Hmmm...i dont get it, whats this fascination with everything European?

Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

Originally Posted by NooEra

The hate for the U.S. and everything American stretches far and wide across the Globe.

To Europeans and basically the rest of the world, Americans are fat, greedy, arrogant slobs.

They're not trying to address the opportunity and prosperity America has provided many people throughout the history of this country.

I feel blessed. Out of all the places I could have been born, I was born in one of the best cities in one of the most prosperous countries in the world.
stopped reading here. go overseas, tell them your american and just watch how much P gets thrown your way.

that's prolly why dey mad, doe...
Napa, Vallejo, Da Bay >>> Europe.

the US got lil wayne, kanye and Big Sean.  wuuaz gudd?

Europe ain't about that YOLO

Originally Posted by PRIME

Originally Posted by JackieBoy

Not sure if you guys knew this..

Here in Europe if it's from Asia, N-America etc.. It's expensive and "hot".

Not sure if you guys across the pond knew this, but its the same way over here in America 

But to answer Ninja's question, its because is foreign man. People want things from other places. It makes it seem "exotic" or "special". I can't lie, even I fall victim to it at times. I love Euro cars. 

American cars are all over the streets in america. People want something that stands out. They are drawn to it because it makes you feel like you're "fancy" 
I think it's the same everywhere except for goods made in China. 
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by thekryptonite

Originally Posted by DT43

whoever said food is better in Europe.. huh? you're out of your mind. food there is extremely overpriced for small portions. not to mention that it's bland and flavorless compared to our cuisine because culturally Europeans aren't big fans of seasonings/spices.

SON! Have you ever been to France, Spain or Italy? You must be trolling with this statement.
I've heard from multiple sources that Spanish food is downright poor, especially compared to Italian food which I've heard nothing but good things about. 

There's actually many different types of "Spanish" food. Spain is a country with many different ethnicities/autonomous regions. Catalan, Basque, Valencian, etc. There are some common dishes though.

Anyways, there's fascination with European stuff because it's exotic/foreign. Why would you want to only focus on everything American? Isn't that boring? I know many people (including myself
) who would be more attracted to a "7" European girl than an "8" American (in general, European girls are hotter anyways). I like different cultures and can appreciate what they have to offer. Those "I only buy American, I only date Americans, I'll only visit places in the US, I would never live outside of the US" type attitudes are why people throughout the world can't stand us. Try to appreciate the best of both worlds instead of being arrogant
Originally Posted by Retro707

Napa, Vallejo, Da Bay >>> Europe.

the US got lil wayne, kanye and Big Sean.  wuuaz gudd?

Europe ain't about that YOLO

I feel like....reporting you...for...stupidity...but I can't.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by Retro707

Napa, Vallejo, Da Bay >>> Europe.

the US got lil wayne, kanye and Big Sean.  wuuaz gudd?

Europe ain't about that YOLO

I feel like....reporting you...for...stupidity...but I can't.
Pretty sure he's being sarcastic. Vallejo is a dump
In terms of material goods, I'm with Ninja. I've been to a couple countries throughout Western Europe and I was not really impressed. The quality of their stuff is often overrated and the markup on the prices is ridiculous. Historically they have been known as the trendsetters and innovators of society, and to this day we still consider their products/women/food top notch. I'm not saying all of their stuff is overrated (Swiss goods are actually top quality), but they dont deserve the clout they get.

For the record

Asian electronics >> European electronics

Swiss Bones >> Red Bones

American version of Euro food >> Actual Euro food (I know I'm not refined

Latin Women/ Middle Eastern women >> European women
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

In terms of material goods, I'm with Ninja. I've been to a couple countries throughout Western Europe and I was not really impressed. The quality of their stuff is often overrated and the markup on the prices is ridiculous. Historically they have been known as the trendsetters and innovators of society, and to this day we still consider their products/women/food top notch. I'm not saying all of their stuff is overrated (Swiss goods are actually top quality), but they dont deserve the clout they get.

For the record

Asian electronics >> European electronics

Swiss Bones >> Red Bones

American version of Euro food >> Actual Euro food (I know I'm not refined

Latin Women/ Middle Eastern women >> European women
We talking chicken or women?
Probably, because of the limited availability of many products. The popular items were always the ones that are hard to get and this is true in this case for the high quality products.

And personally, I think German cars are better, Italian food is better and the women also look better, in addition those are only a few segments.

On contrary US and Canadian lifestyles appeal to me a lot more then European and people are in most cases a lot kinder.

(This is from someone who lived half of his life in Toronto the other half in Europe.)
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Hmmm, maybe you should actually go there and find out...And Europe is a big place, there are many different countries, cultures and ethnicities that exist there.

