Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

Nothing wrong with it, just be careful because as someone else put it, it gives you access and girls access to you who wouldn't otherwise because you aren't in the same tax bracket, at the same place in life, etc. Then you **** around and get one of them preggers and shiiyeet. So I'd say stay within your tax bracket/ life level. There are successful women with degrees, their own place, and good jobs who will still give it up on the first night too. You don't have to venture into the bad side of town that you never otherwise go to except to get cheap gas, just to meet some ratchet. All women have vaginas. Find one that's connected to a good person too that you connect with and then its that much better. And still wear a condom/get your tubes tied/pull out/plan B
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i dont know though, does anyone else get that feeling of "damn i dont want to be seen as that dude that cant get any girls or has any friends so he has to get on dating sites"?

I feel this way about speed dating. I was giving it some serious consideration last year because my dry spell was something crazy :smh:. I wasn't having any luck when I'd be out or on dating sites/apps. Thanks to a girl from pof though she got me outta that dry spell though.

Has anyone gone speed dating btw :nerd:? How was it :nerd:?

Also has anyone ever talked a shorti on these dating sites/apps & she lives in another country? Her profile said NJ (she does have fam here & might be coming to the US to visit next month) but come to find out she's all da way in Jamaica.
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pondering whether or not to create another POF account? I haven't had any luck on OKC or tinder and just overall just keep getting fat black chicks that nobody wants. It sucks being a single Mexican dude now a days, I wanna go back to when everyone just dates their own race smh
I wanna go back to when everyone just dates their own race smh


With this mindeset, I hope you continue to be, desert D, team Never smashing, and never getting any luck with this racist comment. And PS you ain't having no luck because your pics 9/10 is trash.
I wanna go back to when everyone just dates their own race smh

Speed dating is he only way to go on POF.

5 pieces of yamb per month with no shame.

POF is golden for quick thoughtless low effort exciting new yambz.

We need easy smutty vermin...we want quick enticing intense yambz and they want quick hopeless romantic bad decisions with emotionally unavialable men they can aquire but can't actually keep.

Balance Balance Balance!!!
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That Pedro dude up there is a real psycho....looking at his post history is cringe worthy man...

Sheesh :x
That Pedro dude up there is a real psycho....looking at his post history is cringe worthy man...

Sheesh :x

I think that's the problem... We the majority out here and frankly, latinas are racist as heck... They only want to date light skinned mexicans at the least the cute ones. Then you have the *******s who want the eses which im not and then you got the gold diggers who want the narco type dudes and im not that either. White girls out here don't like mexicans or non black dudes at all, all the attractive black girls seem to only date black guys or rich white guys and thsn you got asian girls who exclusively date white guys. Im just a regular looking dark brown hispanic dude. I aint got colored eyes or any of that ish.. That essentially just categorizes me as "just another mexican". I am very quiet when im around people i dont know but once Im given a chance, i get along with everyone. I am very self conscious about myself and have zero confidence in myself because of the lack of attention i get from the opposite sex. I mean, i even get ignored at strip clubs by females. The part i dont understand is I've been told by some girls that I'm not an ugly guy but i can't get that out of my head because again of my failures in getting girls

:lol: this man been in a drought longer than I thought,so much he turned into a racist. The power the lack of P can make a man turn crazy :lol: :lol:
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pondering whether or not to create another POF account? I haven't had any luck on OKC or tinder and just overall just keep getting fat black chicks that nobody wants. It sucks being a single Mexican dude now a days, I wanna go back to when everyone just dates their own race smh

Bro you gotta chill damn
this man been in a drought longer than I thought,so much he turned into a racist. The power the lack of P can make a man turn crazy
He needs to realize his failure with women isn't based on looking like "just another Mexican", it's his lack of confidence and low self esteem/possible social awkwardness that the females sniff out from a mile away. I don't think dude is a racist (despite his wild ignorant comment) I think he is just frustrated and angry with the drought he has experienced, which looks like it's been a life long drought. I'm sure his pictures on POF or any dating app is consistent with his insecurities, so of course women aren't going to be receptive to him. This is something he can change and make better, but he needs to stop feeling sorry/ beating himself down (and being ignorant) and make the change.
pondering whether or not to create another POF account? I haven't had any luck on OKC or tinder and just overall just keep getting fat black chicks that nobody wants. It sucks being a single Mexican dude now a days, I wanna go back to when everyone just dates their own race smh

The type of yambs you get depends on the website/ region. If you want white/mexican girls your best bet is MeetMe or a pay site.

Ive seen them on POF in my region, just gotta grab em quick.
pondering whether or not to create another POF account? I haven't had any luck on OKC or tinder and just overall just keep getting fat black chicks that nobody wants. It sucks being a single Mexican dude now a days, I wanna go back to when everyone just dates their own race smh
Sucks to be you Pedro...

Every Latina I had was down and loyal as **** wanting marriage and kids and not playing any games about it either.

They make black and white women look goofy as hell when it comes to the role of a real woman.

God bless them sexy loyal hard working ride or die chicas.
Sucks to be you Pedro...

Every Latina I had was down and loyal as **** wanting marriage and kids and not playing any games about it either.

They make black and white women look goofy as hell when it comes to the role of a real woman.

God bless them sexy loyal hard working ride or die chicas.

Y'all one these past few days....:smh:
Sucks to be you Pedro...

Every Latina I had was down and loyal as **** wanting marriage and kids and not playing any games about it either.

They make black and white women look goofy as hell when it comes to the role of a real woman.

God bless them sexy loyal hard working ride or die chicas.

Y'all one these past few days....:smh:

Every time someone makes a broad generalization about women based on their race it's pretty safe to assume they haven't been with very many women :lol: Pay it no mind.
Since TAY is gone... I've always wanted to have a threesome and have brought it up with my girl (she's bi and has had a threesome with 2 other girls once before). She's against it because she said she wouldn't want to do it with someone she cares about and she's possessive of me.

Met a couple in uberpool after a halloween event last weekend. Gay guy and really cute chick (think karrueche but with a fat ***). My girl and I hit it off with them and invited them back to :pimp: I was just about to harvest a bunch of plants so when they saw my apartment and the plants hanging up they were :wow: We chilled with them fora couple hours just :pimp:, drinking champagne and my girl was making food for us. My girl got their numbers after. And now, the girl wants to come over and make edibles with us. The guy is from Denver and flew back already.

So right now my strategy is to just not mention this chick at all and wait until we are ready to bake and have my girl invite her over. I started mentioning the chick too much the other day and my girl thought I had a crush on her so I've been silence since.

How can I maneuver this?
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