His Career Is Over Before It Even Began, Cross-over Of The Century!

Dec 19, 2007

and i inspect the video, he didn't trip him or nothing,
I really don't get it... was he trying to FLOP? I'm watching it over and over... he CAN'T have tripped. His legs actually go up (higher than the rest of his body). How many times have you tripped forwards and had your legs above the rest of your body? This must be the worst flop attempt ever.
Originally Posted by TheBlackHole76

I really don't get it... was he trying to FLOP? I'm watching it over and over... he CAN'T have tripped. His legs actually go up (higher than the rest of his body). How many times have you tripped forwards and had your legs above the rest of your body? This must be the worst flop attempt ever.

there was once i was running and it was hard for me to stop, its hard to explain, but it ultimately led me into falling.

i dont know if that happen to him, but the crowd reaction was like dead though.
Court jester (pun intended).


Dude with the swan dive is one of those class clown/village idiot/'anything for laughs' types.

That's what I'm going with.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Court jester (pun intended).


Dude with the swan dive is one of those class clown/village idiot/'anything for laughs' types.

That's what I'm going with.
Id ride with that too. The only other explanation I can think of is that he knew he was gonna fall anyways so he did the dive so he didnt end up in the crowd and would stay on the court and in the play. But even with that he could have just dropped and slid. No reason to dive the way he did. 
no part of my body believes that was real. he probably felt himself losing balance and did the dive for the lulz.
wouldve been even more funny if the next guy that guarded him did that too, lol
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Court jester (pun intended).


Dude with the swan dive is one of those class clown/village idiot/'anything for laughs' types.

That's what I'm going with.

Has to be a set up of some sort. Either for @#$$# and giggles or money

No way that was genuine


Would've been way better if he actually did it correctly and flopped, that'd be gold

come to think of it, if someone pulled a ric flair delayed response flop to someones crossover, id run on the court yelling and laughing. word to and1 videos
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