Hollywood needs to stop with the whitewashing vol. Exodus: Gods and Kings

‘Gods of Egypt’ Director Alex Proyas Fires Back at Film Critics

Amid an avalanche of negative reviews, and an abysmal $14 million opening weekend, “Gods of Egypt” director Alex Proyas took aim at film critics, calling them “a pack of diseased vultures pecking at the bones of a dying carcass.”

“This time of course they have bigger axes to grind,” he wrote Sunday on Facebook. “They can rip into my movie while trying to make their mainly pale ***** look so politically correct by screaming ‘white-wash!!!’ like the deranged idiots they all are. They fail to understand, or chose to pretend to not understand what this movie is, so as to serve some bizarre consensus of opinion which has nothing to do with the movie at all.”

REVIEW: “Gods of Egypt” Isn’t a Glorious Mess, It’s a Garish Disaster

The $140 million fantasy spectacle came under fire well before its release for a predominantly white cast — Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Brenton Thwaites, Gerard Butler and Geoffrey Rush, among them — playing the roles of Egyptian characters, which led to an apology from Lionsgate and Proyas.

Alex Proyas
on Sunday

Than reading reviews of my own movies. I usually try to avoid the experience - but this one takes the cake. Often, to my great amusement, a critic will mention my past films in glowing terms, when at the time those same films were savaged, as if to highlight the critic's flawed belief of my descent into mediocrity. You see, my dear fellow FBookers, I have rarely gotten great reviews… on any of my movies, apart from those by reviewers who think for themselves and make up their own opinions. Sadly those type of reviewers are nearly all dead. Good reviews often come many years after the movie has opened. I guess I have the knack of rubbing reviewers the wrong way - always have. This time of course they have bigger axes to grind - they can rip into my movie while trying to make their mainly pale ***** look so politically correct by screaming "white-wash!!!” like the deranged idiots they all are. They fail to understand, or chose to pretend to not understand what this movie is, so as to serve some bizarre consensus of opinion which has nothing to do with the movie at all. That’s ok, this modern age of texting will probably make them go the way of the dinosaur or the newspaper shortly - don't movie-goers text their friends with what they thought of a movie? Seems most critics spend their time trying to work out what most people will want to hear. How do you do that? Why these days it is so easy... just surf the net to read other reviews or what bloggers are saying - no matter how misguided an opinion of a movie might be before it actually comes out. Lock a critic in a room with a movie no one has even seen and they will not know what to make of it. Because contrary to what a critic should probably be they have no personal taste or opinion, because they are basing their views on the status quo. None of them are brave enough to say “well I like it” if it goes against consensus. Therefore they are less than worthless. Now that anyone can post their opinion about anything from a movie to a pair of shoes to a hamburger, what value do they have - nothing. Roger Ebert wasn’t bad. He was a true film lover at least, a failed film-maker, which gave him a great deal of insight. His passion for film was contagious and he shared this with his fans. He loved films and his contribution to cinema as a result was positive. Now we have a pack of diseased vultures pecking at the bones of a dying carcass. Trying to peck to the rhythm of the consensus. I applaud any film-goer who values their own opinion enough to not base it on what the pack-mentality say is good or bad.

I was about to go in even though he's just going in on critics but basically dude just sounds like any other angry creative person that makes something bad and then read reviews and cries about ppl not getting it.

I stopped and looked at his filmography. Dude is a horrible director for the most part. I'm shocked he was given a 140 mil budget.
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That director didn't even give a reason for the casting or try to defend himself. I just read a big text of nothing.
Only argument that I can see them saying is that a white cast brings in more money but that obviously isn't the case.
GOOD! :rofl: . Soon as I saw the trailer I was like this is going to flop BAD and sure enough :pimp:

Hopefully this is the last one man. Stop whitewashing it and then the over the top CGI was pure garbage too.

Can't wait till Black Panther comes out :pimp:
I remember seeing this trailer in theaters during Jurassic Park, and the entire crowd watched it with a collective "........k"
John Oliver had a great bit on this whole whitewashing issue in Hollywood last week :lol:

Predictably,there was a huge uproar/****storm in the comments over calling this issue out in the public sphere :lol: :x :rolleyes

hahah tom cruise as the last samurai...

this guy...this guy...
These types of excuses are beyond pathetic

People in this thread don't have an issue with fictional characters, races, etc being portrayed by _____ race in movies. What they have an issue with is history being changed. For example you can't make a movie about Obama and have a pale white dude play him. It would be completely inaccurate.

100%. Movies are an art form. One of our most mainstream art forms. You change the perception of history by whitewashing. It decieves the masses into believeing every quintessential hero and love interest must be white. No matter the setting or time. I'm glad these movies are flopping. It shows that the masses are fed up with this formulaic, distorted modality.
Predictably,there was a huge uproar/****storm in the comments over calling this issue out in the public sphere :lol: :x :rolleyes

I find it hilarious how mad white people get when you point out blatant white washing/discrimination

"Because an under qualified asian/black/middlen eastern person is way better than a white person that actually is qualified for the role JUST becausr they are part of that ethnic group . Nice RACISM dip*****."

:smh: :rofl:
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Implying that there aren't qualified minorities for these roles isn't racism? :lol:
The minute you let them know you ain't trying to get a white dude for a job they go straight to "best qualified for the role" with the automatic assumption the minority is there based on something else.

Hollywood is beyond pathetic with this ****. And it's funny cuz the other defense is "well it doesn't matter what color they are". If it didn't matter they wouldn't go out of their way to ALWAYS change these charaters to white. They try to claim Egypt. They even tried to tell us the damn aliens built the pyramids. Anybody but black people lol. No doubt in my mind the Sphinx had a Jackson 5 nose.
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That director didn't even give a reason for the casting or try to defend himself. I just read a big text of nothing.
Sorry should've warned about that.

He's like in complete denial about the issue. Focusing on other ppl saying the movie is **** about other things.
Implying that there aren't qualified minorities for these roles isn't racism?

He spoke on this. Very good
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Yeah, some were definitely called out but some I aint even know.

Like Argo :lol: Was the guy's name in the movie Antonio Mendez? I don't remember that cuz it's too flagrant to ignore.

I aint even know about Angelina playing an Afro-Cuban woman.

Didn't know that about Drive either :smh:

I was expecting the list to have RDJR as a black guy :lol: Cuz that was good but this was a lot of the flagrant **** from old movies. White ppl playing Asians to me is sometimes worse than black face.

When I caught the John Oliver piece, it was something I already knew but this take on it revealed how flagrant it is.
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