Historians Admit To Inventing Ancient Greeks

Ummmmmm. Did anybody notice the part where they say they made it up in the seventies. That specific context clue in itself revealed the source. Many historians dating back to the eighteen hundreds have found records. You could test the carbon of the books and see they date back to antiquity. Also, the building of the parthenon ruins would take at least a good minute. To design a story of this magnitude would take more than a few bored college students. Read the story people don't look at it.
What Manglor said.... for like 8 sentences I was clusterphuk'd. I didn't know what to believe. I'm just lucky I got lazy and read the source.. then I stopped reading immediately
This is true in a sense. The rest of the world historical contributions are largely ignored in America...Europe must be the only culture who contributed to civilization. Everybody else is savage and barbaric.

I see the usual suspects are all in here. Surprised ABH didn't make an appearance... where is that dude btw? 
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