Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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I'm pretty sure it's at least partly due to bias based on symptoms. There is obviously nothing stopping the virus (SARS-CoV-2) from landing in a vaccinated person's mucous membranes (mouth, nose, eyes), but if it takes ~5 days for symptoms to show up, your immune system has a relatively long period of time to take action and neutralize the virus and stop it from replicating and causing DISEASE (COVID-19). Influenza, for reference, typically starts showing symptoms within 2 days. The biggest difference, of course, is that with COVID you can transmit before you are actually symptomatic.

Theoretically in that case say Mary whos vaccinated gets exposed (and contracts Covid) on a Monday, she can give it to vaccinated Jane by Tuesday before she may/may not be asymptomatic by Friday (based on the 5 day average).
Theoretically in that case say Mary whos vaccinated gets exposed (and contracts Covid) on a Monday, she can give it to vaccinated Jane by Tuesday before she may/may not be asymptomatic by Friday (based on the 5 day average).

From what I've seen, you're usually contagious a day or 2 before symptoms. In fact, the day before, the day of symptoms, and the 2 days after are typically the period of highest viral load. Also, this is when you are most likely to test positive using a rapid/antigen test, for obvious reasons.
Gonna ask my onc about the booster when I see him this week.

Hey bud, I didn't know you were going though some rough times! Many prayers to you and your family. 🙏🙏🙏 Definitely check with your oncologist as soon as you can. I would tend to believe they would want you to get the booster as soon as you can. I'm sure you've seen my posts about being a liver transplant patient. My coordinator at UPenn and their doctors have sent out messages from the beginning about the virus and vaccines. We recently got messages about the booster. I was told to get it as soon as I could, which I did back about a month ago.

For anyone out there who doesn't believe in the vaccine or it's effectiveness, I'm the perfect example on why it works. Being a person with their immune system essentially turned off (to stop my system from attacking the new liver) due to the anti-rejection medication I take, I'd be the one to catch something or have a serious side effect happen. But I've been, for the most part, perfectly healthy in terms of inside effects. Other than a sore arm for 2 of the 3 shots, and a little bit of tiredness after the booster, it's been great.

Definitely talk to your doctors and hopefully they will get together and agree it's better for you to take it vs not taking it. Good luck to you in your battle and recovery. 🙏🙏
Hey bud, I didn't know you were going though some rough times! Many prayers to you and your family. 🙏🙏🙏 Definitely check with your oncologist as soon as you can. I would tend to believe they would want you to get the booster as soon as you can. I'm sure you've seen my posts about being a liver transplant patient. My coordinator at UPenn and their doctors have sent out messages from the beginning about the virus and vaccines. We recently got messages about the booster. I was told to get it as soon as I could, which I did back about a month ago.

For anyone out there who doesn't believe in the vaccine or it's effectiveness, I'm the perfect example on why it works. Being a person with their immune system essentially turned off (to stop my system from attacking the new liver) due to the anti-rejection medication I take, I'd be the one to catch something or have a serious side effect happen. But I've been, for the most part, perfectly healthy in terms of inside effects. Other than a sore arm for 2 of the 3 shots, and a little bit of tiredness after the booster, it's been great.

Definitely talk to your doctors and hopefully they will get together and agree it's better for you to take it vs not taking it. Good luck to you in your battle and recovery. 🙏🙏

Thanks homie appreciate that! My doc im expecting him to say no issues with the vaccine, shoot if he could he’d probably give me one then and there.
Blake P Blake P

Man, students that are KNOWN to be positive are being let into classes. :lol:

I won't go into too much detail but there is some real shady stuff going on here man.
They’ve actually tested positive or had known close contact with a positive case? My kids’ school allows vaccinated students or staff to avoid quarantine unless they are symptomatic, and I thought that was wild because it even includes a positive case in your own household.
They’ve actually tested positive or had known close contact with a positive case? My kids’ school allows vaccinated students or staff to avoid quarantine unless they are symptomatic, and I thought that was wild because it even includes a positive case in your own household.

@ each DC school, 10% of kids are randomly selected to take Covid tests. (Fridays)

The results come back Tuesday morning.

Teachers of the students with positive test results are emailed. (With the students' names).

So, THOSE students are being let back into class AFTER those emails have been sent out.

