History has to be the most useless major ever (SRS)

You can't possibly hope to know where you're going until you've learned of where you've been.
Besides history helps us to refrain from making the same mistakes twice. 'Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it'
Came in here to say this.

History has patterns.

So by learning your history, you would have knowledge on what has happened so you have a chance of not making the same mistakes twice.

Trust, I'm sure we've all been at the point you're at, but history really opens your eyes, IMO.
how is it useless to be educated on past events?
Do you guys even thread title? Being educated on history is not useless, it's actually very important. But that's NOT what OP is talking about.

He's talking about majoring in History. Getting caught up in loans and wasting 4 years for a degree in history... 
 who would do that to themselves?
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Do you guys even thread title? Being educated on history is not useless, it's actually very important. But that's NOT what OP is talking about.
He's talking about majoring in History. Getting caught up in loans and wasting 4 years for a degree in history... :lol:  who would do that to themselves?
People who are interested in history..?

If you like history and that's what your passionate about, then it's not a waste. A waste would be pursuing something you're not interested in just so you can appear successful to random people on the internet.
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I love history. Most easiest and informative topic/field of study out there imo. 2nd only to philosophy. If you know what you want to do with it you can make it work for yourself economically.

If you don't learn from the past you'll be doomed to repeat OP but I guess you'll be too ignorant to realize it.
Do you guys even thread title? Being educated on history is not useless, it's actually very important. But that's NOT what OP is talking about.
He's talking about majoring in History. Getting caught up in loans and wasting 4 years for a degree in history... :lol: who would do that to themselves?
It's funny you make a point about the thread topic when OP didn't even attempt to at all. He criticized history as a whole.

As far as your point you can argue the same thing for the majority of majors cuz even if you do graduate you're not guaranteed a job in w/e field you majored in.
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Like seriously, I never understood why history is even a major.

Besides the limited career opportunities why is it even important to have historians?

The past is the past. Who cares about it, honestly.


Don't front with this college talk, you sound like you're just mad you haven't finished your high school history homework.

cant just forget history...thats pretty destructive to discard one's history and historical contexts.

The irony of this response. :rofl:

History is very important OP, there is a reason why southern conservatives are trying to take certain topics out of our textbooks.
i could write up a essay's worth of reason's why history is important

but just the fact that you made this thread let's me know you are

probably a lost cause.
Originally Posted by DeathDoUsPart  

Like seriously, I never understood why history is even a major.

Besides the limited career opportunities why is it even important to have historians?

The past is the past. Who cares about it, honestly.

Got a history degree from JMU

Aint doin a damn thing with it, searchkg for a real job


But i love history and woulda rather done that as my major than anythig else
majoring in history may not be lucrative, but being well informed of history is quite the opposite. without that knowledge of what has transpired, you would not know what to accomplish. 

people would be reinventing the wheel every other millennium 

switched my major from history after first semester freshman year, but no doubt it is still a hobby i plan on pursuing.

it is a field where you have to be extremely competitive to be recognized for.
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<--- Owns all of Howard Zinn's books, tell him history wasn't profitable, he died a millionaire.

...a degree doesn't get you a job, it gives you the knowledge to be non-expendable or even create your own career.
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Stupid thread.

So people studying something they like and getting a job in it is useless? There are people in the world who want to enjoy their jobs.
Like seriously, I never understood why history is even a major.

Besides the limited career opportunities why is it even important to have historians?

The past is the past. Who cares about it, honestly.


I wouldnt be surprised if you were one of those "black people should get over slavery" people. Whats even worse is that this is probably a well known NTers spare account
Whats even worse is that you assume hes white, by saying the whole "black people should get over slavery" comment

Would be as bad as me assuming he was black or immigrant just cause he didnt like history.
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