Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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so awesome. I'm going to watch it again. Someone on her team should have pulled the plug from her desktop.

She just looked dumber by the second. Laughing at the valid points brought up by Anderson when he rebutted her idiotic attempts to make sense of reopening.
This may sound insensitive. But can some mass shooters just let loose on these “reopen the economy” “we want to work” ‘protests’.

****ing selfish idiots deserve to die as long as no one else is collateral damage as a result. Stupid hicks pissed off about wanting to go back to their little pos $13-14 an hour job and don’t care about the collateral damage it causes and everyone else impacted. Idiots pissed they can’t get a haircut or go to an amusement park. This crap is just going to drag our way longer because some selfish bums want to have a tantrum over the most minuscule of things.

They back the blue. Maybe they’ll stay home if the cops tell them to.

This ain't it chief.
This may sound insensitive. But can some mass shooters just let loose on these “reopen the economy” “we want to work” ‘protests’.

****ing selfish idiots deserve to die as long as no one else is collateral damage as a result. Stupid hicks pissed off about wanting to go back to their little pos $13-14 an hour job and don’t care about the collateral damage it causes and everyone else impacted. Idiots pissed they can’t get a haircut or go to an amusement park. This crap is just going to drag our way longer because some selfish bums want to have a tantrum over the most minuscule of things.

They back the blue. Maybe they’ll stay home if the cops tell them to.
I can’t beleive people are willing to risk their life over a haircut.
Chris Cuomo's son now has it. Just yesterday, they were all happy and finally hanging out in the living together for the first time in weeks. His wife supposedly got over covid in about a week. Now its the kids turn.
i was really suspicious of his wife recovering so soon. like maybe she didnt test negative, but felt better and they ran with it. Chris suffered for 4 weeks.
This may sound insensitive. But can some mass shooters just let loose on these “reopen the economy” “we want to work” ‘protests’.

****ing selfish idiots deserve to die as long as no one else is collateral damage as a result. Stupid hicks pissed off about wanting to go back to their little pos $13-14 an hour job and don’t care about the collateral damage it causes and everyone else impacted. Idiots pissed they can’t get a haircut or go to an amusement park. This crap is just going to drag our way longer because some selfish bums want to have a tantrum over the most minuscule of things.

They back the blue. Maybe they’ll stay home if the cops tell them to.
nah man.
i was really suspicious of his wife recovering so soon. like maybe she didnt test negative, but felt better and they ran with it. Chris suffered for 4 weeks.
yeah, honestly, I started questioning some things. I watch Cuomo time every day and started to wonder was he really sick? I was 99.4% certain. Then i saw his chest x-ray and he was touting how infected his lungs were (but they looked gucci to mu untrained eyes). Then you hear people talk and think his brother is the Gov, so you never know

And then his wife recovered so quickly and i was really wondering. Wanted to see the receipts but I'll take his word.
like I said, I know it’s an insensitive thing to say. But F those idiots. What they’re doing is so selfish, making a mockery over a serious issue. I don’t have any sympathy for them if they die. Reopening the economy by any means necessary is more important to them than the people who could possibly be impacted by it.

you don’t think I want things to go back to normal. I had so much stuff planned for this year. Going overseas and doing a bunch of dope stuff. It sucks I’m not going to be able to do any of that anytime soon. But I’m fine staying at home and dealing with small inconveniences in the bigger picture of things until this is fixed.

I really wish the worst on those idiots protesting to reopen things and hope no one is negatively impacted by their stupidity and selfishness.
not sure what's your objective by tagging me when a lot has happened since I was talking about the two

also lol at the majority of your posts. i hope it makes you feel better about your life every time you hit the "post reply" button
I dunno you seemed pretty confident at the time, I was just wonderIng if you had a change In opinion
I dunno you seemed pretty confident at the time, I was just wonderIng if you had a change In opinion

what makes you say I seemed pretty confident? 1. i never said hands down influezena was deadlier. 2. i even asked for the people's definition of deadlier. some might argue it's CFR or others total fatality - seasonal influezena kills up to 646,000 people per year.
Mayor of Las Vegas is so cringe typical slave mind thinking dodges the question about her being in the casino when we know her *** gonna be in her million dollar house . I hope numbers increase over there so she shut her mouth
what makes you say I seemed pretty confident? 1. i never said hands down influezena was deadlier. 2. i even asked for the people's definition of deadlier. some might argue it's CFR or others total fatality - seasonal influezena kills up to 646,000 people per year.
So which one do YOU think is deadlier?
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