Apparently schools aren't allowed to not allow kids into class and they have to wait for confirmation from DC Health to determine whether or not the kids need to quarantine.
They’ve actually tested positive or had known close contact with a positive case? My kids’ school allows vaccinated students or staff to avoid quarantine unless they are symptomatic, and I thought that was wild because it even includes a positive case in your own household.

It’s the same here - but they added an extra category of those who don’t have to quarantine - under 18s, irrespective of vaccine status.

I get the ones with a close contact, who are fully vaccinated, and have a negative PCR being exempt - but not kids. Yes, they’re less likely to get seriously ill but it’s spreading through schools - there hasn’t been a day gone by in the last week where I haven’t got a message from the school saying there have been multiple cases and those who need to have been contacted to get tested.

I see way too many people test positive a day or two later for that to many any sense.

We kept my youngest off on Friday because her year group is bad right now. Didn’t want her to miss her vaccination Monday because of that.
@ each DC school, 10% of kids are randomly selected to take Covid tests. (Fridays)

The results come back Tuesday morning.

Teachers of the students with positive test results are emailed. (With the students' names).

So, THOSE students are being let back into class AFTER those emails have been sent out.

Apparently schools aren't allowed to not allow kids into class and they have to wait for confirmation from DC Health to determine whether or not the kids need to quarantine.
Damn. What the hell is the point in testing them then?
Damn. What the hell is the point in testing them then?

Not even sure.

Also, last week there were 2 students in one of my classes that got a positive test.

So me, calling myself doing the RIGHT thing, had any student that sat near any of those students call their parents to tell them to take them to go get a COvid Test. (We have assigned seating for this purpose).

There were 4 kids that I took to the main office to call their parents and their families came and got them to get tested. (All negative).

So long story short, I got in "trouble" and was told that I didn't have the authority to make moves like that. (Even though I was never told that before).

I was then told to call those families back for "damage control" purposes making sure they weren't panicking, that it was OK to send their kids back to school, and that the definition of "close contact" wasn't applicable in this case since kids had on (weak) masks.

We then had a meeting telling us that only our administration team was allowed to communicate info to parents.

So yea man, stuff is foul over here.
My wife has been talking to someone today who works in the contact tracing centre and they’ve redefined a contact for <18s as either a lip to lip kiss or sexual contact - nothing else.

So that will vastly reduce the number of kids being sent for tests - but at the same time I’d expect the cases to skyrocket.
That’s BS, but sounds about par for what’s going on at my school site too. We’re supposed to have a staff meeting to go over covid protocols next week, but it sounds like a circle jerk.
I don't understand why they don't go full virtual and have in-school volunteers to host and monitor safe virtual sessions for those who unfortunately don't have access at home. Folks will start a fight if you talk too rough to their kid but covid exposure is all good.

Because it upsets parents who view school as free babysitting. They complain very, very loudly. And that is dangerous, politically.
Teachers have always said that was what most parents thought, but I’ve always assumed it was an exaggeration. Sadly, I’ve seen it first hand, here in NY. Overall, the country has just accepted the risk of keeping unvaccinated kids in school.

September 8th:

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Real talk, who gets held liable when the dust settles?

Also, a co-worker is out with covid she caught at school. She has a 1 month old son. Sad situation.
Why was she even at work? Why not on maternity leave?

people are acting like this is over…all these concerts, sporting events etc. even cnn news anchors aren’t wearing masks and they’re at these protests.
Real talk, who gets held liable when the dust settles?

I think about this all the time...like, when you hear about Long COVID you can already hear the 2023 commercials playing in your head if you or a loved one have been rendered unable to work due to symptoms including reduced lung function, recurring blood clots, lowered cognitive skills or premature death from COVID-19 coronavirus and related effects due to misinformation you received from Facebook's federally banned algorithm, you may be entitled to financial compensation...

do people start suing state governors? mask manufacturers? municipalities with lax public health standards?

I strongly suspect that people will just be assed out like with a Hurricane Katrina. everybody ****** up, nobody's responsible.

yeah tho I think **** like this clearly illustrates how the dust ain't settling anytime soon...we're full speed to Stupid Town.

"In a choice between losing his medical license versus wearing a mask in his clinic and requiring his patients and staff to wear a mask in his clinic, he will, 'choose to sacrifice my medical license with no hesitation,'" the investigative report reads.
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