Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I'll probably be the only one at my job rocking a mask or face covering. Hopefully these dimwits catch on.

I wish this were true. Two people I know that live in SF, who I thought were some of the most intelligent people I knew, were posting **** on Insta about their grocery store run. Neither of them wearing masks or gloves. SMFH.
I wish this were true. Two people I know that live in SF, who I thought were some of the most intelligent people I knew, were posting **** on Insta about their grocery store run. Neither of them wearing masks or gloves. SMFH.

Yeah I saw the same thing at my grocery store yesterday. Some folks had no masks, some people were going the wrong way down the aisles, some folks were brushing right past me. Pretty frustrating.
I wish this were true. Two people I know that live in SF, who I thought were some of the most intelligent people I knew, were posting **** on Insta about their grocery store run. Neither of them wearing masks or gloves. SMFH.
The problem is no matter what the intelligence level, logic goes out the window when it comes to themselves. I think it's human nature to think you're invincible until you're not.
The biggest issue I have with the trash **** Chinese government is how the rest of the Asian world has to suffer. So many Westerners assume anyone Asian is Chinese - we are the ones at ground level paying the price of that ****hole government. The more bull**** they pull, the more anti-Chinese sentiment there is.

Xi is a dictator and his actions are going to start a war sooner rather than later.

Worst part is that damn near none of the Chinese/Chinese Americans that I personally know here even mess with the Chinese government. They’re always roasting Xi and talk about how they’re happy that they can exprsss themselves here. Also some of my friends are Chinese people from Vietnam, Indonesia, etc and have zero ties to mainland China. However they’re still afraid of getting attacked during this time.
I think anyplace where society is very homogenous has issues with diversity

Even with SK I hear some stories that make me :frown: and I've been wanting to visit that country for a minute now. But diversity in SK is trending up. I follow quite a few westerners who've made the move to SK and are living there.

I don't foresee China being western friendly anytime soon, I'd never visit.

The one city in China I never felt uncomfortable in or saw any anti-foreigner sentiment in was Shanghai. It’s an international business hub with tons of foreigners of all colors living there (almost like Hong Kong) Of course that has probably changed now with the government trying to use them as a scapegoat.

also there’s nowhere on earth that you’ll be guaranteed not to experience racism. As a racially ambiguous looking person, I’ve experienced all sorts of looks and behavior worldwide. I’ve caught people of my own ethnicities making racist comments about me because they didn’t realize I was one of them and that I knew the language. However the only places I’ve worried about my physical safety due to being a minority were in the US and England.
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You have that much trust in hand sanitizer?

Yes, hand sanitizer is very effective against viruses.

Gloves are pointless - they’re clean when you put them on but shortly after they’re not. Part of my job last week and this week was to provide training for wearing PPE - once it’s on you touch nothing, once you’re finished that patient episode it gets discarded and everything you touches has to be cleaned.

It kills me watching people walk around with gloves on as if they’re some sort of magic protector. This week I’ve seen people scratch their nose, rub their eyes and eat potato chips with gloves on.

The better message is treat everything as infected so wash your hands and until then keep them away from you.

Masks are more useful - but again only if used properly. This week I have seen people lowering it to smoke, covering their mouth but not nose, and lowering it to spit...
Anyone out in MI? I heard they closed off garden centers, nurseries, floor and tile, paint, and the ability to buy vegetable and plant seedlings. Oh but the lotto can stay.
What else is that wacko governor up to?

I currently am, and yeah they did. Deemed none essential.

