t feel sick in the middle of 85 plus degree weather. She said no and now she got tested after she recovered and what do you know, I was right. Sad part is that she said she almost got to a point where she felt thatshe may need to go to the hospital. Why don’t people listen to logic abd rather listen to dumb people who failed high school biology? 🤦‍♂️
My cousin in Poland just recovered from the delta variant. And she said she still refuses to get vaccinated. I told my mom to smack her silly on my behalf when she goes to visit later this month.

Funny thing is she was on the phone with my mom 2 weeks ago when I came by and she said she was feeling sick. I told her to get tested because you shouldn’t feel sick in the middle of 85 plus degree weather. She said no and now she got tested after she recovered and what do you know, I was right. Sad part is that she said she almost got to a point where she felt thatshe may need to go to the hospital. Why don’t people listen to logic abd rather listen to dumb people who failed high school biology? 🤦‍♂️

Because they are dumber than the people who they listen to. No shots of course.
Because they are dumber than the people who they listen to. No shots of course.

nah I agree with your point to the fullest. Sad part is this girl isn’t stupid. Has a masters in engineering. I just don’t get how someone could become to gullible when one had to reason their way through so much school.
nah I agree with your point to the fullest. Sad part is this girl isn’t stupid. Has a masters in engineering. I just don’t get how someone could become to gullible when one had to reason their way through so much school.

How is she justifying her actions?
Alright NT, I gotta be honest, I haven’t been wearing a mask at work since last month, and it’s been great. Like I said, people in my area are hardly wearing masks now.

I know people are hesitant, but I can’t say enough how great it is to see people smile again and people just genuinely seem to be in good moods and seem to be happy to be seeing faces as well. Now I work in a bank so we can social distance pretty well and we still have the plexi glass barriers.

Cases have been low relatively low in my state and people have been maskless in public for weeks. If cases start going up, it tells me it’s more from gatherings for the Holiday than from people spreading it at grocery stores. Also it seems the vaccine is working based on numbers in my state.

Guess we will see.
Alright NT, I gotta be honest, I haven’t been wearing a mask at work since last month, and it’s been great. Like I said, people in my area are hardly wearing masks now.

I know people are hesitant, but I can’t say enough how great it is to see people smile again and people just genuinely seem to be in good moods and seem to be happy to be seeing faces as well. Now I work in a bank so we can social distance pretty well and we still have the plexi glass barriers.

Cases have been low relatively low in my state and people have been maskless in public for weeks. If cases start going up, it tells me it’s more from gatherings for the Holiday than from people spreading it at grocery stores. Also it seems the vaccine is working based on numbers in my state.

Guess we will see.

I feel like you're being overly confident. Your workplace being a bank is obviously indoors where ventilation is poor at best and plexiglass barriers are little more than COVID theater in terms of protection against aerosol transmission. With previous variants "close contact" was defined as 15+ minutes of shared indoor space with an infected person, while Delta reportedly spreads person to person with only "fleeting contact" where you can become infected by simply walking past someone who is infected.
As I said, we will see what happens with cases here.

Not trying to be overly confident, more so state the positive mental effect seeing faces and smiles has.

I’m in Michigan. Cases have been below 300 a day (sans yesterday 500ish) pretty consistently since the mask mandate was removed at the start of June and restaurants have been at full capacity. This tells me that the vaccine is working. If cases start shooting up all a sudden, then maybe I’ll feel the need to wear a mask again, but based on the numbers that are available to me, it feels like the vaccine is working.
I feel like you're being overly confident. Your workplace being a bank is obviously indoors where ventilation is poor at best and plexiglass barriers are little more than COVID theater in terms of protection against aerosol transmission. With previous variants "close contact" was defined as 15+ minutes of shared indoor space with an infected person, while Delta reportedly spreads person to person with only "fleeting contact" where you can become infected by simply walking past someone who is infected.

And not to discredit this information in anyway, but being glued to this thread and seeing headlines like that are what had myself and a lot of other people very scared last March/April. Based on how the past year and 4 months has been where I am and with the people I know, I feel a lot of what I was being made to think at first in terms of how contagious the virus was, was a tad over exaggerated at times.

A headline like that is certainly scary, but then we are also being told phizer and moderna are effective against it. So until numbers start shooting up again, I am remaining hopeful that the vaccine is working and we will continue to mostly manage the virus.
Restrictions / social distancing getting scrapped in the UK in a couple weeks.

England just made the Euro finals too....

And not to discredit this information in anyway, but being glued to this thread and seeing headlines like that are what had myself and a lot of other people very scared last March/April. Based on how the past year and 4 months has been where I am and with the people I know, I feel a lot of what I was being made to think at first in terms of how contagious the virus was, was a tad over exaggerated at times.

A headline like that is certainly scary, but then we are also being told phizer and moderna are effective against it. So until numbers start shooting up again, I am remaining hopeful that the vaccine is working and we will continue to mostly manage the virus.

To be clear, I'm not trying to scare anyone. I just want people to understand the risks they're taking, especially with Delta lurking. Working in an indoor environment with the general public is already what I would consider high risk, so I don't want you to have a false sense of security about the level of protection you are receiving from the vaccine. I can say with a very high level of confidence that people are coming into your branch every single day with COVID-19 unmasked. You are undoubtedly inhaling viral particles on a daily basis. The vaccine will protect you very well, but it's not perfect. Neither is a well fitted high quality mask. But the combination of both is about as good as it gets. But if smiling at people is your thing, I'm not here to cover it up!
To be clear, I'm not trying to scare anyone. I just want people to understand the risks they're taking, especially with Delta lurking. Working in an indoor environment with the general public is already what I would consider high risk, so I don't want you to have a false sense of security about the level of protection you are receiving from the vaccine. I can say with a very high level of confidence that people are coming into your branch every single day with COVID-19 unmasked. You are undoubtedly inhaling viral particles on a daily basis. The vaccine will protect you very well, but it's not perfect. Neither is a well fitted high quality mask. But the combination of both is about as good as it gets. But if smiling at people is your thing, I'm not here to cover it up!

Yikes, smiling isn’t my thing by any means, was just trying to bring some positivity after what has been a very bleak year and some months.
What do you mean by what effect? All current data says that people with the vaccines, especially the mRNA ones, have about 60% protection if not more. At the end the vaccine isn’t about full blown 100% protection. It’s also that if you do get sick you won’t end up in the hospital with severe symptoms.
What do you mean by what effect? All current data says that people with the vaccines, especially the mRNA ones, have about 60% protection if not more. At the end the vaccine isn’t about full blown 100% protection. It’s also that if you do get sick you won’t end up in the hospital with severe symptoms.
This is what I meant by effect so you answered my question. :lol:
That being said, those that are truly at risk are those that have not been vaccinated right? Delta or any other current variant?
Excuse my ignorance I'm just trying to wrap my head around the increasing concerned about the Delta variant even among those that are vaccinated?
I don't wanna get caught slippin but at the same time I'm enjoying living a somewhat normal life.
I mean against the old variant the mRNAs were 93% effective. Against this one about 60%. So there is increased risk yes.
Been about a year now since the clinical trials started. Should be receiving more updates soon.
IIRC, phase 1/2 doses went into arms around March 2020 with initial (positive) results reported in July 2020. I really hope FDA grants full licensure soon so these “experimental gene therapy” anti-vax talking points can move to something more ridiculous.
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