Food is definitely better there. Women as well.

If your idea of European culture revolves aroung Gucci and Louis then....Welp, don't know what to tell you.
I concur 100%.
By the title of your post you may be referring to material items.  They just have a better rep for quality (and it is deserved).
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by thekryptonite

Originally Posted by DT43

whoever said food is better in Europe.. huh? you're out of your mind. food there is extremely overpriced for small portions. not to mention that it's bland and flavorless compared to our cuisine because culturally Europeans aren't big fans of seasonings/spices.

SON! Have you ever been to France, Spain or Italy? You must be trolling with this statement.
I've heard from multiple sources that Spanish food is downright poor, especially compared to Italian food which I've heard nothing but good things about. 
Originally Posted by ninjahood

explain it....i cuz personally never gave a @#%$ too much other then a lil gucci & LV accessories here and there, they whips is cool but i like American whips just as much...da way some

people talk its like they swear we dont make anything good, last time i checked da red coats wasn't messing wit us.
Part of it may have to do with you not being very cultured or willing to expand your horizons.  Are you just referring to luxury items or what?  Life is about more than materialistic goods and this fascination with everything European may have as much to do with the culture as well, something that the US generally lacks.  We don't have the history that Europe does in general and just as much so when it comes to brands like Gucci or LV or even luxury cars like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche, etc.
Another aspect may be that people place a value on items that are not as readily accessible and therefore see imported goods as being "better".  Champion sweatshirts aren't exactly exclusive, though I agree that the quality is superb and their versatility, from casual to business to formal, is second to none.
Originally Posted by SFC415

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by Retro707

Napa, Vallejo, Da Bay >>> Europe.

the US got lil wayne, kanye and Big Sean.  wuuaz gudd?

Europe ain't about that YOLO

I feel like....reporting you...for...stupidity...but I can't.
Pretty sure he's being sarcastic. Vallejo is a dump

I'am being VERY sarcastic.  I come to NT for the lulz.  

Wow you people have issues

American cars versus European cars is a toss up between brand loyalty. Though lately Ford and other American cars have been winning the races and sales. Hell alot of European brands aren't even European owned.

Food. Toss up cause a good chef is a good chef anywhere. Our food is more diverse because we are a more diverse area.

Women: Sadly the obesity rate in this country means we lose.

Fashion: Toss up on what you think is fashionable.

Alot of what you think is better is completely subjective
America is still a young nation practically an infant compared to most .It has a long way to go as far as design .
I have some fascination with other first world countries that ARENT built on mannerisms that are typically "american"

It adds perspective to how others have tackled concepts of "society"
Originally Posted by Backirvine

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by thekryptonite


SON! Have you ever been to France, Spain or Italy? You must be trolling with this statement.
I've heard from multiple sources that Spanish food is downright poor, especially compared to Italian food which I've heard nothing but good things about. 
Care to explain what's so funny? Do you like Spanish food? I wasn't trying to offend anybody. 
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by Backirvine

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

I've heard from multiple sources that Spanish food is downright poor, especially compared to Italian food which I've heard nothing but good things about. 
Care to explain what's so funny? Do you like Spanish food? I wasn't trying to offend anybody. 
Yep sorry wasn't very helpful. 
For the last decade Spain has been the world's leader in food. Ask any top chef in the world, even American, who the biggest innovator in food has been and they'll all say Ferran Adria (of El Bulli). El Bulli was voted best restaurant in the world until it closed its doors last year. Just look at the list of top restaurants in the world; El Celler De Can RocaMugaritzArzak. There are restaurants in America doing exciting things; Alinea, Eleven Madison Park etc. Plus I love David Chang, and you can't have anything but utmost respect for Thomas Keller but Europe is still the superpower in food. France, Denmark and Spain are still far superior in the food stakes to the USA. 
Both areas have their pros and cons, so I don't think its as clear cut as some people make it out to be.
Originally Posted by Backirvine

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by Backirvine

Care to explain what's so funny? Do you like Spanish food? I wasn't trying to offend anybody. 
Yep sorry wasn't very helpful. 
For the last decade Spain has been the world's leader in food. Ask any top chef in the world, even American, who the biggest innovator in food has been and they'll all say Ferran Adria (of El Bulli). El Bulli was voted best restaurant in the world until it closed its doors last year. Just look at the list of top restaurants in the world; El Celler De Can RocaMugaritzArzak. There are restaurants in America doing exciting things; Alinea, Eleven Madison Park etc. Plus I love David Chang, and you can't have anything but utmost respect for Thomas Keller but Europe is still the superpower in food. France, Denmark and Spain are still far superior in the food stakes to the USA. 
This. Innovations in molecular gastronomy.
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