Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Not understanding the European i.e. UK and Ger mentality of “immunity testing”. Looking at the wrong end of the problem. Nobody is immune from cold, flu etc respiratory illnesses. There is no effective identification of antibodies and there is a percentage of reinfection. We can’t even get enough tests done now.
Not following that non-solution.
Something like this is going to happen eventually. Now or later. It’s just hard to believe it’s happening in our generation. Especially The way things are going down. **** doesn’t happen over night, so you never know..things might get worse. I keep thinking that everything will go back to normal tomorrow, but seems like we’re far from it. I personally don’t know anyone who has it, so it’s hard for me to believe it exists. I came up looking into conspiracy theories and what not, so that definitely played a big roll. Looks like a lot of us are like that. Idk wtf I’m trying to say. All this pandemic **** just has my mind going. Be prepared y’all...

I just wanna pass off some life advice man.

It’s not always about waiting to see it before you believe it.

Evidence is a luxury you can’t always get delivered to your doorstep.

Trust the good people who devote their lives to these things.

The same way you trust the delivery perso to bring you everything you order online without even flinching
Immunity is interesting to me. Let's say a group of 10 all got exposed equally to the virus by a co-worker talking to each person face to face. What if only 4 get sick/test positive? Is it luck of the draw? I know some people who are sick constantly, even before this. Are some exposed by different means. A covid positive person may sneeze in ones air space and it's affecting two people who got directly sneezed on differently. Maybe for some it's touching infected surfaces and then touching ones face.

I wonder if people who were near other people who got it, eventually did get caught with it. Anyone living with someone who has it, and you don't?

Maybe we're all infected. Buts it's interesting to see the numbers Not infected in the heaviest of regions. There's gotta be some Level of immunity.
Immunity is interesting to me. Let's say a group of 10 all got exposed equally to the virus by a co-worker talking to each person face to face. What if only 4 get sick/test positive? Is it luck of the draw? I know some people who are sick constantly, even before this. Are some exposed by different means. A covid positive person may sneeze in ones air space and it's affecting two people who got directly sneezed on differently. Maybe for some it's touching infected surfaces and then touching ones face.

I wonder if people who were near other people who got it, eventually did get caught with it. Anyone living with someone who has it, and you don't?

Maybe we're all infected. Buts it's interesting to see the numbers Not infected in the heaviest of regions. There's gotta be some Level of immunity.
You make some valid points. There were all kinds of people catching it on the Diamond Princess while quarantined to their rooms, yet there was at least one couple who were in the same room where the husband had it and the wife never got it despite spending several days in the same close quarters taking care of him. Eventually he stayed in Japan and received medical care while she quarantined in California and never had symptoms or tested positive.
You make some valid points. There were all kinds of people catching it on the Diamond Princess while quarantined to their rooms, yet there was at least one couple who were in the same room where the husband had it and the wife never got it despite spending several days in the same close quarters taking care of him. Eventually he stayed in Japan and received medical care while she quarantined in California and never had symptoms or tested positive.
maybe their relationship was on the rocks and they were already social distancing from each other.

but more seriously -- on one hand it's a new virus so no one has immunity going in. on the other hand, as with any infection, everybody reacts differently. maybe the receptor proteins are a little different in her and the virus can't enter cells as efficiently. it's unclear. also I'd be curious to see if she has any detectable antibodies to corona.
Not understanding the European i.e. UK and Ger mentality of “immunity testing”. Looking at the wrong end of the problem. Nobody is immune from cold, flu etc respiratory illnesses. There is no effective identification of antibodies and there is a percentage of reinfection. We can’t even get enough tests done now.
Not following that non-solution.
Right now it's thought that the flu mutates 10x faster than covid. So immunity to covid should theoretically last longer than immunity to the flu.
I'm aware of the reinfection cases too but they may not necessarily be true reinfection cases. Could be those ppl not got over the original infection in the first place (even if they felt better for a while)
Some interesting points brought up this page.

No lie I'm wondering how Rudy Gobert shared close quarters with 11 other ppl, not including the coaches and whoever else that travels with the team and the only other person to get covid was Donovan Mitchell.

If you only consider the Utah Jazz and forget the rest of the world you would think the virus was not very infectious.
Right now it's thought that the flu mutates 10x faster than covid. So immunity to covid should theoretically last longer than immunity to the flu.
I'm aware of the reinfection cases too but they may not necessarily be true reinfection cases. Could be those ppl not got over the original infection in the first place (even if they felt better for a while)

Good points. Recall hearing the recovery resistance/virus stability in that Dr Drew interview. My gut feeling is more a distrust of their governmental incompetence over our governmental ineffectiveness. Would like see more testing levels like they did in South Korea. And then more coherent effective actions. Some states act more decisive than others.
You make some valid points. There were all kinds of people catching it on the Diamond Princess while quarantined to their rooms, yet there was at least one couple who were in the same room where the husband had it and the wife never got it despite spending several days in the same close quarters taking care of him. Eventually he stayed in Japan and received medical care while she quarantined in California and never had symptoms or tested positive.

I also found this case quite interesting. How she never caught it after spending days together and even kissing her husband goodbye
Immunity is interesting to me. Let's say a group of 10 all got exposed equally to the virus by a co-worker talking to each person face to face. What if only 4 get sick/test positive? Is it luck of the draw? I know some people who are sick constantly, even before this. Are some exposed by different means. A covid positive person may sneeze in ones air space and it's affecting two people who got directly sneezed on differently. Maybe for some it's touching infected surfaces and then touching ones face.

I wonder if people who were near other people who got it, eventually did get caught with it. Anyone living with someone who has it, and you don't?

Maybe we're all infected. Buts it's interesting to see the numbers Not infected in the heaviest of regions. There's gotta be some Level of immunity.
It's not really luck but more of good hygiene practices and immune system. I read that the amount of the virus that you catch matters too.

In your scenario, one of them might be inhaling deeply when he sneezed and the other might have exhaled and turned his head. The sneeze droplets mightve landed closer to the other person at the right angle.

You also don't know how it was transmitted. Might not be the sneeze at all.
But but but, we're immune tho

Foh. Stay strong my people.

COVID19's R0 is estimated to be like 2.5.

So the average person who gets it will infect 2-3 people. It's not like a guarantee that anyone they're around will get it. No virus is that contagious. But each of those 3 people will infect 2-3 more people, etc.
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It seems to me the issue with SARS CoV2 is its contagiousness. Plenty of viruses with a higher death rate but also are less contagious. This thing got people wearing masks outside staying 6 feet apart from one another :nerd:
I wish this was all a bad nightmare because I really want to enjoy this 76 degree weather. We about to skip pool party season in Vegas this year |l
He’s not completely wrong on this one...
"I take no responsibility"

Three years to assess the shortage and replenish. THREE!
The Trump administration refused to follow the playbook drafted by previous administrations that successfully contained three or four outbreaks with no major disruptions to the American economy. In fact, they willingly undercut the ability of the US to adequately respond to such crises after having been warned of the consequences.

All they seem to be good at is passing the buck and unfortunately, they don't run out of people who are willing to accept and explain the daily BS excuses they serve the public.

Y'all are too much sometimes.
Research news all sound promising. They mention that because the virus is stable, unlike the annual flu, progress is coming. Although still probably not as quick as we all would like.
One of the more reasonable more optimistic voices out there instead of the outraged idiot clueless celeb media types:

Dr. Drew tho????
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