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Damn. Where you located.?
Seems awfully high.

If you're in LA, let me bid it.

I'm on the east coast. The company I'm using is known for charging a lot but they are reliable and do quality work. The original quote was actually 88000 and I managed to get it down to 75000. Sometimes you gotta spend more for less headaches in the future. Independent contractors are sketchy and can take forever to complete a project. I'm going to finish it in stages with just getting insulation, wiring, ceiling and carpeting for the main entertainment room done first for 40000. Then I'll take care of the extra room and full bath later since I don't really need that yet.
I've always lived in houses with carpeted basements. It gives the living area a more cozy feel.

Wouldn't recommend it if you live somewhere that floods though.
Plz get several estimates... 75k is pool money.

I've gotten a few that were cheaper but nothing less than 50000. I didn't have a good feeling about the other contractors. My commitment for now is only 45000. I may get someone else to do the bathroom and section out the bedroom. But I want the main work on the basement perfect and done to code and this company is the best in the business.
If you have the means go for it. But I know people who built indoor illegal jacuzzis and saunas with a full remodeling of the basement kitchen (even though small) for much less. Their basement was pretty much a 1.5 bedroom (Junior?)

The contractors you find with their own websites etc usually work on entire buildings, maybe thats why their price is so high?
Could you elaborate on this route.?
I'm in a very similar situation with an identical interest rate...

Lots of great info and knowledge in here...

Per various real estate websites (Redfin, Zillow, Remax etc.) My house has appreciated about $200k...

I unfortunately still have PMI on my FHA loan, my understanding is that I can only remove that by refinancing the loan to conventional and realizing my current equity... That however puts me at the mercy of current market rates....

What would you guys recommend.??
If you are paying PMI and have more than 20% equity, you probably want to refinance immediately. Call your lender or shop around.

You will probably want to calculate what you are paying in PMI vs. what increased rate would cost.
When my basement flooded a few years ago, it was basically $90k+ for the remodel down there. 2 bedrooms, living room area, bathroom drywall, laundry nook down to the concrete. All new studs, insulation, completely rewired the electric ($8-9k alone), etc. That was all for permit / coded work and insurance was paying, though.
A friend of mine in Kentucky did less than 20% just because his calculated PMI monthly was something like $40 a month :lol:
Are basements a big thing in LA?

I always thought basements were a big thing like that in the Midwest and east coast.

Basements are very common in the Northwest. I can't think of any house among my friends that doesn't have one.
i believe in 2013-2014 is when they stopped offering fha loans that when you cross 20% equity pmi is dropped
all newer loans you can only remove it via refinancing.

i might be wrong doe
Basements are very common in the Northwest. I can't think of any house among my friends that doesn't have one.
But do y’all use basements like they do in NJ and stuff? Them mf’s got bedrooms, living rooms, all sorts of set ups in their basements.
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