HOLIDAY 2021 - Cool Grey 11

I love when I run into someone wearing the same kicks as me. It's like finally, somebody with good taste in sneakers.
Ya it’s fun to be able to bust out stuff long after most people have beat theirs, but I’ve never made an effort to do so. If it happens naturally, cool. But I couldn’t actually care less if I see someone wearing the same shoes as me. I guess if I was in high school and half the place was rocking the same shoe the week after release, I could see wanting to be different. But in real life? Who gives an f. It’s way worse to show up for dinner and you and your boy are wearing the same shirt at the restaurant 🤣
I love when I run into someone wearing the same kicks as me. It's like finally, somebody with good taste in sneakers.
Not around release time. At that time it's mostly just people who bought it for the hype. For instance, if I ran into someone wearing them a year from now as opposed to tomorrow, I feel like I'd appreciate it more. Just me personally
I mentioned earlier in the thread that I didn't think Nike was too excited about how this release set records on the resell market

Their latest tweet about "we're pushin P all year" lets me know they felt the heat from the consumers that missed out
I mentioned earlier in the thread that I didn't think Nike was too excited about how this release set records on the resell market

Their latest tweet about "we're pushin P all year" lets me know they felt the heat from the consumers that missed out
Nike don’t care about you, me or any type of consumer. Every corp on this earth is about pushin profits
Not around release time. At that time it's mostly just people who bought it for the hype. For instance, if I ran into someone wearing them a year from now as opposed to tomorrow, I feel like I'd appreciate it more. Just me personally

I low key appreciate it all. In the beginning I get to see the beasts kill their shoes fast.. that makes me smile. Then I get to see the normal folks that just buy to rock and are in some way just as excited as me.. I like that. Then.. somewhere down the line, you run into the cats that REALLY f with the shoes and that's always the best part.

But mostly none of that matters anymore with shoes dropping literally every other day/week, pandemic, working M-F, etc. so I don't care and when I have doubles I really don't think twice. But I might check myself at the door if I'm trying to hit that day party :lol:
I got some Cool Greys from ebay and I have a few questions.

1.) Did the CGs come with the cardboard inserts or were they plastic?

2.) Do international pairs still not have the retail price on the right side of the label?

My seller was a US Military person stationed in Germany. The shoes look and feel fine but for some reason they did not go through ebay's authenticators (obviously I assume it has something to do with them being overseas) . The shoe trees are cardboard and there is no retail tag on the side of the label, but I know in the past the European pairs of any shoe don't have that retail pricing on the label.
Damn man. This thread is sounding really uncultured the last few pages. Are there any brothers on here? Lol
I was thinking this a while back like release time when I was just coming back to the site after a layoff.

But I really hope you aren’t asking this bc people are asking what pushing P means
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