Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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KNOWN: the vaccines are highly effective against severe disease, hospitalization, and death
UNKNOWN: the vaccines may not prove highly effective against future variants
KNOWN: the vaccines have been tested in humans for approximately 17 months with relatively few serious adverse reactions - rare cases of CVST and Guillian-Barre syndrome after J&J, myocarditis/pericarditis after mRNA, anaphylactic reactions after mRNA, etc
UNKNOWN: nearly all serious adverse reactions are detected within the first few months after vaccine administration, but nobody can tell the future

For the record, I never said "insane" but call it what you will. You are correct that not taking the vaccine doesn't guarantee you will get COVID symptoms, just like driving drunk doesn't guarantee you will get into an accident, hitting raw doesn't guarantee you will get an STD, but life comes at you fast bro.

You seem to be comparing the knowns and unknowns of the same option. Maybe I misunderstood your first post but I thought you were referring to the know symptoms of covid versus the unknown potential side effects of the vaccine. Point being, how do you compare the 2.

Remember that thing I said about ignoring reality in favor of hypotheticals with no real evidence?

Isnt an unvaccinated person catching covid hypothetical as well?
i mean not completely..

no matter how many times the dumb shhh gets repeated, it's not a personal decision.. the actions/choices of grown a*#@* adults are and will impact others

Thats my point though, it's on the parents to make choices that will support children safety in these school systems in regards to this. It's time to give up the false narrative, and they are the only ones who will change that at the school level.
Thats my point though, it's on the parents to make choices that will support children safety in these school systems in regards to this. It's time to give up the false narrative, and they are the only ones who will change that at the school level.

I feel for the parents and teachers in some of these situations

certain politicians are gambling with the lives of others to potentially score points

and you have dumbass);(; that don’t even have kids involved and don’t teach being extremely ignorant and loudly so

imagine being the teacher who gotta come out of pocket to buy class supplies or the parent(s) of a child who can’t afford a stay at home option to help their child’s education

this is why you have a government
The issue I'm referring to is the parents fighting for their kids to not wear masks, and teaching their children to scared about having to wear a mask. Someone told me recently they were shook because their kid is afraid of germs. I'm like, good, maybe they'll wash their hands.

The teachers and parents that WANT the protections in place just need to be louder is all I'm saying. I don't hear enough of it happening right now. It's all the "no mask" agenda and it's infuriating.
How is it hypothetical when there is data that shows unvaccinated people get COVID?

Theres data that shows adverse side effects as well yet that was classified as a hypothetical. Being unvaccinated doesnt mean you WILL get covid, hypothetically you COULD. Same way you could hypothetically have an adverse reaction to the vaccine.
Its so much easier to call people stupid than make a coherent argument. #bigbraintakes
Wisdom is knowing who is worth having a discussion with and who isn't.

If you can make a cogent argument regarding any of your concerns with statistics that support their legitimacy, then I'm all yours.

Until then you're worrying about baseless hypotheticals over the measurable reality.
Having off-suited 2/7 COULD lead to you losing the hand, but you COULD hypothetically flop a full-house or a quad.

Life in general is just a 50:50 crapshoot. You either get it or you don't. Same with the lottery.
that is why the Portland trailblazers have selected Sam Bowie with the second pick in the 1984 draft.

(to complete the analogy, this would be if you watched MJs entire career and time traveled back to 1984 and still drafted Bowie)
Wisdom is knowing who is worth having a discussion with and who isn't.

If you can make a cogent argument regarding any of your concerns with statistics that support their legitimacy, then I'm all yours.

Until then you're worrying about baseless hypotheticals over the measurable reality.

Ill give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you actually have something valid to add here and arent just taking shots cause you dont like me lol.

Please explain how an unvaccinated person catching covid is a reality and a vaccinated person having an adverse side effect is a hypothetical. Sure there may be a probability assigned to each. Had you said you're more likely to catch covid being unvaccinated than to have a side effect from the vaccine I'd be on board, assuming you can source that. But you chose to classify one as absolute and the other as merely conjecture.
Ill give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you actually have something valid to add here and arent just taking shots cause you dont like me lol.

