Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I am convinced no matter what by next summer America will give up on masks and go the herd immunity route if we don't have a vaccine

i hate to say it your right

we might not agree on everything on niketalk
too bad the country can't agree on masks like all of us on here agree
i don't think i've read an anti mask message on NT

i'm getting sick of wearing masks but i still do it and will continue to so
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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

If there’s no vaccine, at least a mildly effective one, by that “early 2021” deadline they were pushing early on, everyone is throwing their hands in the air and saying “to hell with it”.

From the beginning I felt like we were pushing the idea a vaccine would be here way too fast
Is there a Vaccine that they can’t scale, or just no Vaccine at all?
Seems like they could drag this out so long that People will be ready to trade a limb for an end to the madness.
There are multiple paths forward that would get this under control. Ideally we should have 2 or 3 contingency plans. But up until now the national leadership has vacillated between "this will magically disappear one day" and "we will soon have a magic vaccine one day."

The first is wishful thinking. The second is possible but the timeline is uncertain. It could take months or it could take years.

A strategy that we know would work is a strict lockdown for a period of time to reduce the numbers followed by massively deployed testing, contact tracing, and rapid testing to quickly isolate and contain any outbreaks. These interventions are the difference between 1000 getting infected vs. 10. Or how we could effectively protect the elderly.

Instead we're taking the learn-the-hard-way approach. Which perhaps is working, at least until people get tired and go back to old habits.
There is a vox YouTube video on how pandemics typically end and like you mentioned people just get use to it and go on with their life's. Once it's actually killed so many people or the herd immunity kicks in people just socially accept it.

They mentioned a vaccine is actually pretty rare to end the whole situation.
There is a vox YouTube video on how pandemics typically end and like you mentioned people just get use to it and go on with their life's. Once it's actually killed so many people or the herd immunity kicks in people just socially accept it.

They mentioned a vaccine is actually pretty rare to end the whole situation.
Interesting... Yeah, nature has a way to course-correct. Whether we do it purposefully or not, our behavior continually adjusts and may eventually find that tolerable sweet spot.

There's some modeling work that hypothesizes that only 20% of the population needs to get infected to reach herd immunity. Essentially the 20% who are highest risk to get infected and spread the disease rapidly are also the most likely to be infected first, so once they gain immunity the remaining population are people who don't spread the disease much. But this makes a heavy assumption of heterogeneity in the population. Unfortunately there is no good way to prove this because hard-hit regions also have the highest degree of behavioral change, so it's difficult to disentangle the role of herd immunity when talking about why NYC hasn't seen a second wave, for example.

The flip side of this argument is that highly targeted testing can effectively accomplish the same thing as immunity in those who are at highest risk for spreading the virus. If we test daily and can prevent them from spreading the disease, it is the equivalent of them being immune in the first place.
Not a bad idea but :lol: at the upcharge. Should be down closer to $20.
Not saying the real price is 500, but the real price probably isn't 20 either. 20 is probably with insurance covering the rest. I'm not an expert in medical costs so I can't say anything more than that and be a hundred percent sure
Not saying the real price is 500, but the real price probably isn't 20 either. 20 is probably with insurance covering the rest. I'm not an expert in medical costs so I can't say anything more than that and be a hundred percent sure
You're right. I think a rapid test was going to be $100-125 for me to do it at a local clinic.

I was thinking longer-term -- some of these rapid tests can get down to the $10-20 range eventually, but that's probably not what they had at the party.
They restocked some masks
I highly recommend these
Get the large
Medium is way too small for an adult imo
:lol: Yo i am sick of this covid ****. This has got to the most boring year of my life & the thing is started out fun. January & February was fun.

Anyway, I appreciate this thread b/c it has kept my arrogance & selfish or urges in check, and it has helped me stay informed. Without this the thread & it's contributors I would more than likely be in NY doing some civil hoodrat **** rn.

So thank you & I would still let a rona infected Draya cough in face if she let me go raw afterwards.
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:lol: Yo i am sick of this covid ****. This has got to the most boring year of my life & the thing is started out fun. January & February was fun.

Anyway, I appreciate this thread b/c it has kept my arrogance & selfish or urges in check, and it has helped me stay informed. Without this the thread & it's contributors I would more than likely be in NY doing some civil hoodrat **** rn.

So thank you & I would still let a rona infected Draya cough in face if she let me go raw afterwards.
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Sorry you're bored. 175,000 people died tho. Their fams probably think this year kinda sucks too huh
Sorry you're bored. 175,000 people died tho. Their fams probably think this year kinda sucks too huh
No. 803k+ have died from this disease & there will likely be hundreds of thousands more unfortunately. Could even be me or you. So get off your damn high horse. How you tried to make me not wanting da rona to not exist/go away is beyond me.

Would you have rather me proposed that we act like it didn't exist?
No. 803k+ have died from this disease & there will likely be hundreds of thousands more unfortunately. Could even be me or you. So get off your damn high horse. How you tried to make me not wanting da rona to not exist/go away is beyond me.

Would you have rather me proposed that we act like it didn't exist?
Sorry you're bored. Sorry you didn't have fun this year and your social life took a hit. Boo *** hoo 🤡
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