Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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People still really don’t understand the concept of flattening the curve and social distancing.

person A is a 17 year old male

person B is a 18 year old male

person C is a 50 year old male

all 3 live in the same city

person A and person B decide too hoop at the park with 8 bros.

person C decides to stay the **** home.

Person B has family that recently returned from Spring vacation 2 weeks ago. They went to mardi gras in new orleans. bro is an asymptomatic carrier of covid-19.

while hooping At the park, person A plays pat beverly defence on person B. In the process his face gets breathed on and catches covid-19. Of those 10 people that hooped 3 catch covid-19.

on the way home person B stops at cvs and buys a gatorade. He gives covid-19 to the cashier without knowing.

person A lives with his grandparents, both are in their 70s

1 week later

person C is a diabetic, he stays home and gets groceries delivered but still needs to go to cvs to buy medicine

person C catches covid-19 from the cashier that got covid-19 from person B

one of person B's parents need to be hospitalized

2 weeks later

Both person A grandparents are in the hospital in critical condition

the local hospital only had 3 ICU beds left (2 grandparents, 1 parent of person B)

Person C calls 911 cause he's having trouble breathing but theres no more ICU beds or ventilators

Person C is dead even though he tried his best to stay home because person A and B decided it would be fun to hoop at the park

not to mention how many more people the cashier at cvs infected.

I'm never leaving my house again
Not sure what point you're trying to make. I understand how a virus spreads. If person A with covid never played basketball he could still spread it to that same cashier instead of person b. At the end of the day, protect yourself. I thought the car analogy would be easier to understand
we get your basic point
and the car analogy would make more sense if you decided not to drive at all

you were mad people were "demonizing" people who were still going out recklessly
why wouldn't we demonize them?
We still got at minimum 30 days of this being at home left and this thread has gotten here already. Shambles won't even be close to a good enough word to describe what it'll be in here on April 30th.
Not sure what point you're trying to make. I understand how a virus spreads. If person A with covid never played basketball he could still spread it to that same cashier instead of person b. At the end of the day, protect yourself. I thought the car analogy would be easier to understand

Covid-19 = drinking and driving

social distancing and flattening the curve info = M.A.D.D.

tell people to stop drinking and driving = telling people to stay the **** home

less people die of drinking and driving = less people die of covid-19
we get your basic point
and the car analogy would make more sense if you decided not to drive at all

you were mad people were "demonizing" people who were still going out recklessly
why wouldn't we demonize them?
I said I didn't get the point of demonizing them. My stance hasn't changed. Whether they're hooping or standing behind you at the grocery store it can spread either way. So it comes down to protecting YOURSELF as best you can. Like I discussed with others, you can't just not go out. It's necessary and you're putting yourself at risk regardless
Can't imagine how many idiots are going to still be out there talking and breathing after this


Vanda Pharmaceuticals launches study of tradipitant for COVID-19
Vanda Pharmaceuticals initiates a Phase 3 clinical trial, ODYSSEY VLY-686-3501, evaluating tradipitant, on top of standard of care treatment, in severely ill COVID-19 patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome.

The 300-subject study will begin in New York-area hospitals.

Tradipitant works by blocking the neurokinin-1 receptor (NK1R) that is involved in a range of neuroinflammatory processes that leads to significant lung injury.
i don't think people understand how america is filled with idiots who irrationally think they are invisible. it just sucks that we are depending on idiots like this in regards to this virus.
Feds Give Seized Masks, Gloves to N.Y., N.J. Health Workers
April 2, 2020, 9:58 AM
The Justice Department and Department of Health and Human Services have seized 192,000 N95 respirator masks, 598,000 gloves, and 130,000 other personal protective equipment and disinfectant from someone hoarding those supplies, they announced Thursday.
The supplies were seized under the Defense Production Act, and a fair market value will be paid to the owner, the HHS said. The supplies are already being distributed to health-care workers in New York and New Jersey.
“This is the first of many such investigations that are underway,” Peter Navarro, who is the government’s Defense Production Act coordinator, said in a statement.
The FBI discovered the equipment during an enforcement operation by the Justice Department’s COVID-19 Hoarding and Price Gouging Task Force.
“All individuals and companies hoarding any of these critical supplies, or selling them at well above market prices, are hereby warned they should turn them over to local authorities or the federal government now or risk prompt seizure by the federal government,” Navarro said.

Does anyone in here think have alternative view and should just stop doing social distancing and go back to work and continue on with society?

The most amazing (and somewhat inspiring) thing to me about this whole situation is how we’ve gotten the majority of the world to group think in this social distancing concept. Haven’t seen this unified a response to anything globally almost ever.

Makes me a little angry that we’re unable to do this for all the other very preventable stuff we’ve normalized.

-Car deaths. We should stop driving cars unless absolutely necessary until we really can implement automated self driving communicative cars. Could save multiple millions and millions of lives.

-Obesity. Another easily changeable part of our society we focus energy on. Really refocus what food options are available and at what costs to everyone. etc etc.

I know i’m going out on a limb here but the most glaring thing this virus has shown me is that society is really narrow focused on fear. It’s the only driving factor for true large scale change. And optimism and education and stuff is still a very secondary way of getting stuff done. Makes me really understand how trump got elected. People with fear in their hearts could ignore every other common sense thing their ears and eyes were showing them.

Not gonna defend this post but just wanted to type out some thoughts
after reading is article someone posted

I believe even more so then I did before this Did not come from an armadillo or a dog cat rat bat this came from a laboratory.

this Plague did not come from wild animals
I could be wrong but I doubt it

And if it did come from a lab no one’s going to admit it
its easier to say and blame it came from eating animals

The way this passes on from person to person by just breathing not even talking sneezing or coughing.

this disease is pure hell on earth.
as the days go by it’s going to get scarier and scarier.

Sure they’ll be people left but not very many
Everything is unknown and the numbers are just under reported all around the world

This is from 06. The world was severely unprepared this time
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