Hobbys for chicks

Dec 22, 2007
man I got tons of hobbies always somethin to do or a way to make a little extra bread on the side but im constaly catchin %!* from my girl bout spending some time..I figure if I can get her a hobby or 2 then it will give me more time to do my stuff. Once I got to thinkin about it IDK what kinda hobbys there are for chicks really. Besides the shoppin basic BS can't come up with anything..any help NT?
-If she were a dancer/cheerleader, she could help teach smaller kids at a local dance studio
-Boys and Girls Club volunteering/mentoring
-Art/Crafty classes at a community center
-Cake Decorating classes
How are you going to give her a hobby??

If she can't figure out her likes/dislikes on her own, then I dunno what to tell ya.....
doodling, playing with dolls, complaining.

on a serious note... you could get her a puppy or something. those things take up a tonnnn of time.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

How are you going to give her a hobby??

If she can't figure out her likes/dislikes on her own, then I dunno what to tell ya.....

I have a few hobbies, but those are things I pursued on my own. Sewing, painting, drawing, salsa dancing, participating in writing workshops, cooking, baking, etc. If she wanted to take some kind of art, she could look at a local community center; a lot of them have classes for like $10/session.
yeah my gf definitely needs a hobby,well shes pregnant now so I guess her new hobby will b taking care of the baby but she doesnt seem to have an interest in anything,doesnt collect anything,she shops but I think I like shopping more then her,its wierd,I never know what to buy her as a gift,Imma keep checking this post to see some ideas.
Originally Posted by nightruans

getting smashed

Originally Posted by blackngold1z

i introduced my wife to uncharted 2. worst mistake of my life. lol

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

How are you going to give her a hobby??

If she can't figure out her likes/dislikes on her own, then I dunno what to tell ya.....

Originally Posted by seniosoul

be careful, when girls get bored they shake that mass.

word if she cant keep herself busy...i suggest you run. sounds like a clinger...is she into sports? does she have friends? is she in school?
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