Home remedies for a sore throat?

Mar 5, 2005
I was just wondering if any of u guys had some home remedies to get rid of a sore throat quicker. It just started today when I woke up so hopefully I can get rid of it soon. Thanks
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My bad i didn't mean to hurt you.

on dogs
whale sperm heals all.

OR I recommend mint tea, with a ton of lemon and honey.

Halls Ginger Ale cough drops, and stop smoking Newports.

Team Pacific Northwest

Having sex with your pregnant girl, is like putting gas in a car that you've already wrecked.​
gargle with warm water and baking soda daily till better.
But I always have a sore throat during my allergy seasons....when I have a cough and or am congested I boil chamomille tea (which reduces mucos) with honey and a slice of lemon
or when my throat is just tender I boil a Green Tea no sugar with honey , make sure its not too hot or else itll scold your throat instead of soothe it.
hope you feel better
gargle with warm salt water

a teaspoon of honey every now and the to coat your throat if it feels to harsh

hot tea

..:team TEXAS:..
"It's better to be pissed off, than pissed on
the honey tips are on point :wink:
"And you know what they call a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris?"

"They call it a Royale with cheese."
gargle warm water + salt. it's magic. plus my moms used to make me take this Chinese medicine, but idk what it's called.
drink honey and try not to cough alot...but i do have these 3's idk what to do with
Round here You'll get killed over a ice grill,
Guns pop but the OG's carry knives still...
Theres action all the time in my neighborhood,
but we all mind our business like a neighbor should...
Just remember these are only for your "throat" and nothing else.
Team POOP​
"Where Number 2 Is Always Better Than Number 1"​
Andrews - Baskett - Brown - Brown - Bunkley - Cole - Considine - Curtis - Dawkins - Gocong - Herremans​
Howard - Jackson - Kearse - McNabb - Patterson - Runyan - Sheppard - Spikes - Tapeh - Thomas - Trotter - Westbrook​
Originally Posted by torgriffith

gargle with warm salt water

a teaspoon of honey every now and the to coat your throat if it feels to harsh

hot tea

. .: t e a m T E X A S: . .


"It's better to be pissed off, than pissed on
1 Cup boiling water.
1 - 2 teaspoons honey
Lemon juice squeezed from 1 lemon. 2 if you prefer it a little more sour.

One of these baby's every few hours will do the trick.
It's hit or miss with me. Sometimes the home remedies make it worse.

I feel for you man. I hate that feeling in the morning.
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