Please explain how an unvaccinated person catching covid is a reality and a vaccinated person having an adverse side effect is a hypothetical. Sure there may be a probability assigned to each. Had you said you're more likely to catch covid being unvaccinated than to have a side effect from the vaccine I'd be on board, assuming you can source that. But you chose to classify one as absolute and the other as merely conjecture.
Re-read what I wrote to you, then respond accordingly.

You're the one with the concerns. The burden of proof to support the legitimacy of your claims is on you.
Serious side effect from vaccine: 1 in a million (1 in 100,000 if we're being generous)

Serious illness from covid: 1 in 50 (which is already generous)

Chance of getting covid: at least 1 in 3 Americans have had covid. This past week alone, around 1 in 100 Americans have gotten covid.

Not to mention that you vastly reduce your chances of getting other people sick with covid if you are vaccinated, so you are doing a public good. There are no good numbers on this yet but it's probably between a 2x and 20x reduction in transmission.
Serious side effect from vaccine: 1 in a million (1 in 100,000 if we're being generous)

Serious illness from covid: 1 in 50 (which is already generous)

Chance of getting covid: at least 1 in 3 Americans have had covid. This past week alone, around 1 in 100 Americans have gotten covid.

Not to mention that you vastly reduce your chances of getting other people sick with covid if you are vaccinated, so you are doing a public good. There are no good numbers on this yet but it's probably between a 2x and 20x reduction in transmission.

Chance of frankmatthews frankmatthews replying to this well thought out factual information with some hypothetical nonsense: 100%
The issue I'm referring to is the parents fighting for their kids to not wear masks, and teaching their children to scared about having to wear a mask. Someone told me recently they were shook because their kid is afraid of germs. I'm like, good, maybe they'll wash their hands.

The teachers and parents that WANT the protections in place just need to be louder is all I'm saying. I don't hear enough of it happening right now. It's all the "no mask" agenda and it's infuriating.

kinda hard to be louder than THAT group

people are dying and they are being asked to convince people to do shh that could save their life

it‘s not like their stupidity doesn’t directly affect others.. for me, that’s the thing if your stupidity only affects you then cool but if your choices can impact the lives of other people then we as a society have a choice in the matter.. that‘s why you’re obligated to have a drivers license and insurance before driving, it’s why there is a limit to the amount of alcohol you can consume, it’s why you have to adhere to traffic laws like stopping on red

ted Cruz, for example, is out chere encouraging these idiots when he doesn’t put his own children anywhere near those type of situations.. we know the standard that the school his children attend has
kinda hard to be louder than THAT group

people are dying and they are being asked to convince people to do shh that could save their life

it‘s not like their stupidity doesn’t directly affect others.. for me, that’s the thing if your stupidity only affects you then cool but if your choices can impact the lives of other people then we as a society have a choice in the matter.. that‘s why you’re obligated to have a drivers license and insurance before driving, it’s why there is a limit to the amount of alcohol you can consume, it’s why you have to adhere to traffic laws like stopping on red

ted Cruz, for example, is out chere encouraging these idiots when he doesn’t put his own children anywhere near those type of situations.. we know the standard that the school his children attend has

I know what I'm asking for is more hope than we can expect these days, and I've always said hope isn't a plan. I just think those people need the support to gain traction. I imagine there's folks in Florida who hate what's going on, but feel helpless. Thats the ones I feel for the most right now.
I know what I'm asking for is more hope than we can expect these days, and I've always said hope isn't a plan. I just think those people need the support to gain traction. I imagine there's folks in Florida who hate what's going on, but feel helpless. Thats the ones I feel for the most right now.

Speaking from experience as a parent at a school in CA that would rather pretend COVID doesn't exist, it honestly feels like most parents DGAF and just want somewhere to send their kids so they don't have to deal with them for 8 hours. There's a small loud group of parents who strongly oppose any and all COVID protocols, there's a small quiet group of us who want a multi-layered approach and would rather keep our kids home until they are able to be vaccinated, and there's a large majority who don't care as long as they have somewhere to send their brats all day.
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