She was questioned the other day about the lottery and said the reason its still going is because where it is sold is still currently essential, liquor stores and convnience stores.
Lowkey you could rob a bank or commit a crime and get away with it simply because most people are wearing masks and gloves in public

Legit would make a good movie script for the perfect heist
They’ve closed MVDs around my way. So you could almost go without a Valid license and registration etc. Some stuff you can do online but not everything. Many need real ids. They can’t get those. Yet liquor purchases still want VALID forms of id. So if you just turned 21, you’re sol. Cops are a bit more lenient. But yeah. A crime spree with a bad id and registration/insurance will happen for sure. They just let ‘non violent’ criminals out of jail around my way. And yet gun stores are close. This could get real really soon.
When you are poor, you will eat anything that moves. Regardless of what country you are in.

if you´re going to blame the diseased food supply and practices in a region for facilitating pandemics, you should also consider how and why certain segments of the global population have a diseased food supply.
Surgeons are the worst of the worst, I might die a little inside if my sister marries a surgeon...I won't approve at all if for example my sister brings a surgeon home to meet the parents. They're good at what they do but I've never talked to a surgeon that doesn't make you feel that you're not beneath them lol

I've heard so many stories of surgeons. Some surgeons literally don't recognize the faces of the patients they've operated on, on the same day they've operated on them, after they did the operation!

On some 'Are you sure this is the patient I've operated on? I'm pretty sure this bed is the patient I've operated on....' (*points at wrong patient on the wrong bed*)

I've heard of surgeons who don't care if the pre - surgery checklist was just started...all they care about is if the patient is on the table at the time they're at the table...

' Um, doctor, the patient just got here. We just started the presurgery checklist...'

'Doesn't matter! I'm already in the OR!'

Um doc...the presurgery checklist is kind of impt.. :lol:

Your so right with regards to some specialists. Take me for example. I'm 43, but since age 16, have had ulcerative colitis to age 24 when I had surgery to remove my entire large intestine, gallbladder and appendix. I got diagnosed in '93, when medicine wasn't anywhere what it is today. Had to go to a specialist (GI) locally in my town (Doylestown a northern suburb 30 miles from Philly). I'm 16, on my parents insurance and didn't no any better. This "specialist" was such an *******!! Was NEVER on time, and my horrible experience (which could be TMI) an in office scope WITHOUT sedation. That was pain like I never felt before or since (and I have been told I have an EXTREMELY HIGH pain threshold/tolerance). I was a 16 yr old kid, and my rights were tossed out the window. I didn't want this. In the hospital, under anesthesia, sure, piece of cake, but not this. Had I known any better, and was older I would have sued the **** out of him).

Another time, kept me waiting 6 hours to see him! Came in at noon (left school, drove across the street (I was 18 in 12th) for my 12:30 appointment. Didn't see him till 6:30. And I was the only one there as it was snowing! His treatment ideas and medications didn't do a darn, so we went to Philly to Penn. Talk about night & day! I'm glad we went there as I truly believe my dad would have laid him out one day as my dad hated him too!

Funny how things come full circle, as along my medical life of issues I had a transplant 2 years from the surgery for my UC. After that, I was good. Went to local hospital for routine blood test. After, went to cafeteria. Dumb luck as in the elevator going down was my old GI doctor. I could tell he didn't recognize me. I said something to him (told him who I was). He didn't seem interested at all! Was a POS!!

On the other end, doctors at Penn are angels. My original GI down there (since retired) was amazing. One night that sticks out. I'm in recovery from having my large intestine removed (J-Pouch surgery). While he was walking in the hall of the rooms, he saw my name on the one room clipboard. He came in and spend a good 15 minutes with me. Asking how I was doing, how the surgery went, etc. Class act and a true angel! Man I miss him. His co-workers are great and they do wonders. As does the transplant team who saved my life with a liver transplant 10/7/03. They all go above and beyond for their patients. I still go down for my yearly transplant checkup. And sadly, I have a severe case of Crohn's disease (the worst of GI diseases) and see a wonderful doctor at Penn now). But I'm thankful for the bigger hospitals as they do offer better care. They have been adamant to STAY IN as I can catch this so easily.

Moral of the story. There will always be some bad doctor's but there are great ones that eclipse the number of bad ones by a large margin.
I dont wanna sound crazy. Far from conspiracy person, but step back and look at whats happening.
Be logical and think realistically.

Something out of a Bad movie. Seems as if the seeds are already planted.. once things start getting out of hand.

they’ll have no choice, but to come save the day.. Forcefully “ for the good of everyone “

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