Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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It's real in Ga.
Newsom closing the beaches is going to be the first true tipping point to Shenanigans occurring with those who believe its their right to be at the beach. Those idiots will not go down quietly. The protests are going to be tremendous down here in So Cal

How's everyone doing with stress/anxiety?

Past 4 days I've been having some weird feelings (palpitations, random split second brain waves), preceded by increased stress. Thought it was heart or something. Called my doc and he said it's probably anxiety and stress from current circumstances and that he's been getting a lot of similar calls. It sucks.

Anyone else having similar experiences?
Newsom closing the beaches is going to be the first true tipping point to Shenanigans occurring with those who believe its their right to be at the beach. Those idiots will not go down quietly. The protests are going to be tremendous down here in So Cal
Yup, I completely agree.

The one time I sign onto Facebook I see a post from a HS acquaintance calling Newsom Hitler for releasing sexual predators, shutting down businesses, and of course, the beaches.

I just know CA is going to be hit with a second wave. The moment the parks in SF open up and people begin flocking the beaches in SoCal. Yeah...Don't be surprised.
To a certain degree, yes. Governors first said 14 days lockdown to slow the spread and not overwhelm anything. Most places did this. Many places behaved and did well. It wasn't enough. More closures and lockdowns. It's interesting to see party affiliations and how they vary. Democrats want to lock it down forever and destroy economies. Republicans want to reopen asap. Very few logical middlemen.

Many states have flattened curves to never have true peaks. But they aren't really rewarded. They're given harsher sentencing. Many feel opressed. I'm honestly surprised there hasn't been riots yet.
If you’re in New York City this is the most comprehensive study of how the nyc subway systems spread the coronavirus

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How's everyone doing with stress/anxiety?

Past 4 days I've been having some weird feelings (palpitations, random split second brain waves), preceded by increased stress. Thought it was heart or something. Called my doc and he said it's probably anxiety and stress from current circumstances and that he's been getting a lot of similar calls. It sucks.

Anyone else having similar experiences?
I had to take a break from the news. I check in here to see how yall are but that's it. I don't wanna say the media is over hyping cause this is very serious and better safe than sorry. At the same time stress can cause illness too. People might be safe from rona but what about depression, stress, and anxiety from the scary news? Information about treatment and how to stay safe is cool but stories about trucks full of bodies...? F that.
I had to take a break from the news. I check in here to see how yall are but that's it. I don't wanna say the media is over hyping cause this is very serious and better safe than sorry. At the same time stress can cause illness too. People might be safe from rona but what about depression, stress, and anxiety from the scary news? Information about treatment and how to stay safe is cool but stories about trucks full of bodies...? F that.

I did the same thing. The depressing news was taking it's toll and probably a huge reason why I became overly stressed.

I think a big part of my feeling anxious is because so much is out of our own personal control. I can do my due diligence to protect myself and others, but not everyone is buying in the same.
folks at the Mayo Clinic missed a real opportunity to have CV Commander Pence be the ******* that defied direct medical advice to barge into a hospital with the Secret Service during a pandemic...status is a real mf.

It's real in Ga.

Georgia’s health infrastructure makes Kemp’s choice particularly dangerous. Girtz worries about the state’s hospitals. His county has two, but because of rural hospital closures, he says they’re expected to provide services not just for residents of Athens-Clarke County, but for the entire 17-county region around them, home to some 700,000 people. “A town like Elberton, 35 miles from us, or Commerce, just 25 miles up the road—those were places where, a generation ago, you could have a baby,” he said. “That’s no longer true, and it’s also true they don’t have the ICU beds there.

it´s dawning on me that I am watching an intentional class cleansing unfold in the Untied States.

striaght up. jet fuel is expensive af too
they could've used the money they spent for that on supplies

I mean, the money spent was spent, it´s not like anybody´s taking refunds on jet fuel rn.

nah, the big story is the commercial for the US Military, ooh what a super elite 21st Century fighting force

what a pathetic, pretentious projection of ¨power,¨ what a weird fn flex at the wrong fn time.

be way more impressed with an online stream showing medical equipment being cranked out of factories across the country around the clock...I want the mf FUTURE, not flying chairs farting fossil fuels over New York.

societal priorities SO sideways.

And this is how it starts. That would make the dog the third species it’s jumped to. Only a matter of time before it figures out how to jump back into humans.
update: employee health put me as high risk of having covid and as an essential worker they are expediting the testing process. im on quarantine for 2 weeks.
wish me luck boys im getting swabbed sometime today.

the scary part is my fiance works at big hospital too and she went in to work today. i called her and told her to immediately tell her boss im going on quarantine and that she should leave work immediately and get tested.
What symptoms are you experiencing?

you have to account that our hospital is probably preparing for the worst case scenario though.
still, my boss told me straight up if the 2nd wave comes she is going to have to let some people go.
which is crazy cause i've never heard of our hospital having to lay off people ever.
Why in the world would they let people go if things are going to ramp up and workers are willing to work? Shouldn’t they be hiring or adding extra hours to people’s schedules?
And now the reality of why these ****ers decided to reopen so quickly instead do things the safe way

They’re gonna end up paying the UI anyways to these people when cases spike up after opening. They’ll go back to work, get sick then go right back on unemployment.

I wonder if the $600 pandemic relief will still keep coming in for people that go back even though the UI benefits stop
They were selling for 20k a shoe but those weren’t Eminem’s pair .
These could go for double
Welp, 2 of the patients on the first floor of the nursing home my mom works at have been transfered to the hospital in critical condition. Tests still haven't come in yet for the patients despite the urgent request from the director last week.
The first floor got hit the hardest with infections amongst the staff. A bunch of the patients developed high fevers in the past few days so those are likely all infected. The two in critical condition had pre-existing respiratory issues so it's not looking good for them.

Nothing suspicious yet on the floor my mom works at. One head nurse tested positive but she only rarely worked on the third floor.
To a certain degree, yes. Governors first said 14 days lockdown to slow the spread and not overwhelm anything. Most places did this. Many places behaved and did well. It wasn't enough. More closures and lockdowns. It's interesting to see party affiliations and how they vary. Democrats want to lock it down forever and destroy economies. Republicans want to reopen asap. Very few logical middlemen.

Many states have flattened curves to never have true peaks. But they aren't really rewarded. They're given harsher sentencing. Many feel opressed. I'm honestly surprised there hasn't been riots yet.


Newsom closing the beaches is going to be the first true tipping point to Shenanigans occurring with those who believe its their right to be at the beach. Those idiots will not go down quietly. The protests are going to be tremendous down here in So Cal

you would think idiots are only isolated to nunes district but no......
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