Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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This man had so many jokes about the vaccine and then BOOM! Dead.


This is bigger than just being an anti-vaxxer. It's normal to have reservations about getting the vaccine, and having questions and concerns about it. What people like them are doing is completely denying and downplaying Covid altogether. I guarantee if they took precautions, wore their mask when out they wouldn't have gotten it. Either their walking around talking this God nonsense about how he can heal all things, or they're straight up flouting the recommendations of the CDC because it's a hoax or not as bad as the libs make it out to be. Those are the reasons them fools are in the situations they're in now.
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So since MAGA is realizing covid is real, what’s the chances for another lockdown?

I would love to go back to April 2020 when the roads were clear and I was able to work from home. Not having to deal with the public was very nice.
Highly unlikely. Not enough people are dying. Thankfully, hundreds of millions of Americans didn't get finessed by a cult :smh:
Was at a House party in BMORE Saturday and was the only person of 30 or so folks that was masked up.

It was indoors/outdoors.

About 10 black folks there.

One black girl said to me, "You are making me self conscious about my mask" and she ended up putting hers on for a little bit.

But I was getting all types of dirty looks from folks when I walked in.

Never too safe.
So since MAGA is realizing covid is real, what’s the chances for another lockdown?

I would love to go back to April 2020 when the roads were clear and I was able to work from home. Not having to deal with the public was very nice.
it makes you wonder, where are all these people going? if we managed without traffic a year ago, what are people doing now that's so important? it's like people drive for the sake of being in traffic.
it makes you wonder, where are all these people going? if we managed without traffic a year ago, what are people doing now that's so important? it's like people drive for the sake of being in traffic.
People are doing more recreational things now that restrictions have been relaxed.

I wouldn't mind if traffic into SF goes back to the way it was at the beginning of the pandemic. Getting into the city took only 30minutes.

Will there be another lockdown? I'm leaning towards no. But we will see.
I’m not for another lockdown. Me and all my family and homies have 5G radiating out of us. I know we can still get it but we won’t die.

at this point if the gqp gets it and dies it’s whatever. Herd immunity, thinning the herd. Whatever you want to call it.
Was at a House party in BMORE Saturday and was the only person of 30 or so folks that was masked up.

It was indoors/outdoors.

About 10 black folks there.

One black girl said to me, "You are making me self conscious about my mask" and she ended up putting hers on for a little bit.

But I was getting all types of dirty looks from folks when I walked in.

Never too safe.

Probably my age speaking, but I can't even imagine wanting to be at a social setting with a bunch of maskless people in times like these.
I've had literal nightmares recently about being in social settings and forgetting my mask. WTF man...
No sympathy for those anti-vaxxer.

Bold move by California to require all state and healthcare employees to be vaccinated. My local hospital was on the news last weekend where they give the employees until September to be vaxxed, otherwise to start finding other jobs. Too bad they cannot do the same for federal employees like post office. Those postal workers have not been wearing mask since restriction lifted. I highly doubt they all are vaxxed.

Double edged sword... more participants will allow rare side effects a better opportunity to be noted, but will undoubtedly push back vaccine rollout for younger ages.
Ended up catching COVID even after getting the vaccine. Needless to say it did its job. I only had mild symptoms (congestion, loss of taste and smell).
Really happy to hear you had mild symptoms. Are you fully recovered now? Which vaccine?
Really happy to hear you had mild symptoms. Are you fully recovered now? Which vaccine?

Appreciate that. Although the congestion is gone my voice still sounds like I am somewhat (if that makes any sense). My taste and smell are pretty much back to normal as well. I got the Pfizer vaccine. I didn't pass the virus onto my girlfriend who slept next to me and was around me during the whole two week period. Weirdly I passed the virus to a friend (vaccinated) the day after I was exposed.
Appreciate that. Although the congestion is gone my voice still sounds like I am somewhat (if that makes any sense). My taste and smell are pretty much back to normal as well. I got the Pfizer vaccine. I didn't pass the virus onto my girlfriend who slept next to me and was around me during the whole two week period. Weirdly I passed the virus to a friend (vaccinated) the day after I was exposed.

Did your girlfriend test? Thinking out loud, it's possible she was asymptomatic and/or possibly transmitted to you in the first place. She's vaxed too, I assume?
Did your girlfriend test? Thinking out loud, it's possible she was asymptomatic and/or possibly transmitted to you in the first place. She's vaxed too, I assume?

She tested multiple times and was negative. She is vaccinated as well. The person I got it from wasn't vaccinated and was asymptomatic. I was around that person July 6 and my symptoms appeared the 9th/10th.
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