Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Looking back to the start of the pandemic it's funny to think about how all utensils and condiments at most food courts went to individually wrapped items.

How's that kid going to eat the mustard once it's in his hands? Place it on top of his mask then pull it down lol
Incoming long post.

Lost my 12 yr old cousin to Covid this last weekend. He’s been battling Sickle Cell all his life so once he caught Covid it was like the “perfect storm” (from what doctors said) He had a sickle cell stroke that caused so much brain damaged that he ended up brain dead when he was at the hospital. My Aunt had to make the decision to take him off of life support. I can’t imagine what they are goin through right now.

On top of it, my Aunt is battling Covid as well. She’s on oxygen support and developed pneumonia in her lungs. I have no idea how she is doin! And she can’t even see her son because the doctors recommended she couldn’t see him. It’s so ****ed up!

Then that night, we went to this Gospel Concert (in support of my wife) and when we got to the auditorium not a SINGLE mask was worn at all! So I’m already pissed off to the max! (It gets better) This guy named “Pedro” (White guy) spoke before the artists came to the stage but before that this dude kept saying in church “I don’t look like a Pedro.” he kept repeating that with his bigot *** jokes. I’m jus sittin there wanting to punch him in the face. Not sure how you say “you’re man of God” but spit this f’n trash in front of all these white ppl in this church? (Of course these white folks including my father in law laughed at his jokes)

Anyways, while the songs were being played everyone is jus giving “praise” “surrendering to Jesus” “worshipping” and it jus hit me. A my cousin just died today, a 12 year old! How can you believe in some God in the clouds & believe “the blood of Jesus” protects you but not believe in Covid that doesn’t care if God protects you! Even in the Bible it says “love thy neighbor” but yet all this ppl out here not wearing a damn mask to help/protect your neighbor?! It makes no sense, ppl’s moral compass is all twisted when it comes to the greater good of humanity.

I jus needed to get this off my chest, it’s been a long week.

Lots of hypocrites and scums in the church fam. Christian Nationalism the worship of Trump and the fruits of that have destroyed any credibility the church had left. As a Christian I don't rock with these people. I believe in Science, I believe in masks, I believe in vaccines and I believe in being compassionate and helping your fellow man. These Scums love singing those songs about how much they love Jesus but are the first ones ready to fight you if you ask them to put people ahead of themselves and serve like Jesus did by wearing a mask. I was talking to my pastor recently and he (a white guy from the south) said that the biggest problem with the church is how White Christian Nationalism has swept up things when Trump came into office. He talked about how several members left the church when he encouraged them to get vaccinated and that he had done so himself.
comedians make fun of each other all the time but even rogan's friends seem to avoid pointing out how dumb he sounds pretending to be a covid expert.
Would be pleasantly surprised if that Pfizer treatment pill is more than 60% effective at preventing hospitalization and death.
Interesting topic in the politics thread on if democrats in office should start getting rid of mask mandates and social distancing rules if they want to keep their positions for the next voting cycle. With people hating these rules and restrictions and it affecting the economy, sad to say a lot of republicans and the orange scumbag might get voted back in 2024.
Interesting topic in the politics thread on if democrats in office should start getting rid of mask mandates and social distancing rules if they want to keep their positions for the next voting cycle. With people hating these rules and restrictions and it affecting the economy, sad to say a lot of republicans and the orange scumbag might get voted back in 2024.
This is a matter of public health, not electoral politics.

Only 10% of kids between 5-11 years old have been vaccinated so far.

80% of people age 12 and up have received at least a dose of vaccine.

It's too early IMO, but I'm no expert. That's why we have a CDC, and they're the ones politicians should follow.

As far as the rules affecting the economy, I'll just say that dead consumers don't buy anything, people on disability don't go out, and public places full of sick people don't stay open.
Yeah but who is in office is gonna affect what rules are in place. Doubt the politicians who are antivaxx and antimask care what the cdc says.
sad to say a lot of republicans and the orange scumbag might get voted back in 2024.

Don’t even speak it my G.
No surprise here. Wear the best masks you can get for the best protection.

mask wearing, social distancing and handwashing are all effective measures at curbing cases – with mask wearing the most effective
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Interesting topic in the politics thread on if democrats in office should start getting rid of mask mandates and social distancing rules if they want to keep their positions for the next voting cycle. With people hating these rules and restrictions and it affecting the economy, sad to say a lot of republicans and the orange scumbag might get voted back in 2024.
The mandates will be gone for sure by the time the next election comes.
Boosters work, get yours ASAP

big question is what happens after 6 months? does the booster start to wane or does that third shot spaced 6 months apart give your immune system long-term memory?

it also seems more clear that we should consider a two-shot approach spaced 4-6 months apart as opposed to three shots spaced 3 weeks and then 6 months, especially in countries where supply may be limited.
big question is what happens after 6 months? does the booster start to wane or does that third shot spaced 6 months apart give your immune system long-term memory?

it also seems more clear that we should consider a two-shot approach spaced 4-6 months apart as opposed to three shots spaced 3 weeks and then 6 months, especially in countries where supply may be limited.

UK spaced their doses 12 weeks and I’m not sure they’ve seen any better results TBH. I’m planning to space my kids 6 weeks based on guidance from Shane Crotty, but that’s partly to allow the first dose to “mature” and partly in hopes to give less side effects. It should at least get them through the school year and we’ll have better information about booster doses for kids by then.

Numbers are still crazy to see.

Bumped into my aunt this morning - 75yo retired nurse. “Of course this winter is just like any other winter so I don’t know what they’re worried about - we just need to get back to normal”.

My instinct is to say that we’ve worked out that you don’t care and how many people dying is acceptable so you can go on vacation? - but I just said nice to see you and left.
Something that has long been discussed, but evidence is finally starting to prove - the viral inoculum theory is real. The more virus you are exposed to, the more serious the disease. In this paper, sickness and death are shown to be directly related to viral load.

This is further evidence that distancing, masking, and ventilation are key to avoiding serious disease and death. Keep in mind the next time you consider how uncomfortable wearing a mask might be, it's alot better than the alternative.
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